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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I guess I wont waste my time explaining that adding something is change. 'Im gonna go ahead and assume you understand that. ELO is ELO (to use a common gaming term for "threat") and adding a new threat on top of the 40 threats we already have wont change anyone's ELO. You would still be matched against the same players the day after adding a new threat (or 10 new threats or 100 or 1000) as you were they day before, simply because no one's ELO (threat) would have changed and only the color of the symbol by their name would have. As far as matchmaking goes, as long as APB has the minuscule population it has, you will NEVER get "good" matchmaking no matter what you do to the underlying system. Matchmaking can only work with the available pool of players, and as long as that pool remains small, any system will eventually have to choose between setting up sometimes lopsided matches, or setting up no matches at all. Surely you can understand how having at best a 40 v 40 pool of players will result in lopsided levels of skill within that pool. (as opposed to say a pool of 1000 players or more) These are all very simple, easy to understand concepts. I would hope that now that it has been explained to you, you will cease spreading false information. As for dethreating, Little Orbit has for whatever reason decided to do nothing about it. That being said, adding new threats will have no impact on players decisions to deflate their threat in order to stomp on new players. Until punishments for breaking the CoC are handed out, that trend will continue, and sadly APB will struggle to retain any of the tiny number of new players it gets.
  2. >not using a shit bucket ... and you call yourself gamers
  3. Yeah I think it was the difference in what they paid vs what the pack actually cost.
  4. lets be honest... elite renderers and APB dont mix
  5. No I mean you literally agreed that G1 could change anything at anytime. weapons, mods, vehicles, game modes, rules, etc etc etc
  6. I mean if you sign a contract that states "we can remove your roof at any time", that's on you homie.
  7. So for Jericho this system will literally be useless. ... hilarious
  8. So like, I could be in Financial, but end up in a mission in Waterfront?
  9. I think you still join a district, but it will match you against all players in that same named district? So like everyone in financial will now be in the same pool even if in different instances. Or maybe its just everyone K'd up in any district. Honestly Im not sure.
  10. Jokes aside, Matt has repeatedly stated that district phasing will be a thing eventually. So you will get matched with all players in all districts or some such thing like that. So it wont matter what district you actually join... or something.
  11. That seems to be the big defense for all things APB and LO.
  12. I too would like to see 80 people queued up for the one active district.
  13. Yeah, I asked Lixil about free prem, she said we would not be getting it. So its gonna be a hard pass from me.
  14. I would also like to know what said farters diet was, so that I may have a chance at recreating this masterpiece at home.
  15. You better be careful fam... folks round here dont take kindly to logic, reason, and common sense.
  16. Dont forget buildings and roadways impervious to damage. Wakanda aint got shit on San Paro.
  17. That is a good question, are there even enough old players willing to play and pay to sustain APB? Part of the reason I wonder what success looks like to LO. Is it just 2,000 players? Cuz if its more than that, I kinda feel like you need new players more than old. The latter. After missing several announcements because they were Twitter only, I finally made a Twitter account just to make sure I wouldnt miss out again. Now Im being told there was a vehicle design contest that was only announced on Facebook. And is over. And only had like 5 entries. And one of the winners is a green car, with the red splash decals by the wheels. Just seems odd that all news isn't posted to the forums, Twitter, AND Facebook.
  18. I would like to know how many average monthly players does APB need to not close down, and by when? 2,000? 5,000? 7,000? 10,000? Im really curious what LO is hoping to achieve, and at what point they will have to call it quits. (not that I think we will or really even should be told)
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