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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. In their defense, many of those players had never left. But giving back banned accounts artificially inflated the player count. Got 12 accounts back? As long as you log in to all 12, you now count as 12 players instead of one. *giggles*
  2. Im just glad so many people seem to misunderstand threat so severely.
  3. Matchmaking has, at best a 40 v 40 pool to work with.... at best. So its either bad matchmaking or no matchmaking (ie no matches)... which would you choose?
  4. That explains the record number of players.
  5. Been playing a lot of Overwatch lately. Might grab Black Ops as well.
  6. I think they just wanted to boost the player base. Having no new content to offer, what else could they do to boost population when they acquired G1? ... just a thought.
  7. You could try here. Probably have as good a chance as anywhere.. https://discord.gg/3cKfRqK
  8. Nice joke. Not only is that gun not great, you can get it from the Joker store.
  9. realtalk? Id say Im beyond impressed. GG WP
  10. Its depends, I just got a response on a ticket from early August.
  11. There is a suggestion section, remember that they're listening more than you'd think. What makes you say that?
  12. We did speak up. We were ignored. We are still being ignored. ... just saying
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