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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Im not sure why you think there is anything the community can do. I've spent my $5,000, I've played my 5,000 hours. What more do you want from me? This is all on LO. They either make the game something people want to play, or it shuts down. That's really all there is to it.
  2. Bronze district doesnt count. Cuz its either that, or you are flat out lying.
  3. Reminder that G1 was allegedly losing money on APB for over 2 years when LO took over. Reminder that the pouplation of APB is lower now than it was before LO.
  4. I do not play WoW though not cuz of the cost. Just isnt my kind of game.
  5. I also hear lootboxes and paid dlc at launch are a big thing too. So is paying monthly to be able to play online games. Though now that @Nitronik mentioned the kickstarter, I bet paying to test is just so the backers wouldnt feel shit on if LO let others test for free. Which makes sense and seems fair. Still not paying to test tho.
  6. Aod all of this before the money runs out. I dont envy Matt.
  7. >pre ordering games in 2018 just to play the beta Well aren't you precious.
  8. I think pop is lower now than it was before LO. Not a good sign.
  9. I was excited about the new game... until I learned LO expected you to pre-order the game in order to beta test it. Now Im just like whatever, good luck.
  10. Isnt it normally like 2 weeks before the holiday?
  11. Thats... not how it works. You know that, right?
  12. Sweet, now I just need to conquer my 250ms.
  13. Ive only played since 2014, but we've had 10 tiers of every color that entire time.
  14. We currently have 40 threat levels my friend.
  15. I share your frustration and anxiety. Sooner or later APB will either need to start turning a profit, or shut down. Its a race against time really.
  16. Oh well... I guess they should just do nothing then.
  17. What dimension are you from? Is Trump president there too?
  18. The GMs are all unpaid volunteers. Over 900 people volunteered as a matter of fact. No idea why you seldom see any in game all these months later.
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