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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I swear to god if you two get another gun ruined.... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  2. Hasnt LO already decided the change the ntec? What even is this conversation?
  3. Isnt it more that they are a small company and cant afford to buy anything but these types of games?
  4. Yeah we are doing the yard work too... had a few trees removed, planted a new one, re-seeded and fertilized for the fall. ... I sure hope my kids appreciate it.
  5. You right, this convo got way to serious. So... you still playing APB on the reg or other stuff? Ive been more trying Overwatch since it was $12 on HumbleBundle a few weeks ago.
  6. Literally what? I dont think you actually know what you are talking about on this one friend. Not to mention the only thing Matt has mentioned changing about threat is the speed at which your threat can change.
  7. No. Threat fluctuation is normal and fine. You would have absolutely nothing to worry about. Nor should you.
  8. Dude i just asked you define me how to detect "Fake dethreating" Vs Legit, THAT way that computer can calculate it using algorithms and such. The blatants are easy. The ones who repeatedly get a single kill in a match before driving to the other side of the map and doing nothing. The players who un-equip or holster their weapons and just feed the enemy. The players who openly discuss dethreating in chat. Those are cases that even GMs could easily handle, and as Lixil said report so they can recieve their temporary bans. As far as the more sublte cases thats what Fairfight is for. Data collection. Players who perform at one level either while silver or while in bronze district, but show a completely different level of ability once they reach gold or find themselves in a silver district. Im not sure if you think that is beyond the scope of possibility or not... but it certainly is not. Dethreating has done more damage to APB than even cheating. G1 of old did nothing about it and look where we are. Im not sure why anyone would want this to continue, or would defend the game owners who are doing nothing, absolutely nothing, about it.
  9. Is your position that intentional dethreating is impossible to detect? The punishment according to a discord discussion with Lixil is suppose to start with a temoprary ban. Realtalk, I think Cheesecake is superior.
  10. No that is not bannable. Why would it be? What are you even talking about?
  11. What happened to you man? Did you get made a tGM or something? I feel like lately LO could shit on a plate and you'd just smile eat it. People dethreat because they can. Because no is stopping them. Its really not that complicated. Enforce the rules you've laid out. There, thats your solution.
  12. Intentional dethreating is completely separate from matchmaking. Its people intentionally breaking rules expeicitly laid out by LO... LO just chooses to do nothing about it.
  13. Im not sure if its the language barrier or what, but you seem to be making less and less sense with every post. I also dont really want to pick on you, so maybe lets just agree to disagree.
  14. 1: Applied along with over 900 other players. 2: Im just going to be nice and assume this is a joke. 3: Ive tested every iteration of weapon balance and given ample feedback. 4: Every player Ive brought to the game quit after being stomped by dethreaters, a problem LO still flat out refuses to address. 5: ? 6: Ive had fun for over 4 years now, why else would I have spent so much time and money on APB. Anything else?
  15. fine send them cat pictures or something...... You got it boss...
  16. I think I'll save my money for when they produce a product worth spending it on. I doubt anyone at LO is concerned about you or I staying perky and warm, forget about being willing spending money to assure it.
  17. You still havent answered the question... what is it you think the community can do? You seem to fundamentally misunderstand the relationship here. We are consumers. LO is trying to sell us a product in order to make a profit. They are not our friends. They will not be giving us money for nothing and there is no reason we should do so for them. Im here for the only reason anyone should be here... to see what is in store for the future. To voice our opinions on any proposed changes. This is the real world friend... Its time to grow up.
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