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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Is it griefing? Yes. Would I report it? No.
  2. Why ? Re-rolling takes like 2 minutes.
  3. If you want to see unfisnished 3.5 just google up some APB console pics. GG EZ You're welcome.
  4. What are you even talking about? Are people really that desperate to keep this tiny advantage? ... Unreal
  5. I'll never understand wanting to see an unfinished product.
  6. I like winning because I'm better rather than relying on paid advantages. But I guess that's where we differ. Btw nearing $6,000 spent on APB, and have never been without premium.
  7. Second time trying to comment, I guess the mods decided "^this^" wasn't good enough, so i would like to instead formally give my approval to everything Fur has stated.
  8. Over $5k on 3 accounts pre LO, about $400 since LO. Works out to about $1/hr played, and since Im old enough to remember arcades, this seems more than a fair amount to me.
  9. Wouldn't every mission won while spamming things like spotter count? Cuz if so, thousands.
  10. I too would support the equalizing of in game cooldowns. Whether you think its pay to win, or just pay to slight advantage... its certainly not FAIR. And I don't think anyone really wants unfair.
  11. All those languages can be written with the Latin alphabet, so its fine.
  12. That's quite vague, but it seems that you, like so many of the anti-advanced launcher crowd seem to not be able to distinguish what is possible with the advanced launcher vs what is possible through custom configs.
  13. One of the reasons name and shame isn't allowed, and this isn't often discussed, is the fact that it's redundant. These players have already been reported. Both in game and through the support portal. Little orbit already has their names, already has everything they need in order to ban. Posting their names to the forums adds nothing to that. The only thing that can make a difference is a change in the approach and handling of the problem by LO itself. And that, unfortunately, is out of our hands.
  14. I hate to say it... But this seems true. Jericho is dead, Citadel is dying, and as far as anyone can tell... little to nothing is being done about it. Maybe we should all just give up until 3.5 comes out. Cuz it doesn't look like LO cares about anything else at this point.
  15. What do you think they are turning off? Cuz it sounds like you don't actually understand how the advanced launcher works, or what it is capable of doing.
  16. The advanced launcher does not off unfair advantages. Unless you think letting players play with more than 20fps is unfair.
  17. Come play NA, we need the pop and we don't have cheaters.
  18. I'm pretty sure an alive game is better than a dead game.
  19. Even if the player cheated and had their boyfriend use their account to win the contest in the first place?
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