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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. #gayrightsmatter I dunno about the GM, but Im not sure Alani knows they cant actually do much anyways. Shes been in Afghanistan for some time now.
  2. Do people really not know about the anti gay laws in Russia? And no, Rooq removed me from WASP some time ago. (for exactly the reasons you think)
  3. Russia against homophobia when? Oh thats right... never.
  4. I just look for the big red box around the bad guys. Wait... forget I said that.
  5. I think more than anything, this just shows how misinformed the average APB player is. It's sad really.
  6. I couldnt give less of a fuck what the loading screen looks like. I just want a good, popular game to play.
  7. "What's the point in a community manager or the forums if there is no information in regards to how long the game will be down for etc." "This is not the first time either. I get this is a new company etc but it would be nice if we could have competent staff who are able to communicate with the community. The current community manager doesn't seem to be doing much from what I have observed."
  8. Hacks cannot change base accuracy, accuracy modifiers, bloom, or RNG. (Nor can they change health or weapon damage) What you are saying simply did not happen.
  9. Matt has kept us informed. Matt is not the community manager. I don't think it's uncommon to wonder why we rarely hear from our actual community manager.
  10. I live when someone displays how little they know about APB and when they have that pointed out to them, they don't even flinch. ... Priceless.
  11. Probably worth mentioning how much faster 3.5 loads using the current log in screen. (as was mentioned by Selali)
  12. Hit me up with your PayPal. I'll send you the quarter you lost for today.
  13. In the meantime, APEX Legends is a lot of fun. ... Free too.
  14. Tas20 = CSG never waste a shotgun slot on an orange mod That is all.
  15. 2060, so that's a hard pass on raytracing for me.
  16. It has been confirmed that Tiggs is no longer with LO or G1 or RP or anything at all related to APB.
  17. Not to mention giving players a reason to check back every week to see what's up for cheap.
  18. Man, if only we had s forum section for suggestions like this. That'd be great.
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