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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I just want to say I hope you guys aren't wasting slots on shotguns by filling them with orange mods.
  2. Dethreaters are anyone losing threat on purpose. Not people who lose gold by getting outplayed.
  3. Sounds like you are friends with scumbags.
  4. If you choose to forgo spending on APB, that's on you as well. Welcome to adulthood.
  5. Removal of muzzle flash is not allowed.
  6. Obviously I was referencing this. You were silenced for breaking the very old rule which does not allow naming and shaming. How do you know the details of this ban?
  7. I see now English is not your first language. For what it's worth the last mass unbanning was about a year ago.
  8. The Obir QS is a close range tactic. ...just fyi
  9. Again, I have no powers anywhere. Also, name and shame has never been allowed on LOs forums.
  10. If you can't spare $5, then you have bigger issues to deal with.
  11. Oh joy, Alonso is back and spreading misinformation.
  12. I have no forum nor any in game powers. You did that all by yourself I'm afraid.
  13. This is what we call "not getting the joke".
  14. In my opinion and in my experience, yes.
  15. ... It absolutely is... I swear I'm not in drugs.
  16. Thats the PIG. CCG is the semi auto primary.
  17. I do not see a future in which the NFAS does not receive a nerf. You just have to be patient.
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