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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. the ttk of cj2/3 Ursus is the same as cj2/3 ntec5. the only area where the Ursus is better is from 70-75m because of the difference in damage drop off
  2. That's what I like about the SHAW, it does offer some versatility mod-wise based on what players prefer.
  3. If its that easy, code it up and send it in.
  4. Euryale is better all around. SHAW just shreds in closer ranges.
  5. That simply is not true. Players get punished for harassment and griefing regularly. So if you didn't bother to make a useful report, you've kind of given up the right to complain.
  6. Maybe don't play in a bronze district then.
  7. The problem had nothing to do with the advanced launcher. That's why we are still allowed to use it. Do you even know anything about the program that led to these bans and what it allowed the players using it to do?
  8. No mess at all. The advanced launcher doesn't break any rules, and never has. It's completely benign.
  9. What are you even talking about? The CEO of Little Orbit has stated that they have no problem with players using the advanced launcher. So yeah... deal with that I guess.
  10. Pre 195 I go HS3 - CJ3 - 3ps3/mp3 Post 195 I might toss in muzzle brake instead of CJ3, or just keep CJ3
  11. I think Huntorax has access to NASA's computers.
  12. I doubt it, but im also willing to pay for the option to do so.
  13. Didnt we have a chance to win all the old ones last year or maybe the year before? My characters all have them and Im not sure where I got them
  14. P.S. If you recognize this man, shame on you.
  15. I dont mind grenades. But if nothing changes, APB is doomed.
  16. I've been trade locked a few times now. It has always been implemented on the first log in.
  17. Ugh... I kind hope not. I didn't enjoy the gas event, and I've never been a fan of the headless horseman either. Halloween to me just means days mission districts are empty.
  18. I gotta say... The fact that this same player has been BLATANTLY cheating on stream for months now, has been reported by everyone who's come into contact with them, and they've still not been banned is... Well... It's very very disappointing.
  19. Bro, we just test stuff. Also, surely you don't think even the SPCT members agree on all subjects?
  20. Or the advanced launcher... are you even paying attention?
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