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Everything posted by LilyV3

  1. Well, they will do, but so far it's preparations, just clock on the link matt posted in the OP. It's still strange, because matt said they want to avoid character collision, which I am pretty curious about I got 3x LilyV3 so I don't know how this will not cause name collisions at all, except they do some tricky stuff that WoW did where every char gets some -Servername Attachement. But I don't see this coming or working. So I guess the oldest char will win again. And the others get a name change.
  2. last explanation I remember is that the game compares all Mission participants threat and based on that threat there is an expected outcome how close or how hard one should own the other. And if you positively or negatively exceed these expectations you get up or downthreated. And this is based on missions core, so it includes objectives done. A good example was a mission I (gold) had with a silver buddy vs 2 bronzes. We entered their mission, they made a spot of 2 and got the missions scores for the spot. Then we arrived and I killed them and my buddy got 2 assists . After that the mission ended pretty quickly, And one of them got silver even if they didn't make a kill. But their score for getting a spot and a spot assist was compared to our expectation in scores, winscore + 2 kills and 2 assists just not meeting the "how hard we should have owned them" So the system surely lowered my threat while upping that poor bronze dudes threat. the Mm however tries to find people of rather equal threat but if that fails for some time opens up more "uneven" options thats why you pretty often get extremely bad setups. What i do not get is why it often does not allow to call backup while it should be possible.
  3. hah, reminds me of the secret world quote: "Am I real or just an eye in the sky"
  4. maybe you should ask matt what the conditions are, mine were both on the same Email, i can imagine this was the trigger, or did we had to fill in a form somewhere, I really cannot remember anymore. But now I have 3 LilyV3's out there that one day will have to merge into a single account and can't all keep their name.
  5. if we really ever get APB Customization in FE and can drive our APB cars with customization there that would be a game I never gonna leave (unless someone screws up the monetarization model)
  6. usually, doesn't means it happens for all. But yes building up muscles definitely helps supporting your bones and joints.
  7. as far as i can remember it was always said steam support has to solve this, because using the steam client made the link in steam by storing your G1 accounts info in steam. But surely that might have changed or i remember this incorrectly.
  8. not with the coming change, but later when the merge they prepare happened you can buy and sell all your weeb stuff there.
  9. hey Matt would you tell us what "large" in numbers means?
  10. Account merge? Do you play on 2 differentAaccounts? When they merged Innova into the G1 Accounts my Innova char was going to my g1 account actually.
  11. Isn't this something you have to clarify with the steam support?
  12. oh my, not sure in which universe I would expect an apb 2 from a Chinese company having any sort of proper financing. Yes it would be amazing if other games get a customization that APB uses. APB is o old, and yet no other game offers such a decent one. But I just see typical lootbox p2w crap incoming, and no customization ever will make such a game monetarization model appealing to me. @MattScott make a fallen earth utilizing APB's char customization, that would be amazing. But I doubt that could be integrated into FE, so it would definitely require making a new game over implementing that.
  13. if you only had some self control to make yourself stop playing.
  14. They usually get joint issues faster because there is more straint on them due to higher leverage
  15. dude, stadia will only succeed if people replace their pc's witht heir service, otherwise, you are so bad at math that you deserve to pay twice. But no one that can afford a mid range gaming pc and sufficient braincells will also pay a monthly fee for gaming as well. And the goal IS to replace gaming PCs and consoles. And if they succeed they are above 200million gamers, and they said the exectable goal is like 1 million players and above, so thats scale is VERY different, and even if it's only 200million. 24bn vs 3,3bn is NOT the same scale, if it's in th same scale range for you,w ell then it is, but objectively thats worlds apart.
  16. 400.000 clients wordlwide, do you know how low that is? and a revenue of 3,3BN. for 400.000 clients. you know on the scale of the globe thats tiny. And they hardly use any proper or full scale client side desktop replacement offers. you know, including 99% of the furtune 100means, When they run just a single sort of thing this includes them, but that doesn't even man that company has replaced thir office pc's with cloud hosts for these. or that even the turnovers are big, in fact 400k customers for 3,3BN turnover is pretty low. and yes those 11% market share is louse because doesn't matter if 11% or 100% you do nto get over those 3,3BN and that is a small number on a worldwide scale, thats exactly why I gave you the stadia expectation as comparison, so that you have another scale for comparison. Yes citrix may be limited to enterprises, still getting only 3,3BN from those top 100 is extremely low and I doubt any of those top 100 run on an server client architecture only. And thats what we talkd about initially, it is not used widespread as a replacement. originally I told about replacing what the PC does, and citrix does NOT do that. we had some citrix services as well in our company but it is not and never was a replacement for the major applications doing their stuff on the client pc not in a cloud.
  17. well, the earlier char should keep the name, but if a char wasn't active since liek 2012 just rule out with an active one. that solves at least unused acounts issues.
  18. is it not? how does it? the last merges we had were exactly like this, the one with the older name get's it the other has to rename. Or will our chars now have some legacy addon from which they are?
  19. well not really by themselves, except maybe yolos, but I think the major issue was adding the consumable ammo box and makign reammo available at more than just ammo boxes. This made ammo and grenades too omnipresent everywhere. Earlier you had to use the car ammo supply whcihw as a tactical elemebt opponents could destroy, or the personal ammo mod, which had a cooldown and made the user immobile during usage. But the fire and forget ammo box everywhere with every carspawner granting grandes was too overkill in my opinion. yeah that evil 10m combo, soooo bad, seriously it's a lousy tiny niche where it works, and you hardly till never see someone using it, if it wre that op everyone would be using it. @Goldtiger spamming percs means 800damage within 1,4seconds + flight time at a verylimited range, so nearly every primary has better dps,
  20. cmon cooky, don't be so uncreative. if you main an N-tec for example all you need is 3 different macros, one for range accuracy one for mid range and one for cqc, and unless you play on a two button office mouse every somehwat advanced mouse cna use that, not even talkign about gming mice with swappable profiles. So technically you justc na store hundeds of macros on demand depend on whcih weapons you use. Easy to manage, reliable and above what even top players can deliver constantly.
  21. and who is using such a thing widespread? I don't know any bigger copany even doing that for thir office. I realyl do not see any larger scale where anyone used it to replace typical client sided applications with cloud or virtualized or centralised ones. citrix has a lousy 3,3BN turnover, and yes, thats pretty lousy by scale. Stadia said that below 200million players is already a fail. Think about that, if the price is just 10 a month thats already 2BN PER MONTH only by the subs. So that citrix is an example that cloud for replacing client side software utility is used, but the scale is supertiny and negliable compared to what happens globally. also wonder how IP bans would work, that could really mess things up on a crazy level.
  22. god dammit yeah, phasing will be a real thing, thats amazing cannot wait to hav my chars for playing with everyen and district crossing MM. personally one of th best news so far. But there is surely one legit IMPORTANT question, Can people opt out specific district locations to prevent bad latency matchups? Well if we are all in the same Server, San Paro would be the best and proper choice.
  23. yeah we all knwo apb never had chetaers and all bans always were random and false. no matter through how many anticheats apb will go all anticheats are broken only in APB bannign wrong people. wonder if we see an influx of rage hackers, ebcause that would proof that quite a lot real cheaters were caught.
  24. Welcome new character, you look so freshly born you haven't even grown hair yet.
  25. LilyV3


    again, your subs count is still not related to any of these things. Do you even know him? How would you know he is a newcomer to these groups? Do you have metadata others don't have? Sorry, while the things you said could be, none of that is a valid proof as no one even has those info.
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