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Everything posted by LilyV3

  1. CA3 is fine, it is the other ones that lack a purpose which is caused by the way how APB plays. No CA is WAY too long before hp regenration starts it keeps you out of play for so long that soe opponents can spawn faster which is an own issues by itself, but not caused by CA3. Assassin 3 ? 15% more damage? you know how much thse kind of thinsg absolutely BREAK weapons and it's balance? just calculate this into how it alters ttk's on specific guns. Character mods shall never affect damage taken or damage done. CA is not OP, it's just the only one not being crap.
  2. No seriously, citadell is a hell hole compared to jericho. I play on both and its REALLY BAD lately (since the halloween event ended) on citadel. And the difference between soeone botting and someone playing good is very visual over there. Mostly because hardly anyone hides it anymore. LO really needs to do something.
  3. Oh sweet cookie, Jericho is a nice place if people are there, come to Citadell on Sunday afternoon and evening. It's so bad over there.
  4. yet I played no game where cheating was such a big issue as in APB. in CS:Go you can go to another server but with the APB's low pop you can not go elsewhere. APB and how the game works makes the cheater issue more problematic than other games. Especially on low pop servers. maybe if we have district crossing MM we will get less of them since they have to play vs their own much more often
  5. since tracers broke most guns are silenced anyways.
  6. LilyV3


    Well it works and reports, I guess thats where it ends XD
  7. I must admit, the "magic clown" ratio yesterday was horribly high. Compared to the other deys before where it way actually nice to play. We have reached the time again where many hackers even go directly for you without having any chance to know where you are. LO definately needs to step up with some proper anticheat measures.
  8. yes but this requires dark design, which means the mask is pretty useless for lighter customization because the mouth and nose will always be very present features. You cannot cover them with light stuff.
  9. there is no accuracy on a gun with horizontal recoil.
  10. Isn't that just the hockey mask then? Nothing of the mask above is what you cannot design in the designer anyways, so no need for such extra gimicks. you are pretty wrong here, this only works with pretty much dark colors otherwise exactly that light stuff is what messes up most designs if not using dark colors that cover the shade of these features
  11. Whats the best thing about APB? Customization. What's the worst thing about APB? Not being able to customize. If we would change all Armas items to be tradeable via Auction or player 2 player but keep them locked from wearing until bought (unlocked) via Armas we could make 2 things happen: People without customization skills could let others customize or buy Armas items of the Market. People who design have a reason to buy more Armas items because they can design and sell them for APB $.
  12. LilyV3


    because it's pretty player free as well.
  13. but what about Citadell, the amount of crashed servers there is horrible. Also yesterday everything was extremely laggy. I would even say some apb processes messen up the PC's me and a friend both had issues with making both out PC's laggy after we stopped playing apb and played different stuff. So some stuff with APB seriously messed something up there. or is there soem ddos going on again? mad hacker kiddies? dunno, but during Halloween event stuff worked rather proper except form a few crashes of some districts. But the weekend was really bad. or did the post Halloween patch/change mess stuff up?
  14. maybe because you are bored, i am not it's just fun the way it is and its liited in time so it is exactly a change form the regular APB. there is no need to make it "new" every year.
  15. the event could use further imporevments for te future: Waterfront efo spawn should be at Eva Orlandez, too often does it happen that the enforcer side of the map has oe or only 2 soemtimes even NO pumpkin. pretty bad start if enfos want to be Headless horseman. "the Nearest" pumkin is not working correctly, I stood literally 20m next to another pumpkin in sight and it tried to direct me to a location MUMUCH further away. The horseman should have nitro, the cool horse sound definately needs to be able to be used with a wheelie.
  16. returning to lobby seems to have this effect (sometimes) we just made lunch and when i returned stuff went gone.
  17. from time to time during the event the ui seems to break the indicators for pumpkins and survivors. Any way to fix this except restarting the game?
  18. yes not having counters for these things is a bit of a bummer. @Nagletz no, actually surivors have only one life so killing them is harde,r because ech event their number is limited. you need just to team up as survivors and then you will b able to get your kills on pumpkins. survivors can go and seek suporior locations to defend them making farming kills much easier.
  19. The halloween event is just so much fun to play. especially hunting each other down in cars is a nice part that is not possible like this anymore in missions.
  20. It always seems like there are more crims in the bronze districts but more enfos in silver. Any relation between that or just a random occurance (whenever I go online)
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