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Everything posted by LilyV3

  1. yes please, finally debundle these cloth.
  2. yep you are equally bad at knowing whats going on in proper gameplay as in the community, so better stop trusting these vibes, N-HVR's were always meta and at no point "not" meta. the usual proper skilled meta using gold runs around with n-tec or N-HVR like 95% of its time. The IR change now just made snipers even better and hurts most other long range rifle,s the N-tec is only affected in CQC because thats the only time you might fully spray in a facehugging moment. And on any long range engagement, N-tec never used the RoF, so all the IR does now is ranging 2m further without reducing the performance since at those ranges N-tects shot slower anyways. And this means the gap for the N-HVR just widened, especially since now guns like OBIR and Obeya using IR got nerfed since their used RoF at these ranges was efficiently reduced. Mybe you should join WASP, pretty sure that even they can still teach you a lot basics you seem not to know., What's your problem? that's a good thing. In terms of balance making a meta gun even better is the biggest fail an attemp could make. Do you even know what balance means, or the point of it?
  3. yeah, I never understood all the "lol QS-ing is over" stuff because a lot of QS complainers never knew how QS works, and just believed that the fix that was said to fix QS was going to do so. But everyone knowing how it works knows it didn't changed anything at all.
  4. this, look for those guns that don't have all slots filled and slap in mobility sling.
  5. Are you saying making IR worse is a bad idea? It's change widening the gap to snipers finally makes snipers (which no one ever used since years) more viable now since the gap widened now. I really agree with LO having way too less of an idea by gaming experience what their changes affect, the N-HVR nerf did nothing except affecting some hip shot actions, and now taking a nerf on IR so that OBIR, and obeya, the only non range snipers get a wider gap, just makes Snipers an even ebtter choice than they already were.
  6. pretty sure you need to hook into the games memory or something for wallhacks to work, which should get you caught just as easily as an aimbot since BE is a client side file monitor kind of anticheat because other antiochetas like PB weren't client side and never gave anyone the chance t properly wallhack? So in the end, no cheta is truly save, nor is any antic cheat. But it would be intersting to see how efficient BE bans between detection and ban. Alos is it full auto yet or still needs confirmation after the staff investigates?
  7. doesn't this sound familiar? pretty much what G1 did various times too.
  8. Would love to see how many enforcers choose ltl vs gold threated opponents. In bronze town every crap works anyways, but a weapons true need for performance shows on gold + even with all the fake golds we have, thats still a better measurement mark than counting in bronze matches. But I wonder how many dethreaters just annoy crims with ltl and abuse the deathreathing posibility even more.
  9. it still doesn't instantly stun, you all make it look like you always are predamaged an get 10m faceshots, sorry but thats way more exaggerated than its true. if it is sooo strong, why isn't half the enfo population using it? well because it isn't strong at all. Wonder if all the QQ would stop if crims get LTL too, but I bet they just gonna complain how useless it s and that crim LTL is having a hidden nerf.
  10. yes and no. ye sit affects shotguns differently, by altering different values, but it does in both cases affect accuracy (bloom for bnon shotties, and spread for shotties) giving shotguns an entire different impact for IR3 in terms or RoF makes not much sense as it is an entirely different aspect touched suddenly comapred to what CJ does.
  11. the game was supposed to be about the hate between crims and enforcesers, thats why we got lots of tools to express that.
  12. iirc the time to spawn from being arrested was masively reduced and isn't long anymore at all. it still is, the pig user needs to get close, or you, and if you know this just don't get close stupidly and get predamaged, a single pig shot doesn't stun you unless you make derp moves (aka tactical bad chocie) as shown in your video. fbw also has better mobility as it is more accurate durng movement, tg8 felt nice before the dropoff mechanics, after it it was a pointless epaon soemtimes not even able to shoot over some of the wider roads
  13. can't they just port character data to the OTW? so people can use their toons and stuff there?
  14. what nonsense, so we get mods with specific penalties for specific wepaons? thats makign the game even more complicated for no reason, thats now how you bring in new players and make them happy, just increase the bloom/shot maybe related to bullets so that shotguns using it, end up with a masive bloom using the mod after one shot. get range and sacrifice accuracy by firing at full speed.
  15. But tagger does not improve a guns performance, it just marks someone, which also might be a good information for the opponent knowing to be hit. Also, for tagger wyou may have to sacrifice a true performance improving mod, like TPS. like upping bloom per shot so that the gun acts more sniperlike by having to fire with less ROF or get a penalty in accuracy. max bloom is hardly used at any gun you just tapfire, or shotties, and those wepaons who are used as spamfire weapons don't use IR.
  16. pretty sure this is not the case for APB. The server just predicts with the current movement where a character goes, And the client even executes this, (remember when you get a dc and chars keep walkign into the air?) but the movement itself is not serversided (which would mena movement happens after server cofirms it) All the server does is forwarding the clients movement input. thats why we see lags, because the sudden change of a players movement gets forwarded with a bit of dely (especially when servers are laggy and then the servers information to you needs to correct the inaccurate position. thats why the stupid WASD dancing exists and creates what it does. if the game were truly serversided WASD dancing would be rather worthless.
  17. realise how crappy LTL is and never use it again. PIG nerfs? for a weapon with exactly 10m range, what nonsense. If people stop facehugging everything would be fine.
  18. yep and then you go onro financials highway, because getting inetrcepted there is enar impossible, thats just an safe autowin.
  19. No it just means you gonna spam voicechat, and I wonder if you make wookie sounds?
  20. even worse when he fails hard when running. The issue with running is we have way too less time to make aproper approach more than 2 times, if any at all. Which brings us to the topic of pushign cars which g1 never solved. Just trip him. sound actually like balance was lost then.
  21. If they don’t get it right the first time what makes you think they are ever going to get it right it’s not my problem some players have bad experiences with shot guns maybe they are just bad with them I don't know, like ever yother person doing it, trying a few things until it is right, you knwo when you saw a board too short you can just try one being longer?
  22. It's super easy to recognize. Did someone kill you before you could kill them? That's a triggerbot and/or aimbot. Too easy! No the flowchart says those are aimbotting.
  23. This started haappening when good designers were lacking (remember glory old games?) and then someone started making games people wanted even if they by design were bad. Thats a good tactic to get sales as customers do get what they want, but most of these games are mainstream trash. However with APB there is that problem of a vocal toxic elite that just tries to convince the designers their need is everyones need, and when designers listened to that lots of things will go horribly wrong.
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