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Everything posted by foscor77

  1. Whats the difference b/w these snipers - regular hvr, scout, psr, pathfinder. How much damage does all these sniper guns do when - not scoped, scoped, after 85m. Is there a term for this 'when not scoped' and 'scoped' thing so i can just check them on my own by browsing apbdb? What are jump shots? how do do them? what are crouch shots? how to do them? Links to good sniper gameplays or guides would be appreciated. Thank you.
  2. got red text and everyone got kicked out of the server. This has happened twice within 4 hour. didn't experienced any lag before getting kicked out it happened suddenly.
  3. Citadels marketplace makes me so jealous they have so many great clothing designers and the marketplace is always full of cool,classy and edgy stuff of all price ranges while Jericho is fking dead. And the few designers we have are trash scammers like how a player asked me for 3 million for making a freaking alphabet in japanese no joke. (which some other designer made me for free cuz she said 'it was very simple') Please come to Jericho and sprinkle your love on marketplace oh you great clothe designers! ps- or let me transfer my character to citadel LO.
  4. unfreaking believable. Howd you guys learn to do all that?
  5. my ping- 315 ms fps - 60 playing since 2012 2.5 hrs of gameplay my threat lvl is somewhere between silver and gold as it keeps sliding between gold and silver. Weird thing is even though i get 315 latency i dont experience any 'visible' lag. Yep you heard that right. i play the game at minimum graphics and my game runs smooth most of the time even though /fps command says im getting 315 ping. I play only in action districts as i dislike fightclubs. i just find them boring. i do okish against against golds in the silver districts. i play in both districts but i prefer to stay in ronze district. i avoid rekting bronze threat and lower by acting as a noob player and giving them a chance to learn though i rekt high lvl silvers in bronze server. as for some tips...idk. i dont play in groups cuz i dont have voice chat and i dont like making other people lose cuz of me and im also kind of a troll who likes to trash talk. i like nfas and atac as they are easy to use even with lag. Avoid tap firing guns unless you have a good gaming mice. also learn to use hvr.
  6. stop giving a fuck about what others say and do whatever you seem right. Stomp those stinky bronze,greens and Ts!!!! And insult those golds!!
  7. This is just so false and im pretty sure its the opposite. Its the so called 'lower skill-based player' that actually harasses,abuse and shit talk all the time on district chat and rage whispers to high lvl players accusing them of hacks,insulting them, raging etc. As for advising,i dont remember a single time where a new player have asked a question no matter how stupid or simple and did not get answered. This game is only toxic for people who are new to apb or online shooters in general as they fail to understand the huge skill gap present in apb which makes them think everyone is a hacker or paytowin cuunt. As you progress through the game you learn to not give a shit and actually enjoy the game.
  8. i wouldnt be playing apb if i wanted to do battle royale shit. Where are my racing districts or daily events?!
  9. my apb launcher takes forever to download any update. i get 2.5 mbps of download speed but the launcher is downloading the update at 50 kbps and the speed is also gradually decreasing. Like it starts at 50kbps then keeps decreasing until it reaches like 1 byte lol plz Help out. thanks.
  10. no plz its just going to end up broken if devs decided to tweak it so just leave it the way it is and instead focus on other guns underdeveloped guns like snub nose or that long ranges secondary gun colby rsa.
  11. i fucking hate sane people. a huge reason why i came back to apb was cuz i like drama and toxicity.
  12. join Jericho. Rarely any br or russian speakers. Most of the time its the english speakers. Although population is lower than citadel but its enough to have a good time with back to missions.
  13. Great! just the way i like. Good n'ol APB!
  14. any new codes? or important updates like buffs or nerfs? or some other free shit? thx in advance. JERICHO IM CoMING!
  15. uh...im a bit confused..what exactly is this thread? Do you edit pictures and stuff?
  16. looking for ursus or volcano. i can offer either 2mil or ogre for either of the above guns. i also want to sell my ogre. in-game mail me for your offers. I'm up for negotiations. Character name - N4SR Server - Jericho Thx.
  17. merry xmas madafakas!~~ May you all live a fking thousand millions years and die while Santa cuddling you! CHEERS!
  18. im talking about their stock versions that you buy from contacts. out of all secondary guns,these two seems to suck all round....they seems to stand no ground against other secondaries. why.... edit - snub nose too...though i find it a little better than those above two.
  19. there is no chatbox on loading screen even after disabling movie clips, how do i type commands then?
  20. im able to edit my posts 0-0 but im unable to do that on my alt accounts...guess there is a post limit like u will need to reach a no. of post count to be able to edit your posts.
  21. i have the same problem except that im getting stuck while changing district.
  22. this achievement is very tough to do on Jericho cuz of it has only 1/ 3 of the population as compared to citadel and dont even let me mention how dead jericho is in non-prime hours when us asians get the time to play.....i havent even played snowball event on frosty finan cuz its always dead. Please think about us too @MattScott make some special npc civilian characters who carry these boxes and will drop them when mugged or killed or something or increase the amount of boxes you can get from the event as i played for 1 hour and only got 6 boxes....wtf And the rewards suck too....why only titles? why not exploit some other reward options to make events more rewarding like in-game rewards of $50k on completion of achievement or role? or exotic themes or just simple cars or lvl2 or lvl3 gun/car/character mods? you may not realise but rewards are like fuels to event. even if you give shitty event tasks but the rewards are good or unique then people will still play them for sure.
  23. i need someone to make me this top out of regular apb stock clothing- willing to pay obviously. player name - Erdyan ( in-game mail me to discuss pricing or any other stuff) server - jericho
  24. uhh then what is that recoil called in tommy gun which makes it go high in the sky and we have to drag the mouse down to counter it? english isnt my main language so i hope my wordings are making sense.
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