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Everything posted by Gro

  1. How about Matt buys Wildstar instead? Played it for two weeks in 2014 and it was fun. The engine is ok, old devs just couldn't handle regular content updates.
  2. Commander. Cuz it looks real slick.
  3. Haven't q1 of 2014 happened yet? I understand great priority of the upgrade but this is really something that should be easy to fix. Bet that have something to do with joker store updates.
  4. Posted it almost year ago. Nobody gives a sh.
  5. Встречайтесь в социале, подходите друг к другу и добавляйтесь в друзья через кнопку взаимодействия ">/Ю". Приглашайте в команду через меню друзей/меню клана. На исправление я бы не надеялся, так что пользуйтесь костылями. Или смените ники на нормальные.
  6. Not really. The only happenings were Tiggs getting out of her vacation to push another extra armas sale. I was always an opponent to weapon rebalance, and they have taken it too far, but there are great things LO implemented, which would never happen under G1: Hand to hand trade system; Getting the game rid of a shame of having lootboxes; Putting armas stuff to the joker store, giving the store purpose and bringing down the paywall. These three were great achievements of LO. Sadly, it won't save the game if one can't play it due to rererebalancing stuff and letting cheaters play.
  7. I would have posted my rarest if it weren't mods cleaning out the non-speakable-words-said-by-the-tiggs. So here is my second to rarest:
  8. You've got it all wrong, my mate: waterfront is depicted under baylan shipping name and financial is the beacon, see?
  9. I remember being in there at Patriot, but can't remember why or how.
  10. Someone explain me why in the world would anyone play non-autoaim 2010 tps on consoles.
  11. Next move they will rename criminals to alternative-law-abiding-citizens just not to hurt any snowflake's feelings. For the bad meanies there would be a checkbox in advanced game optins though. Just because you aren't fixed yet.
  12. 70k for apb car sounds like great deal.
  13. Some people just like to blow. Can't see problem with that.
  14. I don't even know what's more ridiculous: funding rioters or this.
  15. Gro

    Dirt bikes.

    You either lean or drive. Driver can't do it.
  16. Gro

    Dirt bikes.

    Not possible due to how the game was designed. Bikes were discussed many times before. In short: you either control a player or a vehicle, When a player is in the vehicle, there is no player actually, just the vehicle. It's the same why you can't be shot trough windows.
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