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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Live has blue filter, 3.5 has orange filter. Both have over use of bloom. Having normal, white lighting will make the game look less dated.
  2. How about grow some skin for once. If you're so bothered by a word that it cripples you, you need therapy. That's not other people's problem.
  3. Join the low pop district first. If a few people are in it more will join.
  4. I'm guessing "plugin" in this context means something that hooks into the game. It most likely is used by other cheats. You can't fault Little Orbit or Battleye for that.
  5. BlatMan

    Sex change

    Hitbox is the same, however the camera height scales with character height. A short female character doesn't need to aim downward as a player moves closer to them, but a tall male character does. It's a huge advantage in cqc.
  6. I've asked questions and criticized the release of this 64 bit upgrade. I also haven't made any purchases. Idk what you're on about. If a company does something you like, the least you can do is let them know you like it.
  7. Hexerin has made quite a lot of questionable posts over the years. Best to ignore them for your own sanity. Reloaded said it was impossible to upgrade to 64 bit, that it required a newer engine, and yet here we are. It doesn't even use much more system resources. It's still the same janky game, but I wouldn't say that's a bad thing. Slow improvements is better than no improvements.
  8. The EOL grenade launchers are useless as is. Allowing players to lean out of a vehicle with them might give them a purpose. I remember the bug that let you use restricted weapons while leaning out of a vehicle. Once someone abused it the mission couldn't progress. Everyone had to switch to AV weapons and hope the spawns work in their favor. The pre-nerfed N-ISSR-B is a good example of why AV weapons shouldn't be able to be used while leaning out of a vehicle.
  9. Makes sense. Also, Battleye is still blocking the file "xbadpcm.acm". It's for Xbox game audio files.
  10. /latencytest shows 80ms for the district server, while playing on US East. In game latency shows 1ms. Something is screwed up on Little Orbit's side. EDIT: Oh good I'm not the only one who noticed.
  11. True. Noticed on the Beta servers there was almost no hit registration problems as long as it stayed under 20/20 population. Above that it would crap out. Seems to be the same on live. The /latencytest in game shows roughly the same tickrate spikes as the previous version. It also runs the garbage collection every minute. Is the server not 64 bit? In game it says 25ms on US East. This is false. The /latencytest shows the real latency is between 60-90ms.
  12. The beta runs great, but it was not ready for release with the audio bugs.
  13. This needs to be added to the in game options. Most people look in the options to find optional settings, not files in the installation folder. It's counter intuitive. Speaking of installation folder, stop writing temporary and config files to the installation folder. Move these files to directories where the end user has proper permissions. This will enable individual Windows user accounts to have separate settings. This will also increase security for users who use push to talk in apps like Discord, since they will not need to run Discord as admin to be able talk. Suggestions for temporary files. This includes sub directories. I would add the option to add APB.exe shortcuts to the desktop and start menu, during the installation. The launcher is only needed for updates and repairs. There's no reason to use it otherwise.
  14. It's meh. Higher average fps, but more bugs.
  15. Since version 1.3 is now available on live, we should start a new bug report and technical support sub-forum for this version, and lock the old sub-forums. There's a lot of bugs in that section that may not apply to the current build, and there's new bugs in the current build. It will be easier for the devs if we start fresh, that way they're not chasing bugs that may no longer exist.
  16. Everything appears to be the same between Beta and Live client sided. No difference in performance. Server sided however is worse. Hitreg is non existent in some cases. This is probably due to the 50/50 player cap, servers being on US-west, and the higher percentage of non regional players.
  17. Ironically at least 2 of them were banned on fairfight. You'd think they'd have some sympathy.
  18. By that definition it means everyone who uses the CAP40 and/or OCSP should be banned.
  19. OP's trying to get their account fixed, and possibly prevent this type of incompetent account handling in the future, but instead gets harassed. So progressive, so inclusive.
  20. If I'm in a mission with BernieGores and kill them with an OCSP, is that a banable offense?
  21. I'm sure there's a lot client sided that shouldn't be, but it's still better than what GTA did. The vehicle's hitbox is not blocking line of sight between the exit point of the rocket and the intended target. It should come out strait. This needs to be changed. The same thing happens with grenades. The game thinks you're aiming at a closer location than what you really are, so it changes the projectile's trajectory to land at the closer position. Mine had the word "money" in the title.
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