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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. I keep getting disconnected when I tab out of the game while in the character clothing editor.
  2. BlatMan

    Hitbox slowpoke

    I found this post on the Fortnite subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/awagpo/packet_reordering_technical_post/ It describes how the game handles packets out of order. By default, if an earlier packet arrives later than a later packet, the packet is dropped. The packet is counted as received, so you don't get a packet loss message on the client. Maybe APB has this same issue?
  3. It's too blocky compared to the real gun. Looks like a nerf gun. I would have buffed the range to 20M, but also would have not nerfed the .45's range.
  4. The fr0g is garbage. It starts losing damage at 10M, and the suppressed version has 1 less bullet per mag. It's still going to be garbage after this patch, just slightly more reliable against CA3 users.
  5. This is why the Obeya CR762's damage and range should not have been nerfed. It needed that extra damage and range to fill a niche the N-TEC5 and N-TEC7 did not fill. The whole problem with the way Gamersfirst and Little Orbit do weapon balancing, is that they try to fit weapons into very tight niches, rather than let them be serviceable outside their niche. I don't get their fear of overlapping roles. Let the players decide what weapons work, and then balance the less used weapons around the popular weapons, rather than heavily nerfing them.
  6. I noticed a few blatant cheaters seem to have forgotten how to play.
  7. Climbing fences also causes a large amount of packets to be sent to the server. The only data that should be sent is the player's position when they start climbing, and when they end climbing. Anything else is useless, at least from a performance, optimization perspective. Black line is client to server. Red line is server to client. The two 125+ spikes are when I climb over a fence.
  8. BlatMan

    Hitbox slowpoke

    This was happening BEFORE Little Orbit took over. It's gotten worse with the server population increase. I've had shots miss vehicles at 10M. I've been experiencing ghost shots, as in the weapon shoots client sided, but not server side, ammo is not consumed. PVP plays out as if I have an extra 100ms added to my normal latency, but switching shoulders, driving, and interacting with doors isn't affected. There's also something weird going on with ammo boxes. My character stands up immediately after opening the ammo box, but then crouched down again and my inventory opens.
  9. I wouldn't consider recent weapon balances a positive thing. They accidentally nerfed the range too much on the .45, then decided to leave the bug in place. It went from having reasonable dropoff damage, to now dealing no damage if a player moves a few meters. The better jump shoot accuracy on the Star and Far would not have been needed if they never nerfed the jump shooting to begin with. It's also not a big enough change to affect combat.
  10. Not sure if this is a bug. Climbing a ladder produces significantly more udp packets than normal gameplay. Below is a packet capture of APB. At about 20s, I was tap firing a shaw while spamming aim down sight, crouch, and shoulder switch. Average packets per second is about 50 to 70. At 32s, I climbed down a ladder. At 35s, I climbed up the same ladder. I climbed down 5 times, and up 3 times. The wider spikes are the times I climbed up. Highest average packets per second was 190.
  11. BlatMan

    excess bloom

    Did you have a custom shader that was disabling the bloom?
  12. BlatMan

    Threat rebalance!

    Just needs instant stone wall placement, oh wait.
  13. And NA East is having issues. My shotgun missed a van at 15M. It's like the server randomly does not process the hit. Are the servers getting DDoS'd?
  14. Your routing is screwed up on Financial US East again. Server IP Every single time this happens, /latencytest shows 66ms average to the district if it's US East. It suppose to be 33ms or lower. In game latency fluctuates between 0ms and 30ms. Other games work fine. Team Fortress 2, Rust, and PUBG do not have issues.
  15. This could work if we also get the option to load two characters, one of each faction. It might even help improve the atmosphere for new players since they'll get to see lore mail and contact from both factions at the same time.
  16. Remove the blue filter on the shaders. It makes the game look washed out. Also add an option to turn off the halo, glowing effect when bloom is enabled. Currently, red looks orange. Black looks blue. The previous devs must have been colorblind.
  17. Opposition called in as backup have bugged name tags when not in line of sight. The name tag behaves as if it's 100+ meters away. The name tag is suppose to smoothly follow the player when closer than 100 meters. Posting it here since you seem to pay attention to the patch note threads rather than the bug report section. I think you meant to link to this page: https://dev.epicgames.com/docs/game-services/reports-interface The functionality exists in Easy Anti-Cheat, but we have no confirmation from the developers that they integrated the APB /report UI with the EAC reports feature. It's borderline useless for the developers to log such reports when 99% of them are from low skilled players, and 100% of them contain no evidence of cheating, just hearsay from the player submitting the report. We've been told that we need video evidence of cheating, so /report is useless regardless of functionality.
  18. Same, but the opposite viewpoint. It's too easy to reach gold threat, so the matchmaking system can't make a balanced match. High silver / low gold should be roughly the same, but in reality there's a bigger skill gap than from low green to low silver.
  19. There is a health hack, or the scoreboard is not updating when a player switches their character mods. 4+ shots from a DMR-AV should kill regardless of character mods, but maybe they used med spray and it didn't show the effect. The opposing player had Clotting Agent 3 and Epinephrine equipped on the scoreboard.
  20. No. Revert latest Obeya CR762 changes.
  21. Oh god no. I hated the autoaim on console games. I couldn't chose who to lock onto. You'd be fighting one person, then another runs in front of you and drags you aim towards them.
  22. I bet most cheaters using that method had it configured correctly to cheat in other games. It didn't matter what anti-cheat was used. I think Vangaurd is the only one that is difficult to get around. Besides, the main problem isn't cheat detection, it's lack of investigation. There's Youtube channels posting clips of themselves using aimbots, but those players don't get banned. It feels like a waste of time reporting.
  23. As far as stopping cheating, EAC is useless. The virtual machine check is easy to get around. Only time will tell if LO can utilize it, along with FairFight.
  24. I can't tell if it's an improvement, but at least my xbox audio codecs don't get blocked anymore. EDIT: One improvement is EAC at least checks for a virtual environment. BE didn't.
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