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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. This could work if we also get the option to load two characters, one of each faction. It might even help improve the atmosphere for new players since they'll get to see lore mail and contact from both factions at the same time.
  2. Remove the blue filter on the shaders. It makes the game look washed out. Also add an option to turn off the halo, glowing effect when bloom is enabled. Currently, red looks orange. Black looks blue. The previous devs must have been colorblind.
  3. Opposition called in as backup have bugged name tags when not in line of sight. The name tag behaves as if it's 100+ meters away. The name tag is suppose to smoothly follow the player when closer than 100 meters. Posting it here since you seem to pay attention to the patch note threads rather than the bug report section. I think you meant to link to this page: https://dev.epicgames.com/docs/game-services/reports-interface The functionality exists in Easy Anti-Cheat, but we have no confirmation from the developers that they integrated the APB /report UI with the EAC reports feature. It's borderline useless for the developers to log such reports when 99% of them are from low skilled players, and 100% of them contain no evidence of cheating, just hearsay from the player submitting the report. We've been told that we need video evidence of cheating, so /report is useless regardless of functionality.
  4. Same, but the opposite viewpoint. It's too easy to reach gold threat, so the matchmaking system can't make a balanced match. High silver / low gold should be roughly the same, but in reality there's a bigger skill gap than from low green to low silver.
  5. There is a health hack, or the scoreboard is not updating when a player switches their character mods. 4+ shots from a DMR-AV should kill regardless of character mods, but maybe they used med spray and it didn't show the effect. The opposing player had Clotting Agent 3 and Epinephrine equipped on the scoreboard.
  6. No. Revert latest Obeya CR762 changes.
  7. Oh god no. I hated the autoaim on console games. I couldn't chose who to lock onto. You'd be fighting one person, then another runs in front of you and drags you aim towards them.
  8. I bet most cheaters using that method had it configured correctly to cheat in other games. It didn't matter what anti-cheat was used. I think Vangaurd is the only one that is difficult to get around. Besides, the main problem isn't cheat detection, it's lack of investigation. There's Youtube channels posting clips of themselves using aimbots, but those players don't get banned. It feels like a waste of time reporting.
  9. As far as stopping cheating, EAC is useless. The virtual machine check is easy to get around. Only time will tell if LO can utilize it, along with FairFight.
  10. I can't tell if it's an improvement, but at least my xbox audio codecs don't get blocked anymore. EDIT: One improvement is EAC at least checks for a virtual environment. BE didn't.
  11. My shots will still miss on west coast servers.
  12. You can create an account on odysee with a throwaway email, if you're really paranoid about people getting access to personal information.
  13. Out of curiosity, what does "realtime GC" show in the logs for you? Mine shows about 160ms on average, regardless of player population. Line 30296: 18:05:40 - DevGarbage: 160.517497 ms for realtime GC Line 30904: 18:06:40 - DevGarbage: 160.491766 ms for realtime GC Line 31393: 18:07:40 - DevGarbage: 162.730075 ms for realtime GC Line 31934: 18:08:40 - DevGarbage: 160.198051 ms for realtime GC Line 32434: 18:09:40 - DevGarbage: 160.437293 ms for realtime GC Line 32927: 18:10:40 - DevGarbage: 160.267305 ms for realtime GC Line 33295: 18:11:40 - DevGarbage: 160.398697 ms for realtime GC Line 33616: 18:12:01 - DevGarbage: 159.532607 ms for realtime GC
  14. People have been using custom settings since the start. Back in 2011 I would enable 'debug hitmarkers' to be able to see if my shot actually hit or not. It also turned off blood splatter, which was necessary back then since the best GPU at the time was the GTX 580. The 580 stutters from close up blood splatter, graffiti, explosions, basically anything using too many particle effects. A weaker GPU will freeze at times.
  15. Seems easy enough to add it to the in game options, seeing that they added a few other settings in the past.
  16. And no one it going to use the star when it has worse ttk, marksmans mode accuracy, and bloom recovery, compared to the N-TEC variants, including the Ursus.
  17. I can consistently car glitch. Not sure if you fixed it to begin with.
  18. It was fine for me till about 23:30 Eastern time. Then hitreg went down the pooper. Other players were micro teleporting. I was missing shots that should hit, but occasionally hit shots that should have missed.
  19. There are players who were banned multiple times under fairfight, but Gamersfirst kept unbanning them. Sadly, the FFBans site didn't track repeated bans. Each anticheat is a tool. It comes down to how well the user uses the tool. Battleye can be programmed to block just about anything if Little Orbit felt like it. One thing APB does not block, but other games block, is the ability to run APB in a virtual environment. Battleye can't detect what's happening outside the VM. You have to be careful with what you block, because you can prevent legit players from playing. With PUBG, they blocked VMs running along side the game, because cheaters were using them to scan network packets for external radar. Worst part is you get kicked mid match, instead of getting the blocked message at startup. Meanwhile, cheaters switched to using separate hardware, like their phones. PUBG and Rust block specific mice due to built in hardware macro capabilities. Again, it blocked legit players from playing, but cheaters found workarounds.
  20. FR0G: - Increase max/min range from 10M/50M to 20M/60M. RFP-9: This weapon has been sitting in my inventory unused for years due to the massive nerf to it's accuracy. Revert back to about the date 2019-02-15. This was when I purchased the RFP-9 'Fang'. Pistol_RFP9-SD - Keep the fRampDistance at 4000 Mountie: - fRadiusAtTenMetres 28 > 26 - (Yukon) Remove "+50% equip time" from Select Fire mod. Colby RSA: - Increase minimum damage % from 30% to 45% (6 shot kill at minimum damage) - Increase fMinDamageRange to 2000 - Decrease fRampDistance to 6500 ACT 44: - Increase minimum damage % from 30% to 45% (8 shot kill at minimum damage) - Increase fMinDamageRange to 2000 S-AS PDW: - Improve base accuracy from 35.5 to 30. OCSP: - Increase fRampDistance to 4000 Remove the -1 magazine capacity penalty from the pistol suppressor. The Nano does not have this downside, neither should any other sidearm. Remove the equip time penalty from Mobility Sling mod. 3 Point Sling does not have a downside, neither should Mobility Sling. This would buff all the sidearms with this mod equipped. Primary weapons generally don't suffer from the downside since well, they're your primary. And the obvious one, revert the Colby .45 changes made this patch.
  21. Can you remove the slowdown when half damaged on the Kurai and Sentinel? These are SUVs, but they can't take a little damage without loosing half their speed.
  22. Sounds good to me. We have the anti-cheat discussion thread. Don't need more than that.
  23. Corsair says "What about me?" LN9 says "Hold my beer, watch this"
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