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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. I wonder how Premium discounts would be handled? Technically it's the same as "free shipping" when you purchase Prime on Amazon. But what about when Premium is given to everyone free of cost? It's no longer a paid program.
  2. I get your point. There's plenty of talented players who can fix existing content relatively easily. Sadly, I don't see this game going open source. LO have been sued over another game's development.
  3. I mention how their routing or something server sided is screwed up, and now US East is a Charley Foxtrot. Issues: - Players are randomly teleporting. - I'm randomly teleporting. - Most of my shots fired from automatic weapons do not hit. Why I know it's not on my end: - In-game latency is about 20ms. - Packet Loss is 0. - FPS is 150+ when unlocked. 120 fps when locked using config file. - CMD Ping to server IP ( is at worst 12ms. - Traceroute shows less than 7ms variance. - Waveform.com bufferbloat test is A+. - Devina.io bufferbloat test shows 0ms increase for download and upload. - Wireshark shows all packets incoming from the district server to be in order, going by packet ID. An odd thing is when US West has a good connection with no issues, the server goes offline within a few hours. That might be biased, since I normally don't bother playing if US West is the populated district. Regardless, US West has crashed too many times, while US East rarely crashes.
  4. I'm gonna nitpick and criticize because that's what I like doing. TLDR; We got some car balance and a new anti-cheat client sided.
  5. It's still like that. The only reason the OBIR is slightly more popular now is because LO nerfed the CR762's over damage. However, both OBIR and CR762 had their range nerfed from 60M to 55M, so their sweet spot between AR and Sniper isn't as wide.
  6. I'd release 3-slot variants of the VBR and CAP-40 exclusively on Armas to make even more money. Kinda strange that you're only leasing the "Abuse a friend" reward versions. It's not like anyone referred new players to begin with. Releasing those permanently would only give real new players more weapon choices. In APB's current state, I don't see value in the FFA. The mouse input is not precise enough to accurately land burst shots at range. Mid burst, I need to adjust my aim about half a pixel at 80 meters on a 1440p display, but it skips 1-2 pixels at that range. Doesn't matter what DPI, sensitivity, or mouse. The minimum turning angle is too damn high.
  7. Give us some details on the backend adjustments. That can mean anything like switching a cable in the server rack, enabling FairFight, or showing Matt a good time.
  8. No. My problem was the GPU not being fully plugged into the motherboard. Since then, whenever I have an issue, I always unplug and replug everything inside the PC.
  9. I finished testing this and it does not work properly. APB slowly increases RAM usage. Performance degrades the longer you play. You have to restart every hour or two, otherwise your fps drops by about 50%.
  10. Reseat, not reset. I meant reinstall it in the socket.
  11. I know this wasn't directed at me, but I feel like I need to speak. I've talked about these file modifications too many times. I report Twitch and Youtube channels for aimbotting, using videos on their own channels as evidence. LO's support is useless as far as handling cheating. They seem to only care about words people say in district chat. On the flip side, LO added some features to negate the need for some file modifications, like mute death themes and disable fog. I wish all the options would have been added to the graphics menu, because some of those settings I was unaware of, like disabling garbage collection during missions. These anti-cheats usually kick, not ban, for known problematic software that has legitimate use. I If it hooks into the game in a way that's often used by cheats, then I can see it triggering a ban. Ideally, besides players not cheating, these anti-cheats would favor kick rather than ban, even if it detects a known cheat. This would cause the least impact for legit players, but it would make it easy for cheaters to test their cheats. Regardless, reaching out to EAC is probably the best thing to do if this really is a false ban. Spamming each ban thread with the same thing makes me think you're lying, but that's my bias from irl experiences.
  12. That is most likely a hardware or driver problem. For me, closing without an error message is usually CPU or RAM instability. It can be anything. The first thing I would do is unplug and re-seat every component. CPU, RAM, GPU, SSD, Power Connectors, etc. I went down a rabbit hole of troubleshooting, and the fix was to re-seat my GPU.
  13. 1. This will make it even easier for the toxic players to farm lower threat players. They will abandon the mission when they get tougher gold opposition. This contradicts your threat segregation suggestion. 2. Player population was steadily dropping since 2012 or so. Currently there's 1 action district filled. There's not enough players to split between threat levels. 3. People have been complaining about cheaters since online gaming existed. I understand its frustrating, but this is an industry wide problem. It doesn't help that we have max rank Bronze players flooding every cheat discussion thread with their conspiracy theories. "Broken" guns isn't a cheater problem. It's a weapon balance problem. It's unrelated. EAC does not seem to affect performance, at least not enough for me to measure. 4. Those ban threads seemed suspicious. They had multiple people claiming to have been falsely banned, who have never posted on the forums prior. I couldn't find much info on some of the artists who were banned. The one I could find info on was banned on another APB account in 2014. Seems weird that they would get false banned two times.
  14. WHY IS THIS NOT SET BY DEFAULT? Seriously. The devs have added other options to the in-game menu. Why the hell are the more important options, like fps limit and garbage collection, hidden in a config file that no one will know exists without finding some random forum post?
  15. Loooooong Hat https://www.ownaj.com/cdn/shop/files/1_f9b5f05c-202a-43a6-81a7-44be24330546_1024x1024@2x.png?v=1687478069
  16. Adding more garbage is not going to bring back old players. This game had it's peak population when we had the least amount of content. Why? The shooting mechanics functioned properly. You pointed at a player, you hit the player. It still had the lag compensation problem, but it didn't have this broken processing of network traffic that causes some players to have bad hit registration on random servers regardless of latency. When old players come back, they experience the same nonsense and don't bother playing again. The average player doesn't give a damn about the financial state of the company. They want the game to function For example, the last few times I played on EU, my latency was fluctuating between 90-300ms, but all of my shots that looked like they should hit, did hit. Meanwhile on US East with less than 30ms, most of my shots do not register. Also, whenever I have good hit registration on US West, the server crashes within a few hours. The 64bit upgrade brought back some players, but they didn't stay because the game still does not function properly. The garbage collection stutters are terrible even with AMD's 3d cache CPUs and DDR5. Textures pop in with a PCIe NVMe SSD. High FPS causes your character to slide. They can polish the outside all they want, but like with a car, no one is going to daily drive a car that misfires on half it's cylinders.
  17. Manually install all of the vc20XX_redist located in the folder APB Reloaded\TPI Alternatively, use TechPowerUp's all-in-one. These are probably newer than APB's. https://www.techpowerup.com/download/visual-c-redistributable-runtime-package-all-in-one/
  18. It's about the same. Some weapons and vehicles were changed but nothing game breaking. Cheating is less since EAC came out. but LO still ignore cheat reports. TBF, they get a lot of spam reports from lower threat players, and the legit reports get overlooked because support just wants to clear the ticket queue.
  19. I'd like a matte texture for everything at some point. The IO Growl has a matte option, why can't other vehicles and items have it too?
  20. They should temp ban max threat bronze players until they can pass a roadside sobriety test.
  21. That would be the final nail in the coffin for me. Was for PUBG, and that game still had a decent player pop.
  22. You're basically suggesting what open conflict was. I loved that district type. You got opposition immediately, and it didn't force you to fight the same group over and over due to threat matching. I wasn't expecting a balanced match, so I didn't feel screwed when it was lop sided. With the current matchmaking, it feels like it's screwing everyone. Most of the time it 3v4. 3 high threat golds vs 3 silvers/bronzes and 1 high threat gold. I understand there's a small player pool to pick from, so I rather have it favor quick matchmaking than try to balance what it can't.
  23. The 64 bit upgrade made a noticeable difference with that multi rocket launcher. My framerate is barely affected by it now. With the 32 bit engine, I was getting seconds per frame.
  24. There should be a way to type in different chat channels, without having to using /s, /g, /d, etc, to switch to what channel you're typing to. We have chat tabs. Add default chat channels for tabs. For example, I have [Team] in Tab 1, and [Group][Clan] in Tab 2, and [District] in Tab 3. I would like Tab 1 to default to typing in /t, Tab 2, to /g, and Tab 3 to /d. It's really annoying with Team chat. It auto switches from Team to District at the end of the mission. I want it to stay in Team after mission ends, so I don't have to switch again in the next mission. It would also be a huge QoL improvement if Team chat continued to work for a minute or so after mission ends, or until you get a new mission.
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