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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. You do not login with "google". G1 did not delete the account if you can open a ticket from it. This is a fresh forum account. The user AMolinaLamatta created their account the same day, and immediately replies to this thread. No offense, but this thread looks sus.
  2. Braindead vs average gamer. Sounds like a zombie survival game.
  3. Premium matchmaking? NO! HELL NO! We don't need to split the playbase even more. The threat system as is limits matchmaking. Having an option for private matches is a good idea, but I'm not sure if it can be done in a financially sound way with the current APB server/district configuration. I know this is far reach, but I really like the ability to host a private instance on my own hardware. APB is not popular enough to support this, it's just something every multiplayer game should have to keep it running if the main servers ever go down.
  4. The ones I play with have a better connection on current US East compared to West and the old Dallas location. New York isn't that much further. The problem with BR's isn't the latency, it's a mix between netcode and poor infrastructure on Little Orbit's end. It started when G1 implemented their ddos protection. The servers would run great, then they'd crash due to a ddos attack, then run like crap until the service was disabled again. I think it's the same problem today. I found this in the Fornite Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/awagpo/packet_reordering_technical_post/ In short, the unreal engine dropped out of order packets. Since it was an issue in UE4, I'm guessing the same issue applies to UE3. The symptoms I experience in game match up. It's like I have packet loss, but it says 0 in game. Hits don't count or are randomly delayed. Getting behind cover and still getting hit, even by players who have less than 50ms latency. I had the same issues PUBG on US servers, but less so on EU and Asia servers. My hit registration in SEA was near perfect, despite the 250ms latency. Little Orbit's current ddos protection is run by Path Network Inc. I'm guessing the packets are being spread between multiple locations, and are arriving out of order due to the slight latency differences. A nanosecond is enough to put a packet out of order. This is all speculation of course. I don't have access to APB's servers to do a proper test.
  5. I cannot tell if this is sarcasm or not. The GMs sound like a chatbot. I specifically mean the players with GM titles in game. I'm not talking about customer support or players with Dev titles.
  6. Meanwhile we have GMs who think mousewheel and keyboard are macros. We're all getting the ban hammer, except that weirdo with the Xbox controller.
  7. Nitro booster does not function on balkan ravan. It only makes noise.
  8. It seems like they don't ban people for being toxic. They ban for very specific nonsense. Like that one person who's account was broken due to support trying to remove an offensive symbol. That person seemed to get in an argument every time they signed in. That was fine according to support, but one symbol is where they draw the line. It's like when someone has been arrested 10+ times, has multiple break and entries, theft, attempted murder, but the drug charge gives them the most time in prison. That person probably doesn't belong in society, but the drugs shouldn't have been the deciding factor. But, I don't work for support. I can only go by hearsay from people vocal about their bans. Realistically, those small offenses probably encouraged support to investigate previous reports, and support said screw it and swung the ban hammer.
  9. My complaint is the slotted low tier vehicles have no purpose. You get 1-2 slot high end vehicles before you get 3-4 slot low tier vehicles. There's no point in buying a slotted Calabria when you have access to a slotted Pioneer and have a free mobile spawn mod included with the starter car. I drive some slotted low tier cars for the memes, but they're not practical. Also, all the free to spawn cars are $50K for a 4 slot. This price point is perfect for new players, but they don't have access to these vehicles till rank 200+ A side note. All of the free to spawn vehicles share the same front end design. You can swap the entire front clip (bumper, fenders, hood, lights) between vehicles and the models will line up. There's even examples within the game files. There's also a convertible Calabria. I WANT IT!
  10. I'm taking the chaotic neutral position. Decrease "Per Shot Modifier" from 6 to 3. This will allow cooling jacket and improved rifling to work in 2 shot bursts.
  11. No, remove all autoaim. Add mouse support to consoles.
  12. I have the same issue when HPET is enabled. Try disabling HPET in Windows and in the BIOS, if available. I don't see it listed in your motherboard's manual (ROG STRIX Z370-E GAMING) For Windows: - Run command prompt as Administrator (or PowerShell as admin), type "bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock" without quotes > press enter. - Next go to your device manager (right click on start button > device manager) > system devices > right click high precision event timer > disable driver). To enable HPET: - Type "bcdedit /set useplatformclock true" in command prompt or powershell, and enable hpet in device manager. https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/afyx1f/psa_disable_hpet_high_precision_event_timer_for/ https://www.minitool.com/news/disable-hpet.html
  13. So switching shoulders and crouching does not affect the bloom. You need to shoot slower. You've moved the goal post so far it's on the other side of the field.
  14. I'll quote the whole thing since you're suffering from dementia. I changed the color so you can see exactly what you wrote. Again. Why do I need to fire burst of 3/4 shots if the bloom is going to be reset when I switch shoulders? https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Pistol_FBW The FBW has a recovery delay of 0.1s. It has a recovery per second of 1, or 0.2. It has a fire rate of 0.2. If switching shoulders reset the recovery delay, it would not have any bloom if timed perfectly. There is no difference. I can switch shoulders within 20ms. It should affect it somewhat but there's no change. It doesn't hurt to test though, never know what stupid bug will be introduced between patches.
  15. The M-1922 is trash because G1 nerfed the accuracy. The recoil was 90% vertical which is easy to control, but it required too much desk space. The lowered accuracy made it worse against other SMG/AR hybrids, and the hip fire recoil makes it less viable against SMGs. The 'Hazardous' legendary is pointless. It has normal preset mods, and a free 2 slot M-1922 is unlocked from the later contacts. I would give it Chambered Round, and one open slot. At least then it has something better than the normal model.
  16. "fire burst" Why? You just said switching shoulders resets the bloom.
  17. I prefer old tommy gun with high mag scope and muzzle break. Switching shoulders doesn't remove bloom. It's a placebo because you shoot slower focusing on switching and crouching.
  18. The Yukon's takes too long to draw. You're not hitting that 4th bullet per burst at 40M. It's pointless in its current state. But about the RFP. The changes make no sense. The current issue with the RFP-9 is that it cannot hit a full burst beyond 20M, or even at 10M while firing at max rate of fire. The RFP-9 on the test server is not overpowered. It has a longer ttk than the Colby .45 and FBW, and has less range than the Colby RSA and ACT 44. It doesn't make sense to keep the terrible bloom per shot and slow recovery time on the RFP-9 when buffing the accuracy of the others. The Colby .45 range nerf makes even less sense now that the ACT 44 and RSA have been buffed. ' Other thoughts. The OCSP should be increased to 35M or 40M. The fr0g should be increased to 15M or 20M. The pistol suppressor should NOT have -1 ammo capacity. The OCA Nano should have faster draw time. The Mobility Sling mod should have the longer draw time debuff removed, or replace mobility sling with tagger on all pistols.
  19. It's mostly vertical recoil, and it's not absurd like the old tommy gun. The lower draw time and reload time on the FBW does make it better in some situations, but if you missed 15 rounds, you weren't going to kill with any weapon. Thing is, I don't think the .45 needed a nerf. I think the other pistols needed tweaking to make them worth using. The gamersfrist buffed RFP-9 was a good alternative to the .45. Better accuracy at range while sacrificing TTK. They could have reduced the FBW's bloom or gave it a little more over damage, rather than nerf it's competitors.
  20. Decrease the time it takes to complete the objectives in the mission "Side Effects May Vary." The investigate and burn objectives take over 30s to complete. I believe these are the longest out of all the missions. The investigate objectives, in the 2nd stage, are normally over 300M apart. There's not enough time between spawn waves and traveling to complete the objectives. There's a high chance criminals will not have the proper equipment for the investigation, since criminals cannot unlock the camera equipment. https://apbdb.com/missions/JG_BCL4_Ars1 Also, this mission is being assigned to 2 players when it should be minimum 3. On APB:DB, it says Min Group Size 3. I have gotten this mission unopposed with only 1 teammate, or 2 players total. No one quit the mission.
  21. https://apbdb.com/changelog > Pistol_ColbyClassic - fMinDamageRange - Old 2500 - New 1000 Pistol_ColbyClassic - fRampDistance - Old 4000 - New 3500 It still has more range, faster ttk, and better accuracy than the FBW. It's still the most versatile secondary.
  22. The only reason the .45 out shoots the PMG is because these idiots nerfed the range of the PMG from 40M to 20M.
  23. No they didn't. The game still freezes every minute due to the garbage collection. Their DDoS solution has latency fluctuations, causing ghost shots and hitreg problems. It better than the servers going offline, but it's far from good.
  24. In all seriousness, I think you need to take a break. One time I mistaken you for another player who used to be named Arch.
  25. I've noticed many of the blatant cheaters stopped playing missions. I wasn't expecting there to be any change, considering players were cheating on the 64 bit beta test. I can't say how good a job EAC is doing, but it's obviously doing something, even if it's just making players scared to cheat.
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