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Everything posted by BlatMan

  1. Unbanning accounts that were affected by EAC is understandable, but everyone? Those cheaters have multiple accounts. Most won't care about the unban, but some will get back their rare items, like legendary weapons and themes. This isn't going to bring back legit players. This isn't going to bring in new players. It's going to be a circle-jerk of "I wAs LeGiT!"
  2. Waste of time. Not enough players online to have proper matchmaking. No one wants to play when basic things, like weapon audio, don't work properly. Examples, - Obeya SLR audio crackles. - HVAC roof units have overlapping, fast playing audio at random times. - Customized vehicles randomly load without engine audio. I don't need to sign in to know these issues are not fixed. You post weekly maintenance notices, and none of them contain these fixes.
  3. It's the same. Give a wall a hug and try it.
  4. Your support website is garbage. There's no way to submit a ticket without clicking one of the random questions. I guess this is done deliberately to lower the number of support tickets, since you've restructured your company. Then there's this form. Which server do I pick? "jerichio_" or "jericho"? I'll go with the one that's spelled correctly.
  5. Releasing it for a limited time is probably the only financially sound decision this company made. If it's rare, idiots will burn dollars to get it.
  6. It runs surprisingly well for what it is, at least on Linux. Rarely goes below 120fps. It makes sense. This game was released when X58 was considered the high end platform. Only thing lacking on X58 is AVX, but from early testing, compiling with AVX support didn't improve performance, so Matt decided to not use it so people with old platforms, like those in South America with less access to high end PCs, can still play.
  7. The performance loss is Windows 10. It's garbage at translating DX9. Little Orbit should add the latest version of DXVK to the game, so we can use Vulkan. It works great on Linux, but for some dumb reason it's blocked in Windows by EAC. On Linux with DXVK, the game runs consistently. No loss in performance over time. It still stutters due the garbage collection, but that's unavoidable. On Windows 10, it starts out at 145+ fps, then slowly goes down till it's unplayable. Can't play more than 2 missions before it's too low. Same problem on two drastically different PCs. PC 1 - CPU: Xeon W3680, RAM: 24GB DDR3, GPU: GTX 1080 PC 2 - CPU: AMD X5700X3D, RAM: 32GB DDR4, GPU: RX 6600
  8. If these are tradable outside APB for real cash, it will flood this game with farming bots, like what happened in TF2.
  9. There's so many other issues with the current game. Matchmaking isn't going to magically fix: - Distorted audio - Garbage collection stutter. - In-game trading locked after an OS update, RAM replacement, adding an HDD, IP address change, or logging in on a different PC from the same location. - Framerate lowers overtime due to the way APB and Windows 10 handle memory. - Grenades falling through the ground. - Some vehicles have broken suspension. - Ntiro doesn't work on some vehicles. - Particles heavily tax the GPU. - Netcode or server issues that create packet loss like effects. - Client to Server packloss is not measured in game. - Lag compensation delaying low latency player's shots. - Teleport bug. There's a detailed ticket in your system on how to reproduce it. - Upload packet spikes when using climbing objects, like ladders and fences. - Inaccurate weapon stats displayed in game. - Inability to unlock primitives without intentionally losing missions. Then there's the common community issues that make the game unappealing: - Lack of punishment for blatant cheating, even for cheaters who post clips on Youtube, Twitch, etc. - Inconsistently applied punishment for other potential EULA violations. - The majority of Twitch streams showing modified .upk files, to the point they have less pixels than a Japanese adult film. - Lack of in game voice chat. - In-game moderators claiming their own political bias is LO's rules. - In-game moderators are not employees unaccounted with the players. They are the players. - In-game moderators lacking basic game mechanic knowledge, despite having thousands of logged in-game hours. - Matt, the CEO, going MIA for months at a time. I'll stop here, otherwise my wall of text will block the Mexican border.
  10. Pay me $100 an hour and maybe I'll hop on.
  11. At 2:02 they purposely shot into the wall, but their other kills with the carbine seem sus due to the weird shaking. It can be the slight desync that happens while sprint shooting, and it looks worse with the low fps recording. But it doesn't prove cheating or not cheating. It's clips from a single mission against Summit1g. I can post a clip of audi going silver. Doesn't prove anything.
  12. In APB: - Punkbuster would kick me for "disallowed program / driver" whenever it failed to update. - Battleye would block arbitrary applications, like my oscilloscope driver. No bans, just disconnects. - EAC kicks you with an error message "An error has occured. #4", if it blocks an application. No other info. Those are just the issues I remember. In other games, those anti-cheats are configured to block various applications. Some games kick you if there's a virtual machine running in the background. Some kick you for having any type of network diagnostics tool running. I really think this game is managed by people who are stuck in the "knows enough to be dangerous" stage of learning a new skill. Luckily this is game development, so the only danger is losing customers. I know APB has a significantly high cheating issue, but I never see the low hanging fruits get banned, like those who upload clips of themselves cheating on Youtube.
  13. He acts as if it's an industry wide problem as to why his company is failing. I guess he's right in a way, since he repeats the same mistakes as some other companies in the industry. I don't think it's malice, I think he can't think for himself, and associates with similar like minded, or lack of a mind, people.
  14. Tinfoil hat theory: Most bans are not false, LO don't have the balls to ban streamers and long term players for blatantly cheating, so they're lifting bans since a few got caught. More realist theory: LO configured EAC wrong, because they're incompetent. It doesn't detect blatant cheaters, which looks like they're favoring cheaters, but they're really just too incompetent to do anything productive.
  15. There's nothing under "Known Issues" about players not being able to unlock primitives at a normal rate. Currently it's near impossible to unlock primitives if you win missions. This is due to the addition of Joker tickets and consumable rewards. The new matchmaking system makes it impossible to get unopposed missions, so now it's impossible to unlock primitives during low pop hours, which is 24/7 nowadays. Customization is the only thing APB has going for it, but new players can't access it.
  16. I get the infinite loading screen when trying to use my mobile phone for internet. I think it's a double NAT or CGNAT issue. One of my friends had the same issue when they would use their WiFi instead of a hardwire. I think it was because their WiFi access point was acting as a second router, or in other words causing the double NAT issue. Never got a confirmation from them since they moved a few times and changed ISPs.
  17. Thank you for the clarification. I still put blame on LO for using an unsupported version for so long. EAC shouldn't be handing out bans if the version is old either. I expect better fail safes from them.
  18. Little Orbit is getting rid of EAC. They can't even manage an anti-cheat that basically runs itself.
  19. More like injecting their own insecurities about customized content, claiming it's LO's position, even though no one from LO cares enough to comment.
  20. I'm a text guy, can't focus on long format talkshows. What else did I miss? 1. Is there going to be another anti-cheat? I feel like the EAC failure is not EAC's fault, but the way LO implemented it. For example, EAC blocks DXVK on Windows, but it works in Linux. That doesn't make sense. 2. From the customer perspective, the only issue I saw with the support portal is lack of clarity to what info is needed for the ticket. It was 1 giant form with every question customer support might need. The info text boxes should have been broken down, based on what type of support is needed. But, the layout wasn't an issue. If they added a tip stating "include relevant info", that would be good enough. No need to redesign it. 3. Revert to old system. There is no point in fine tuning matchmaking if the pop is too low to utilize it. 4. Which means new matchmaking will continue to produce poor results. I'm against removing factions, but there not enough players to refine the threat based matchmaking. 5. NO, DON'T PROMOTE THE GAME IN ITS CURRENT STATE. Ban cheaters who post on Youtube and Twitch. Disable super low resolution textures so the game doesn't look like poo on Youtube and Twitch. Fix the Mirage LOD model and textures, so the new content doesn't look like poo for returning players. Then maybe LO can focus on promotions. Don't use any streamers who play with stretched resolution, custom configs, or other modifications to the game's UI.
  21. Duh, this new matchmaking isn't going to work with a pop of 40. That's why it should have never been implemented. It takes longer to find missions, and the missions are less balanced since the teams' player count is even. What's the point of waiting longer? Just go with the matchmaking that Open Conflict used. Threat balance doesn't matter as much when you can instantly get a mission after mission.
  22. They seemed pretty confident that this new match making system was ready, despite it clearly not working.
  23. I wouldn't announce firing staff, out of respect for privacy. This should have happened years ago. It's obvious this developer doesn't test things before releasing. Then again, it's possible LO kept switching their job duties so they could never get anything 100% completed.
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