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Everything posted by nndrei

  1. And why do the silver go to the bronze district? ... Because the golds are invading the silver district, WHICH IS THE DISTRICT FOR THE SILVER.
  2. should just go to our inventory, not go through mailbox
  3. While you can help, everyone is welcome.
  4. They should hire you, like new anti cheaters : P
  5. Then you have to be more active, I saw a few GM and many times in the full districts.
  6. Hey Matt. Thanks for all your work, thank you for having faith in this video game. Sorry for all the ridicule and other offenses that have been published in this forum. From my point of view, he is doing things well and you are very open with us. And for the players. INSTEAD OF COMPLAINING THAT YOUR FAVORITE WEAPON IS UNBALANCED. WHY DID YOU NOT ADAPT TO THE VIDEO GAME? I think that weapons are more realistic now, let's be honest, in real life, what chances you have vs shotgun.
  7. I understand your point, but some guys insult the developers, and it doesn't seem right to me.
  8. They are new to this sector of videogames, give them an opportunity to learn at least. I dont understand why you get angry. If they see that something has been done wrong they will fix it. The only thing you get that way is to annoy them ....
  9. They are new to this sector of videogames, give them an opportunity to learn at least.
  10. I think you have a special way of seeing things.
  11. 7k dollars for a toyota gt wow, where u get that car? this is cisco : P it's the closest thing to cisco
  12. well, It's my fav car, I hope have it someday
  13. You all say that it isnt the right place to post this. But what should be published in Social District (General Discussion)?
  14. You can add a small description next to each name, in case you dont remember the name of your "friend"
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