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Everything posted by Zolerox

  1. Yukon RIP Canada Weeps. <frozen Icicle hits the floor> In other news Showstopper will be my new CQC secondary. Most of these changes are good (not happy about my Pre nerf issr "Misery" being Quickswitchers dream weapon I mean really? you have to move to gain accuracy that's funky.) HVR changes won't work as well as planned. The quick switchers just Stay still and crouch watch any video of a quick switcher (roby has a good one) they just stay immobile and shoot you. The curse is actually a nice weapon now More accurate then it used to be (and feels like it was meant for it) Anubis Eh less of a "Kill with this gun to feel better" gun but it's better (mod icon could use tweaking since they changed the cross hair Kinda look's like ursus.) Slower shotguns are strange And the "More damage if first pellet hits" Kinda screws the Anti shotgun tactics. When fighting a shotgun you need to be 100% exposed (or enough for full barrage to land) For the shotgun to do full damage so Half poking out of cover and shooting a shotgun user you take less damage. Now their just a Pump rifle. (Very much stabba nl-9 vibes) CQC affects me the most since i'm bound to Shotguns and SMG's for 7 more months. The jokerstore Addition's are good i don't mind the fact something i own is now free for everyone Good for them And since i own it why should i care if someone else can now use it as well. Jokerstore should Weed out some of the "P2W" stigma when most of the "armas" item's are only available for real cash. Keeping in mind I'm completely f2p More additions to the jokerstore can only be good. (Personally i expected the Shotgun pistol to be a contact reward for Lynette Casey/Lucas Van Rooyen , Still a possibility.) We could have gotten Double B's shotgun AND NOW after getting a shotgun pistol i've been asking for since 2014. Second Wave/ Gauntlet. For starters.
  2. Zolerox

    Idea for the locker

    Kinda possible with legendarily but Yeah we need a sorting system (marketplace already has 1)
  3. Imagine having to shoot someone more than once with any gun irl to maybe kill them, or at the very least make them unable to fight. Shotguns. other games are 1 shot (imagine apb with 1 shotguns AH the butt hurt.)
  4. It just seems silly to me that the only mod that is actually meant for snipers (high mag scope) is optional when all sniper models use a scope. Biggest problem is killing requireing a pistol (tag with secondary finish with sniper or vice versa) the hvr is fine by it's self. Seriously. Tagger/spotter is fine. 3point sling makes sense for cqc weapons But on the hvr it's downright exploitable (quick switching imagine doing that irl)
  5. More realistically. Make tagger reduce total ammo by 20% (i don't actually think tagger is op) It's a placebo knowing exactly where the enemy is makes you fight better.
  6. What the heck Presets can use double red mods why can't we? PLZ FIX and on the way make tagger reduce damage (ever used RFID rounds irl?)
  7. I dunno something about double mags and double barrels makes the gun visually pleasing.
  8. "heavy" items. And That's just so strange it's probably the only mission i allways end up tieing in no matter how Full Vein in my forehead i go (full rage mode) 33 kills 1 death Still a tie.
  9. a few I have 1 too. But that was on old forums and meme's can be Warning worthy apparently.
  10. "out of bounds" if you go beyond 300 Meters and item fall's out of the car's trunk and can't be picked up for 15 seconds Explodes. Problem solved. I'll collect my medal and be on my way.
  11. Bakery Overdose. Cupcakes cakes Icecream Anything a child would eat that it's sweet Cookies Just keep eating till chocolate loses it's flavor. O this is about getting OVER a hangover never mind. (ignore my Daily breakfast schedule)
  12. Forgot to point this out but Wrong forum section. Belongs in social. Imagine this section as the Guides section in Steam. *Shooting Not Shotting
  13. I used to have that paranoia of getting "Randomly Banned" I've never been banned in any other game in my life and G1 at the time was banning left right and center Trying to silence free speech and it felt like it's not only cheaters getting banned. Since LO took over my stress has gone down and then the blog post where mat went on to say "banning someone is not something to broadcast and is a failure because it means we lost a player" put's my mind at ease. I say stress gone down because no matter how magnificent Matt's beard is (and it is quite Magnificent that's why i login to apb everyday) I will still feel like i could wake up 1 day and just be banned without ever really knowing why. At the very least my forum account won't be banned so i can still contribute from the grave. And no if i got banned i wouldn't make another account i would never login again.
  14. Well old friends probably didn't add me back (haven't logged in since 2014) and I doubt tiggs is gonna add me back. Sigh. I wrote a 150 list I'll be checking it twice Whoever didn't add me back is getting a polite (WTF) and getting put on another list Codenamed "Naughty List" and if someone finds out they are on that list They get put on another list.
  15. non-reciprocal friends What are those.
  16. Legendaries were intended to Only be sold. So trading was never a sink in the first place (if it was just a 1 to 1 Trade)
  17. non-reciprocal friends Guess my friends list is getting wiped. "non-reciprocal friends"
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