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Everything posted by ShaiShai

  1. but but i was told that 120+ is waaaay better was that a lie on a side note, your card might be going bad if its giving you isseus at higher fps levels , i would start looking / saving for a new / same card to replace it (i still only get 90fps anyway tho, i dont have a monitor that can handle 120+ yet)
  2. well the person i was fighting must not of know of the changes or didn't know how to use the edited shotguns, as she was firing from a distance and not up close she did figure it out tho on our second battle in the same match, and she stayed more close, and rkd me that time
  3. adapt or quit kinda weard as im a shitty silver (you all told me this) and i like the changes, i was able to face a shotty today and not die in 2 shots, was able to have a gun battle with the shotty and i won, so dont go speaking for all the silvers when you say "tons of silvers" as its incorrect
  4. why? you cant learn to adapt? sorry that your op mod was changed, learn to adapt or quit
  5. im thinking they are being ddosed again as someone probably doesn't like the ir changes and want the servers offline now cuz of it lol
  6. thats too hard for people to find, even if it was really big and flashed they wouldnt be able to see it
  7. i wouldnt mind having a /makeout /hug /holdhands /poledance (this one can only be used at trespass)
  8. well yea, it makes you start a new toon and 90% of new toons have hardly any customizations on them so the game just has to load bare bone toons and not the advanced customized ones we have on live, what they should do is what sto (star trek online) does, they give you the ability to transfer toons from Holodeck (live server) to tribble (test server) apb should do something like that if they want to stress test the servers with 100 fully made up toons that dont look like trainees, which will never happen cuz then people would complain that they want to transfer toons to other servers and be like "well i can transfer to otw why cant i transfer to bla bla bla" lol
  9. "Real Money Transactions" I'm assuming Hexerin is complaining about people buying guns off the marketplace and killing her with them
  10. As i mentoned. A group of players activly communicating against a team that have never played together from different countries and different languages is unfair. Clans playing clans is fine. But the bronze servers is where our new players start playing. so you want players that use voice to be removed, thats half the pop then as vivox is always running even new players can use it too as its a built in feature (altho most close the exe for vivox cuz they claim it lag, i never notice lag from it) so what do you do then?
  11. why would they bring it back, atm cheaters are running around freely and if they bring it back there will be a possibility that cheaters get banned which in matts words he doesn't want that as it means they loose a customer and that is bad according to him, that's why they removed the report feature
  12. if ff was removed why do i see "Fairfight active" when loggin into any district?
  13. it comes and goes, give it a few it will show up again lol i havent noticed a difference in ms tho im stable at 50 - 60 even during the feeling of ddos
  14. it feels like a ddos but the packetloss is at 0 i
  15. When did support tell you to report in game? How long ago? a while ago , since it gives you the auto responce, i found no reason to message supprot about cheaters anymore as they just tell you to do /report ingame anyway
  16. i wouldnt call it a responce or more of a auto responce, telling me to use /report ingame to report cheaters
  17. i like how all you people say to send it to support, but when you do , support then tells you to do /report ingame so like i been saying, lo likes cheaters, they unbanned all cheaters, just like matt said, if they loose a cheater they loose a customer so they removed /report and if u do report via support, they tell you to do /report ingame, which you cant as it was removed..... so again, how do you report? as support tells you to do it ingame
  18. u mean i’ve been playing pubg this whole time? no but someone will read that and claim that its false banning in other games like apb......
  19. ikr, they wanted gm's ingame, now that they are starting to get ingame, people complain ......
  20. omg...... now i think he is just increasing his post count lol
  21. from facing him and hearing him over voip i don't think he knows / understands too much English I'm guessing he is asking for weapons to be tested on Open Test World?
  22. he wants to know what the new ip address is so he can start ddosing the servers again
  23. If enough people have done that to you to fill your entire ignore list, then I do apologize. well now all i do when i enter a mission is usually put the enemy on ignore right away so i don't have to hear their pm's on how im a bad silver and should not be in silver ........ the horror, a silver in silver district ....... where she belongs ... anyhoo , i then have less room for other issues like that, although i do delete them (if i remember to) from ignore after the mission and if not, i clear out my ignore list when it gets full (remove all and start over)
  24. A gold teammate is fighting another gold, and i join in to help and kill the gold enemy , the gold teammate kills me and calls me a kill stealer > totally my fault next encounter where i see gold teammate fighting a gold enemy, i do not interfere as i don't want to be tk'ed again for "kill stealing" , gold teammate dies, gold enemy kills me next, i re-spawn next to my gold teammate, just to have the gold teammate kill me again for "i quote" "being a worthless teammate that lets their teammates die so i deserve to get tk for it" > again totally my fault......
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