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Everything posted by Speedz

  1. I believe I've had 5-6 missions last weekend where high rank *golds* tried ruining the mission through dethreating. Take a break, play something else and come back later.
  2. Not when they would add discounts for account lifetime options
  3. Mostly agree with that the car choice isn't great. The thing is, most likely those codes will only work for newly created accounts. If you give away free 4x4 Vegases or other high tier items to newbies, everyone else in the community will simply get annoyed by the fact that they spent irl money on them.
  4. I am aware of the lag-switching, but as in most other games, the player shouldn't be moved to a position where "he would have probably moved". The server should simply tell the client to roll back to the position at which point the "lag" started happening - obviously this should only be happening when the connection is completly interrupted (no received packets).
  5. I believe previous hacks of Goat made use of the "Look behind" key bind instead of using normal rotation only. It honestly isn't even a hard thing to code in aswell... I do agree that we need more server side checks for various types of hacks though. I still don't understand how speedhacking for example is a thing, I'd assume its a "outdated"-engine problem but who knows...
  6. Not sure how far you can go with Java(Script), but sure, that'll stay for quite a while.
  7. Flash is about to be discontinued and is disabled by most browsers already, cannot recommend. There are way better things you can do nowadays.
  8. This is mostly the case with newer weapons. At some point they just stopped putting values into modifications and created new base entries instead. A lot of newer modifications are sadly just placeholders which kind of makes the random joker or christmas box loadouts useless. btw, ya'll can hit me up regarding weapon value questions. I don't mind answering them as long as it doesn't get too complicated. *cough* curves *cough*
  9. Rank progression seems fine in my opinion. It lacks more rewards or unlocks along the line which could make it more interesting to level up faster. For the most part you only really need to hit a few milestones, which would be access to trading/marketplace at rank 15, unlocking the second equipment slot at rank 60(?) and maybe - but not necessary at all - unlocking more variety of mods at rank 195. Everything else you literally get in the first few play sessions when starting a new character (basic clothing, grenades, car spawner, meta weapons)
  10. Sorry but I have to very much disagree with you. In this case both the FAR and the N-TEC use the same range and recoil curves, their PerShotModifier curve is different. Please don't ask me for exact curve graphs, I don't have that data.
  11. No, the N-TEC and all its variants has a range, pershotmodifier and recoil curve.
  12. Merry Christmas to you and your families.
  13. The Elf is in all event districts. He is at Double-B / LeBoyce in Financial and at the ground floor in The Beacon.
  14. Speedz


    weird but ok flex
  15. They didn't plan on making their own version of the Adv. Launcher. They want to integrate more options into the in game graphics settings, which will be most likely in the Engine Upgrade. Sorry but this is probably the stupidest thing I have ever read. You might want to consider getting a console if you want everyone to have the same performance.
  16. Why are we talking about editing config files the Adv. Launcher doesn't edit? If you would take a look into the provided .ZIP files on that website, you'd see that they edit a bunch of Unreal Engine files, which by LO was not allowed and which is something the Adv. Launcher is not touching. The Launcher only edits APBMachineOptions.ini and APBCompat.ini. And before you tell me that it does more than that. Have a look yourself. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-kOrkNs4LU5FGxFSIKEJTBnc50pUdrr-CZFy4IWOsfs/edit?usp=sharing This was captured using the Sysinternals application called Process Monitor (procmon exe) Link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon
  17. I am running the game at an almost constant 120-145 FPS aswell here. Sorry but that is not a valid advantage to me. You are basically telling me that everyone who has high fps should not be allowed to play the game because he has the advantage of running the game better than others.
  18. Alright, apparently I am missing something then. I'll use my Sunday to go through every possible configuration the Adv. APB Launcher has to offer to see what kind of advantage it could possibly give me. While I am doing this, I'd like you to also point out to me settings which you think might be questionable and give that advantage you are speaking of.
  19. Decent design, might come in handy as a news overview. One thing that bugs me is that new tabs are being opened when clicking on links in the navigation bar. I personally don't like it and since you stay on the same domain its unnecessary.
  20. I'd really like to know what advantage you get out of using the Advanced APB Launcher. To my knowledge, the Adv. Launcher only gives you a few more detailed options to edit the graphics settings of the game.
  21. Looking forward to break the game in all possible ways
  22. Making APB P2P is not an option at this point. No one will pay those 5 bucks if they look at the steam reviews, youtube reviews or literally any other review site at this point. You'd literally stop new players from coming in at all and would still have a minor cheating problem, since most cheaters already pay for their hacks. Don't think they'd care for those 5 bucks to cheat again tbh. "Just release 3.5 with great graphics", I love how people still believe that the engine upgrade is going to change the game visually.. there will be no change, nothing significant atleast. Its going to be the exact same game after the upgrade, minus the people still sitting on 32 bit systems in 2018. The upgrade was meant to make further development of the game easier, don't expect anything big after it drops.
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