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Everything posted by StrelitziaDeWitt

  1. That time when LO removes the word porn from their censor list
  2. Kinda defeats the purpose of hentai you're there to get off on not to laugh on.
  3. I have a theory on that. Prolly starred to much at the picture on this thread: Now he just wants that mushroom!
  4. I would suggest to change from Gamersfirst to GamersOrbit have the best from both worlds.
  5. Hey even we Christians enjoy the porn ya know.
  6. NOW CLUCK LIKE A CHICKEN! Here you go.
  7. Except that's normal practice. Where have the good o'times gone. But there are still games that let you beta test it for free, like The Crew 2, Battlefield V and I think the Division did it too, that's what I'm aware of. I pre-ordered a game once just a day before release, they gave me an entire new game with it and some DLC shizzle. Thanks Bandai! - I do wonder if the descent game has at least a campaign I mean 39 euro game I expect single player campaign at least.
  8. First you gotta take these socks: Go to the little orbit office and scream: "TRICK OR TREAT!". If Little Orbit treats you they fill your socks with events and sales.
  9. The secret is out now finally the scoop of the century for the Daily Paro!
  10. Yeah prolly not gonna happen I mean game devs are full on the battle royale bandwagon, won't end anytime soon.
  11. I heard the windows update was pretty bad against some intel users.
  12. Financial dead? Might be a Financial collapse am ayyy right?
  13. Nope I got the microphone now it's your turn. :p
  14. Noire pls. Everyone knows you're just gay for Neptune. Ahhh shit I've been found out!
  15. StrelitziaDeWitt

    Furry porn

    Hey man if that's gonna be a thing we can't call certain people goat fluffers anymore!
  16. Without anime there would be no Neps, with no Neps we cannot survive!
  17. Are you wearing thongs Peter and not wiping?
  18. Sounds like someone needs to play Quake champions instagib.
  19. Little orbit you took the request to separate the packs to far dang it!
  20. Remember when there was elimination in multiplayer and none cared? Then add a huge empty map with a circle that get''s smaller and we call it a whole other game mode and a 100 million plus industry. I got bamboozled once for buying PUBG I will not get bamboozled twice.
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