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Everything posted by FakeBungo

  1. mattscott stated from the get-go that LO is purposefully not banning cheaters in order to increase player count, and therefore profits so sit down nerd
  2. known cheaters don't exist in APB according to LO, they are "reformed ex-cheaters with big wallets". Merged. they immediately ban people for griefing on stream, but if you aimbot on stream no1 cares lol
  3. FakeBungo

    fight club

    its called pay2win: reloaded for a reason
  4. this + dethreaters is the main reason i dont bother trying to win missions anymore
  5. seems like they only make changes that streamers or spct tell them to make, LO has no idea about apb
  6. could also make a bunch of simple weapon balance changes to spice the game up. but no its just car gameplay and a select few guns which are laser beams and ttk under 1 second.
  7. but the car has mods when its spawned
  8. FakeBungo

    nerf pmg

    die in 0.7 seconds at 30 metres to a brazilian who isnt even aiming, very cool also buff carbine because its way too inaccurate but oscar is a laser beam nerf euryale its just a overpowered shaw reduce HVR damage from 850 down to 700, the changes made to "noscoping" damage were pretty pointless and also impossible for new players to intuitively understand why they are not doing damage Merged. revert shotgun changes, its overcomplicated and doesnt address any issues, instead it just made the nfas useless
  9. weird bug didnt have it before, i can type in chat but can only see the chat if i press the home key
  10. FakeBungo

    Nerf the .45 Pistol

    yeah nerf the .45 pistol one of the only guns with a high skill ceiling because it requires landing 71.4% of shots in a magazine to get ONE kill. no need to nerf the PMG, pmg is very underpowered, can we buff pmg. pmg should be 4 shot kill.
  11. this happening to me kicked severals times for no reason
  12. LO is too busy unbanning cheaters to help you
  13. put epicgoat and film as GMs
  14. everytime i have trialed the oscar i can never get it to be high firerate... whereas with a carbine i can easily spam it. maybe just takes more practice idk
  15. or just make the game not suck
  16. I'm not sure how good remote det is since mostly 5 iq players use it poorly. High burn is def S tier so if remote det gonna be anyway its A or below.
  17. Heres the most accurate so far. It might vary slightly based on the particular mission objective and whether or not I'm playing solo.
  18. yeah i made the mistake assuming that g1c is shown in my local currency so i converted it into USD which lowered the dollar value XD so it is infact more expensive and ill edit that in to not confuse ppl
  19. yeah ofc its all likely to change, especially if they are actually making 10 new joker contacts. i think we can assume these will be used to various things and not just be 10 stores. likely there will be more joker activities from one or more of these contacts to earn JT, just guessing. i think having both G1C and JT is over complicated though. someone pointed out in social that it will be cheaper to buy a JT colby .45 pistol than an Armas colby .45 pistol a saving of about $5. they may aswell merge armas and joker store.
  20. it costs 2500 jt for a week lease, everytime you buy it for lease you have 5% chance for permanent (tradable) that means it costs 25000 jt average (50% chance) or 50000 jt if you are unlucky (100% chance) it costs 100 g1c for 500 jt (unsure if buying more JT will be cheaper deal or not.) this means a legendary will cost $50 USD average or up to $100 USD if you are unlucky (actual prices might be slightly less if the JT includes a premium discount) i am unsure if this is better or worse than joker boxes, im sure somebody who has bought joker boxes can tell us. so overall, this update doesnt really impact anything IMO since you could already buy legendaries for apb cash$ and apb cash$ is way easier to get than 50000 jt. any noob can earn 50k an hour by smashing stores and after a 8 hour grind thatll make them 400k to buy their first low tier legendary. whereas with this JT it will take them like a year.
  21. If they don't add more ways to get JT, honestly this is a pointless update. Spending 50 weeks, aka 1 year of playing every week of the year only to get a gun thats worth upwards of 3 million apb$ which can be earned in a fraction of that time is absurd. (or just pay approx $30 usd instead of playing for hundreds of hours). Outside of a couple veterans who have saved their JT over years, if not half a decade, this update won't affect many players.
  22. hitreg is also trash the game has lagged for 2+ years and LO hasnt fixed it engine upgrade will have to be bug-free if they expect anyone to bother playing outside of veterans
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