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Everything posted by SkittyM

  1. La Rochas gun will never happen since its hot garbage. Rest have been suggested recently though.
  2. He already knows and has expressed interest in bringing it back. There's more important things happening however.
  3. I suppose but the thing about the system is that JT# would be going away. So a JT STAR would still use R&D#. So you only have either a R&DIII or an R&DII PR1. Could probably just make the Joker Store weapons use a unique Joker Red color like the gold/purple armas or retail weapons use.
  4. It does affect gun position so leaning around corners is useful. But leaning in the middle of the open is some weird Siege or COD tactic since those games have shifting hitboxes. If you aim COM (just above the groin) you'll land shots even if the person crouches, rendering most meme tactics useless.
  5. You mean models. Textures are purely visual aesthetic.
  6. Can also add, it takes forever to get to district select and will then hang at entering district.
  7. Resupplying im pretty sure is because the player origin point drops lower, not because of the hit box. There was a blog post long ago where they showed off the debug mode for hit boxes when they added in the 3rd height mode for it and i recall nothing clipping through the ground. But at the same time there are microholes in the map that allow stuff to go both ways.
  8. There's only one and it changes height between "normal", crouched while moving, and crouched while static.
  9. With the current system. I never quite understood how something was a 3 slot weapon despite 1 slot already being taken. Nobody really counts the reduced hard damage as a factor for silencer, especially since SMGs do pea shooter levels of hard damage to begin with.
  10. No reason for SMG Silencer to be purple since people only use CJ on SMGs for the most part. It's a fair trade.
  11. At no point does a K1 come close to being anything like a Vector or a P90.
  12. Because i was around when it was "leaked" onto the JT store and prior for its launch. Everyone who did get to use it preferred the ACES stats, those who didn't use it also figured it should be more like an ACES. Also, theres the C9 SD, if that ever comes to light. So there's your whisper.
  13. We also have enough OCAs. Making it an ACES makes it more like a P90 since thats what people prefer out of it.
  14. Originally it was a rifle classed as an SMG. OCA atm would probably still shred your face but since its getting nerfed, i can see the ACES coming back into circulation. Idk though. Like 6 extra versions of the PDW 57 sitting in the files still.
  15. A silenced ACES Rifle would out perform the Whisper tweaks, or an ACES for that matter.
  16. It's not a tool tip, its there to prevent the gun from becoming unbalanced and just has flavor text to make it look legit. HB2 on the ACES Rifle was hilariously strong. God damn they really should revert the PDW 57 back to being an ACES Rifle, or an ACES. Way more fitting.
  17. There's actually a number of weapons that suffer from this. Though i do think Silencer is debatable, The ACES mods are balance placeholders and nothing more.
  18. Honestly i had actually suggested using the Pipe bomb model for it. But they're still learning things so its fine... for now.
  19. If you read that sentence slower, there's a preset mod ALONG WITH the silencer. so basically something like Mag Pull 3, Integrated Rifle Suppressor, and an open slot. So it would include SD and PR because it has both. So STAR 556 SD R&D I PR1 would be correct, but a mouthful. The order of the tags can be whatever but the point is to reflect how the gun is setup.
  20. Ah, so we really are going ahead with the blue eggy boi. Right on.
  21. Only comes in 1-2 slots. Nearly everything else that isnt a preset has 0 or 3 slots.
  22. I understand the JT - PR thing but it simply convolutes everything with how it is. Misc labels: PR = PReset, Basically everything but unique mods like Legendary weapons and Silencers. JT = This is just to denote the weapon is from the Joker store and how many slots. Personally i think the JT tag should have the number removed and tacked onto items sold via the JT store to denote its a JT item. SD = This denotes the weapon has a preset silencer mod. The Exception to this is the DMR SD for balancing reasons. Slot counts: R&D I-III = Somatic and Agrotech slot naming convention. Nol/Adeen/ Dvah = Nekrova slot naming convention. NFCP 1-3 = Obeya slot naming convention. Mk 1-3 = Colby slot naming convention. 940/1040/1140 = Is Joker Gun Works slot naming convention. It changes per gun but the idea is either an addition number that scales with slots (Carbine SR 115-415) or the first number scaling up with slot counts. The slot count naming conventions should appear on any weapon with an open slot(s). So for example a STAR 556 with a preset mod, a silencer, and an open mod slot should read as STAR 556 SD R&D I PR1 or similar. In my opinion weapon names are a part of lore and not having a weapon names be consistent with each other just makes things look strange as well as adding confusion. Would also be nice if all weapons had proper names, like N-HCSMG 9 'Norsemen' Adeen or N-HC 9 Adeen 'Hoenir', Colby RSG 10 'Showstopper'. Stuff like that. I get its not as important as stuff like the Engine upgrade but it would definitely spice up how things look.
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