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Everything posted by Noob_Guardian

  1. There's a few, but the majority are using wallhacks. Several use car radar to cover it up. It's like the old "use firework launcher perfectly without spamming it by somehow always firing it to always ping enemies without fail but pretend you aren't actually cheating." tactic but more "subtle". Yeah that I already knew, but tendency to hackusate isn't that scarce even among good players. Considering a lot of "good players" ended up playing with a lot of coverup cheaters on their teams and in their clans "without knowing" those people were cheating. Ofc its not scarce
  2. .84 ttk and it did the same thing prepatch, but if you missed a few it increased the ttk drastically, now it actually 3 hits like it's supposed to! THE HORROR. Ntec still does it better
  3. Finally someone who pays attention to the math and actual facts! Shredder is a complete non-issue in the balance spectrum. I'd understand if people complained about Whisper all day, but Shredder? Come on... Shredder has always been meant to be a cqc-mid range weapon, hence its high .84 ttk which prevents it from being competitive in cqc. Even an ntec in cqc doesn't have a problem beating it. IT shines at 15-35m atm, where it takes 3-4 hits to kill. It's fine it takes 3-5 however only if its reliably able to do that at the 1.4/6ttk or so that it will do so at. But that's STILL a high ttk.
  4. It's a nice start but far from balanced. This weapon is still going to mint everyone at 30-35m. You mean its going to kill people at 30-35m with 5+ hits causing a 1.8ttk? Ntec outshoots that no problem in ~1 second. It sounds like you're just salty. Exactly, the strife has always been a close to mid range weapon, which was its main selling point as well as its high TTK for a "close range weapon". People are upset that it actually manages to fulfill that role, because it impedes on the NTEC meta as it is NOT a "cqc" weapon. It's meant for the longer ranges. Strife used to be decent, "used" to be, because it was severely situational to begin with, and now that it's range got nerfed, haha... why even use it
  5. So basically no change for my shredder? Good, because i am glad to make the ntec baddies mad for a reliable kill with it. You mean a ~+1.05 ttk is cancer at 30m when you can simply .84 ttk at 30m with an ntec? Talk about delusional
  6. The only thing i can think about ntec is reduce the bloom recovery, its the only thing that was an issue with it being too strong, and it still remains, but we don't need another Far or Star hybrid. Shotguns could use a little scaling, I agree, however I disagree that shredder is broken. It is meant to be accurate enough to reliably kill someone at 15-30m (possibly even 40 with a full mag) with a shotgun. That's its range, and that is why its pellet spread has always been so tight. Its time to kill is .84 which puts it at a slower rate than cqc weapons, as well as mid range weapons (excluding obeya which has the same ttk) while still being easily killed by ranged at 20-30m, especially when it 4-5 hits with a ~1.0-1.32ttk or so. Which is on par or worse than rifles at that range depending on how the opp fires the weapon. Think of it more as a slug shooter than a shotgun (lethal nl9) it's meant to hit that range with a higher ttk. I think when it comes to the new weapon tweaks, people don't know how to handle it yet, a lot of weapons are now able to compete much better if not on par with weapons in their niches that they couldn't before. Weapons like the Shredder for example, which suffered heavily despite being able to 3 hit at 24m before, are now "OP" because now they suddenly are as reliable as a 7 hit ntec kill at ~.84s. How dare a shotgun reliably kill someone in its intended niche and intended ttk against the most "BaLaNCeD" weapon in the game?!?!
  7. Dunno about you but still see a lot of IR3 ntec. I will still use the mod, since I enjoy the range, just gotta use pistol more /shrug
  8. most people didn't buy the underpowered worthless guns of APB, give it a few months, maybe some will ikr NTEC HVR ONLY SO BALANCED so wheres shotguns and every other weapon? Oh they aren't good enough, i forgot.
  9. cHEcK tHe VidOe First hit was roughly 7m from you, the second, if he hit the majority of the pellots you were ~12-16m away, would have been plenty enough to kill you with the new changes. Shredder is meant for 20-30m ranges, and should be reliable in that range. It has a ttk higher than ntec AND oca AND other shotguns at .~84 so the only one to blame if you get 3 shot is yourself.
  10. I mean, before a JG would only 2 shot at like 5-7m now its ~10-12m. Almost like how shotguns were... 3 years ago. Not horrible but for their ttk it's a bit much. I really wish they didn't decrease the shotgun and smg ttks.
  11. That and my poor aim, yeah. I use frags, that way if I have poor aim I still get the kill. For 1 extra painful second, i can ensure i get a 1-2 hit on 2-3 people in my blast.
  12. Except for the fact that weapons are the most balanced they have ever been now. Just because they nerfed ntec, obeya, hvr, joker, rfp, osmaw, fbw, atac, jump shooting, sprint shooting, drop shots, and buffed the star, dmr, act, pdw, nfa, atac, whatevers in the balance patch, and a bunch of others, doesn't mean that the game's fucked up. You simply wanted the game to be the same old bs meta it always was. Some modifcations can be further rebalanced - I can agree, Spawns can be balanced - yes , several vehicles could potentially be balanced- yes, but reverting everything would be a horrible setback and screw up the game worse than it is now.
  13. JG : Initial Damage 140 (66), Damage Total 700 (792), Range 10-20m (20-30) It's impossible to be 2 shot at 20m now, 3 shot? "maybe" but its probably 4-5 shots. They didn't even touch the bloom for the gun, so it should be very hard for you to get 2-3 shot at 20m, i've been 6 shot though. But that's also ~2s ttk+ Is the CSG on par with the JG now? How dare they make the JG just as good as the CSG!
  14. I don't think its ptw levels though. It's definitely pretty effective now, however a lot of times i've noticed that I got kills with it, the gold player i was facing misplayed. It's time to kill is STILL .84 which is more than enough for an ntec or other cqc weapon to take you out before the third hit. It's 4th hit is ~1.12s. 3 hits at ~25-30?m and 4 onword. People simply don't like the fact that they made a close to mid range shotgun that can now compete fairly well against their NTECS. It's far from broken due to its TTK. People just don't know how to compete and counter it because they have NEVER had to deal with facing one before. Really, how many times in the last year have you seen a shredder? Not often right? Same goes for the now buffed ARMAS weapons, i bet we will see a lot of "thats op now" nonsense when using them. p.s. I've had people rage at me for using a star with hb3 calling it OP. Just sayin
  15. The fang is still good, but not as. I'd say it's fairly balanced now. While it definitely has range, it no longer has the fast ttk. I've been caught several times already during refire on it where i had to reenter cover because it's slower. Though i can't say it was overpowered to begin with. With a 40m range before it's ttk was 1.05-1.4 on average. While more effective than the ACT I feel like people just wanted to complain and didn't realize that it's actually meant to be a weapon similar but different than the FBW. Now the TTK is ~1.23? And closer to ACTS 1.5 and not nearly as good as the FBW's 1.05 so it definitly got the nerf... but i still had people whine about it today sooooooooo (and my average ttk in general for it was at least 1.3-2s to begin with) People hate pocket obirs. There's your problem, you used low yields.
  16. Yeah i'm always amazed at people when you go stock star and just wreck everything. Like do you not know how to counter this weapon?
  17. that ROF change hit it hard, buuut since i use it like an act it doesnt matter much /shrug How is the burst fire broken? It's RoF should be the different than it's full auto now. It's full auto was broken before the nerf due to a glitch, not the burst fire.
  18. Misery and FAR are completely different, operate different, and are meant to be played differently. You do have a chance but not if you play it like NTEC. Shredder and DOW needed the buff, since they were never used, they are amazing now. As for Strife, RIP my favorite shotgun :<
  19. Game is fine imo, if you are having kev issues use the epiphrene mod a little. The old video was RTW not G1, and changing weapons to be similar would require a complete rework so it won't be happening.
  20. Must only be waterfront, I main financial because it lags less xD (And imo better gameplay...) Many of the weapon changes were necessary, however the NTEC has always been meta. Soooo
  21. They completely dumpstered the Strife, which was the only shotgun that was actually fun to use. I felt that way too after I read the patch notes for its range nerf. I was like WTF the only shotgun with a 1.2 ttk and you're going to nerf it? *facepalms*
  22. "were" I barely see em, and i've honestly avoided using them unless im leveling rifle role due to preferences for HVR and NTEC/Far, which in most situations do the same thing from 0-100 or 0-60 but normally better. Obir is strong, but I wouldn't say best.
  23. I think it would be fine if it increased the ttk further. a 18% increase to .7 is only like .8? or so I didn't think the ntec would be firing almost 70m with the change. It was fine at first with the 7m and 18%/21%, but with 12m it's broken due to reach. A range for snipers, obeya, and obir 65m+ is now impeded by ntecs. No long range weapon can kill that fast. The ranges should be decreased or the ttk increase boosted higher for better balance. If you want to reach out to 70m with a gun its ttk should be at least .9 obeya stops at 60m and has .84 Obir is 1.2 and stops at 60 but has 3 shot up to ~70m IR3 should increase the TTK similarly so that close to mid weapons can get further ranges, BUT also gains similar ttk to weapons within those ranges.
  24. Since when did people use Obir or Obeya?
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