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Everything posted by Uhtdred

  1. yes, we need more streamers. go ahead and stream
  2. Uhtdred


    not really, APB is cpu bound game. APB is bad optimized, however, getting a better CPU improves apb performance.
  3. can't update APB, launcher gives me an error. Can't repair it because it still gives me error. Restarted PC many times, nothing changed. how can I fix this?
  4. Still, the poll is 70/30. This is why the poll was made in the first place.
  5. ??? you don't know who I am. I played the beta in citadel, because there was like 10/10 in NA at the moment. So i didn't play the beta on NA. Can you see the results btw? it's 70/30 so perhaps you should google input lag or something
  6. I don't think you know what input lag is. 90% of people here saying input lag is higher, yet you still trying to convince everyone input lag is lower.
  7. HVR gamers don't like this post (everyone will probably start playing financial only, and waterfront will be forever empty). I agree with OP tho.
  8. it's better to have 2 good cpu companies than only one, right?
  9. It's a beta, everything is possible. a lot of games are foccusing in decreasing input lag, of course i'm going to complain about input lag. I feel hit reg is better in beta but input lag makes impossible to aim (imo).
  10. nope. this guy "motorola" tells everyone to change their amd setup for an intel one, because amd "isn't a gaming cpu/gpu" according to him. what's the point of showing another perspective anyways? If you have X fps in some place, u would want to know how many fps other people have IN THE SAME spot, not another one, that makes no sense. try again tho.
  11. true. Ghost even thinks CA is overpowered... on the other side, you just came to defend your friend respectthis, your opinion is also biased. Pretty sure if respectthis come here and say "osmaw is the best gun in the game" you would agree too.
  12. obeya cr762 does more hard damage than nssw, and nop, euryale can't be used out of the window..
  13. If you could read, you would also know you called CA overpowered. Sorry, I don't chat in discord with people that think CA is overpowered.
  14. You and the OP think CA is overpowered, it's ok... we're all wrong except you two.
  15. OP straight called CA overpowered, he didn't say "CA fills the requeriments of what OP means". what are you talking about????
  16. you also said "which is the definition of OP". So yea, you called CA OP. also you said "he has a point" so you agree CA is OP. did you read what you say? let me ask you something: happy landings is used by 90% of the people, that means happy landing is OP according to you.
  17. No, CA isn't OP. KI3 and FRAGILE suck. you can't say CA is OP and KI3/FRAGILE are underpowered in the same SENTENCE.
  18. I have 130fps in the same spot, with a ryzen 7 2700x and gtx 1650 super... why are you always trying to bring up "I have the 9900k" thing? Also, RTX 2070 and i7 9700k is a better gaming setup than your...
  19. everything you said about doing 1 shot csg + perc doesn't even work when your enemy is using flak jacket. so there u got your answer, nope, CA isn't the only good green mod, flak jacket is also good.
  20. I can't believe I just read clotting agent is OP...... Percs aren't useless, but I wish they were tbh
  21. I know this is a beta, this question is not FPS related, just answer depending on your feeling of the input lag, etc.
  22. back to LIVE.... it's feels so much better than 2.1 there's like 3x more people in NA LIVE than in NA beta. I guess everyone thinks beta is not working well....
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