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Everything posted by Uhtdred

  1. how is possible that game shows me "the game may be down for manteinance" ?? how do I fix this?
  2. can't join the server and it isn't my internet connection.. am I the only one?
  3. you bought golden nhvr? That was a bad choice.
  4. Close NA LIVE for today.... we all should play the beta. Open NA live tomorrow again.
  5. I asked one GM in game and he told me ghostshots weren't going to happen in new engine.
  6. I had 50ms in Hoplon and here I have 150+ms, which means ghostshots is latency related. I can't believe we're in 2020 and it isn't fixed.. I would expect a bad reg (like in most games) with a high latency, but I don't have "ghostshots" in other games I play with high latency.
  7. does that mean Hoplon (former Brazil server) had more than 30 fps? I had no ghostshots there.
  8. are ghostshots going to be fixed this time? I was told "ghostshots are going to be fixed with the new engine" but there are still ghostshots. what about 4:3 resolutions?
  9. BattleEye is so good that former cheaters won't play APB again....
  10. Do Citadel players know that NA only have 1 silver district with only 25/25 a day??? I see a lot of them complaining about "low pop" but NA is 1000000000000 times worse. All this crap started when NFAS was the best gun in the game, 80% of pop was using NFAS + kev 3 + car deto. Also happened in the past ( a long time ago) when trouble maker was the best gun in the game...
  11. you called me BR and I'm not BR. So probably all the people shooting at you aren't BRs either.
  12. I wish NA had 200 players online tbh, we barely have 60-70
  13. good idea... unfortunately I don't know any of the guys you interviewed
  14. we need merge before engine update.
  15. No, leave NFAS and Shredder just how they are now. buff thumper.
  16. Uhtdred


    people has been saying "rip amd" for the last 10 years. your point?
  17. Uhtdred


    imagine keep talking about something that happened 1 month ago, damn... "keep dming" ??? when?
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