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Everything posted by Uhtdred

  1. Agrotech PR1 (better than PR2) Colby 45 CSG PR1 (or TAS) OCA-Whisper PR1 Oscar 3 slots Are all good choices.
  2. kev 3 is only good if you're carplaying, or if you're in a very small place where speed is not a factor. Always think about this: "why 98% of the people don't use kev 3?", thats right, because it's a bad mod...
  3. Like I said, there are some veterans uploading videos to youtube while aimbotting, blacking out his own name so you can't record that as proof. There's one guy shawcoptering everyone in Citadel and nobody does anything to stop it...
  4. there are cheaters uploading videos to youtube while aimbotting and LO does nothing about it...
  5. Better performance and anticheat could bring new players to APB, I like that. What about increasing fps max to fit the monitor hz?
  6. I'm a semi-senior web/back end programmer, believe me I know what online forms are. that form is just bad...
  7. why do I have to give support the following info just TO REPORT A PLAYER??? I have to write the following info: "Chracters names" <--- the name of the guy i'm reporting or my account names? "Chracters involved" <-- i guess this is the name of the player im reporting?? "Date of Birth" <--- why do u need that? "Estimated registration date" <-- are u kidding me? "Registration country" <------ what? "Current IP addres" <-- yo i'm not giving you my ip "Error code" <-- what error? "Transaction IDs"<-- it doesn't have anything to do with reporting a player?? "Item involved" <--- there's no item involved????????? "Payment provider" <--- the f$%#ck? "Subject" <--- finally something related to a cheating ticket!!! "Description" <---- oh finally!!!!!!!
  8. atac 3 slots with HS3 + ms and IR3 used to be the most op gun along with manic and nfas..
  9. remove all consumables or at least epinephrine injector. I see some people using the epinephrine at least 10-15 times IN EVERY SINGLE MISSION (most of the time they use it when they are losing/playing against good enemies). also buff thumper.
  10. repair doesn't work..
  11. Anyone else has been playing with packet loss in west? I have had packet loss in west for the last 1 month and half. EVERY time I join west i have packet loss, however in east everything is fine...
  12. Uhtdred


    Sup i'm trying to update apb (last pach) and it doesn't let me. It shows a red "Error" button and I can't repair apb either. How do i fix this?
  13. buff thumper please, probably the worst gun in the game right now.
  14. I think the amount of macroers increased a lot... people that used to be bad with carbine now are god like carbine players.
  15. this. can't believe LO forgot to buff thumper. oh and OBIR remains useless....
  16. i would rather lose against blatant cheaters/shawcopters/speedhackers than against a closet cheater, especially when most closet cheaters LOVE to group with veterans legit players that whenever you call them "closet cheaters" those veterans instantly deny it even tho they KNOW they are cheaters. right now grouping with a veteran make you look legit. closet cheaters killed this game.
  17. you know what they say right? Once a cheater, always a cheater.
  18. FFBANS public was the best thing that ever happened to this game.
  19. if you play at 1920x1080p full graphics it's a different story
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