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Everything posted by DouglasFalcon

  1. B NTEC is imo a great step in the right direction. The nerf is not perfect yet but I'm really happy to see that LO has acknowledged NTEC's most unfair aspects that make it so versatile. I think the nerf right now is a bit too harsh: despite me hating the weapon immensely, I still think that it's a meta defining weapon and therefore should still stay in top 5 best weapons in the game (otherwise plenty of crybabies will start complaining on forum). but this is just me theorycrafting, I haven't played OTW yet. Reverting the OCA buff is a great idea too, as it brings back the nice balanced meta SMGs had before it. IR3 on paper seems fine now and I'm glad you guys listened to our suggestions in the forums, I feel like our opinion matters now! Pretty ok with shotguns overall changes, altho I think Strife is still very gimmicky but I can understand how hard it is to balance it. Again we're just testing so even if you kinda break it don't worry you can always revert to being almost shit! Be creative As for range variations to both ARs and some Rifles I'm still uncertain. Some weapons didn't need nerfs or buff to their range and you will probably have to revert some of them, but I appreciate the attempt to make IR3 more stable innthe meta. Plus we're on OTW so there's no danger if some weapon sucks or becomes broken:)
  2. Anyone know what the context is on this? Didn't make any sound afaik. Kind of an indirect buff considering how bad that weapon is loool
  3. Yeah let's make them give us a date so that if something goes wrong and they have to delay the release we're gonna have the forum invaded by "R.I.P. APB" threads once again. I honestly can't wait for this to happen.
  4. As a DMR main I feel like SBSR needs another niche. Destrying cars is already done pretty decently by DMR-AV, which has the added benefit of doing more damage per shot on players and also a reverse dropoff mechanic that allows you to kill some cars and players A LOT faster sometimes. Right now we have a lot of sniper rifles that fulfill very different roles, so fitting SBSR-IRS into a unique niche can be pretty hard. Giving it a faster rate of fire and lowering recoil A LOT would probably make it alright, although Anubis being now decent kind gives it a run for his money.
  5. You can't be serious . Dead serious. It's a bit of an hyperbole, yes, but IR3 had no downsides and every mid range weapon used it to great effects
  6. when where you playing? North Pole. His igloo was cloder than usual.
  7. Dude fuck that broken mod that made everything good at range without any drawback
  8. Imma bump this cause its a great idea. You would actually feel rewarded for completing a role.
  9. Lol? You must be on acid or something -GMs are quite active, especially on Social District but I've seen some of them even in FIght Club. They're very polite and actively respond to people asking any kind of question. Maybe even too wholesome for the usually toxic district chats. -Since the introduction of BE, I have yet to encounter a blatant cheater. Perfect RoF lucky shots DO happen at times, myself included, and sometimes you can just be in the right place at the right moment. What makes a player suspicious is the ability to instakill and spot sneaky tactics CONSISTENTLY, and even then you could just be patootie at being sneaky. -Speaking of being patootie, claiming to play on bronze is usually not a good testamentfor your skills. Not tryna be entitled or anything, but if you're still stuck in bronze after 5+ years of playing then you're probably not the greatest player around. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this, but a lot of the time I get hackusated by silvers because of my good game awareness allowing me to understand where they can possibly be. Again, there is a difference between game sense/experience and just rushing the spawn of your enemy because you know where they are as soon as their feet are on the damn map. Honestly I think the cheater issue APB had in the past is pretty much eradicated now, it may be placebo effect but I remember how frustrating it was to play in Fight Club when a random R9 rookie spawned on opposing faction and started teleporting everywhere killing dozens of enemies. Those days are luckily gone now.
  10. Hmmm I believe they should show up as well. Using the Advanced Launcher with its files inside the Steam folder for the game still allows Steam to detect that you are running it. Lol then I guess we're close to reaching a negative record once again
  11. This. There are countless reasons why such a high cap is wrong, but you pointed out the most important ones. Please LO consider this idea, a lot of people agrees on it.
  12. This is honestly a good idea. Right now Kevlar is considered a Silver mod and everybody and their mothers run Clotting Agent (or the situational Flak Jacket). Revamping Kevlar would add some variation to the green mods meta while not completely changing it. Not to mention you can still deal with it fairly easily. Good post!
  13. And that's only accounts for the people who play the game on steam. If you use the launcher from g1 like me you're not in those stats, which means the population was even higher than that What about people running Advaced APB launcher then? Are they also not included? Because if so then the numbers may actually be lower than reality nowadays, given how many of us use that instead of the normal one.
  14. While I mostly agree with you as a big time Fight Club player, I also gotta remind you that LO is developing a new type of district so probably balancing both Asylum and Baylan isn't their top spot priority. With this said I think you're right about pop cap being lowered back to 32, you almost never meet less than 2 players in the same area, often result in unfair matches that get you killed with little to no opportunity to fight back. I wasn't a big Fight Club player at the times of 32 player cap but people say it was fine, so they should probably revert to that state.
  15. Wow it's quite incredible to me that there used to be times where 5K pop was possible. Those numbers seem so high nowadays, it's almost sad.
  16. I also noticed that while trying to level up my criminal. Waterfront is p bad compared to Financial, and also overall population is reducing again after LO attracted back a lot of veterans. I type /pop every time I log in and I gotta say the average population has dropped quite a bit recently
  17. It's so funny that I see more people complaining about weapon changes in this threat than the people actually spending their time testing on OTW. Quit whining and learn how to provide actual feedback about the proposed changes. Crying AFTER the changes isn't doing any favour, retards.
  18. Lol I hope not. Scammers are human garbage and there's no place for them in this game
  19. This weapon balance patch serves as great evidence that this game is full of 12-y-o crybabies lmao stop complaining and deal with it, otherwise Alt+F4 is your friend
  20. Finally had a bit of testing! Imma write 2 lines for each weapon I've tried Oblivion is now SCARY. Mobility Sling makes this weapon really strong because you're perfectly accurate on the move (you actually get MORE accuracy when moving lol), so you can wasdance and be a harder target to your opponent should you not have a cover. Also jumpshoting is definetely a thing with this weapon lmao, it's so damn accurate. Probably better than Scout. I'M IN LOVE WITH ANUBIS! You guys did such a good job at making it feel a reliable sniper and not a meme RNG cannon, I'm really happy about how it turned out! Tighther crosshair that turns red when aiming at opponents just makes it soo much more accurate. Also CJ3 has no downsides on it apparently, especially when firing at max RoF, so yeah it's probbly going to be not just viable but a legit scary sniper now. Showstopper thunder is very cool and fine. Fresh design, cool weapon silhouette and pretty strong as well. Spread is very tight even when you jump and I love it SBSR still feels underwhelming. I main DMR and all I can say about SBSR is that it feels like a meme version of DMR. You should be creative and give the weapon another niche, right now SBSR suffers from flawed design that prevents it from being used over other snipers, especially in OTW patch state. The new IR3 gives probably too much of a buff to certain weapons (especially RFP Fang and other burst weapons), while on the other hand there are some weapons that really benefit from it without becoming broken. It's kind of a mixed bag for this one, I personally need more testing (aka being bullshitted by Fang a couple more times) before making an actual statement about it. The idea is fine itself, stats are a bit wonky. It either gives too much range or doesnt slow fire rate enough to compensate. For the love of god, fix LCR. Some changes were made in order to make it look decent but I think we're still very far from a good result. The weapon was already bad before the IR3 twist, now it just feels helpless. You feel out-TTKd by any freakin weapon and it's so sad tbh Either buff STK to 4, giving it like 255 damage so it becomes 5 STK very quickly if u miss, or just find out some way. LCR lives matter NTEC needs a nerf tbh. It's now even more effective than before. My advice is remove that disgusting weapon already and just stick with STAR and other ARs. OSCAR is on the same boat, they were borderline broken before the new IR3 but now they're just insane. Lowering their effective range would probably be the best thing to do imo. All in all I'm very excited for these changes, I'll probably buy another Anubis for my criminal and maybe even the Oblivion pack, who knows. Keep it up guys, you're doing a great job
  21. ..what do you guys think of EoL series? I personally think they're situationally usable (except The Hammer, it's super bad imo) but they definetely need some love from the devs. Their concept is "short range OPGL" which imo is fine itself, but there are a few mechanics that completely screw up the design of these grenade launchers. Windup time is definetely too long, it adds 0.65 to your already very long TTK. The Hammer in particular relies on your secondary to finish off you targets, so your TTK becomes incredibily long and requires you to have a strong cover in order to secure a kill. Reloading time is very long too, at around 1 second for each variant. This makes grenade spamming much less effective when you take into account the windup time, and therefore their ability to push into a closed area full of enemies is drastically reduced. Fuse delay is imo what makes these weapons so bad. There is a specific range where the grenades don't explode on impact, but have a delayed timer that goes from 1.5 seconds for Kickback to a whopping 2.5 seconds for Deep Impact. Having to wait such long times when an OCA is pushing you makes EoL's niche over OPGL pretty much non-existent, considering OPGL's fuse delay of 5 seconds isn't that much longer (aka you're gonna be dead anyways lol) Their range is also much shorter than OPGL but again, I think this is an intended mechanic designed to give EoLs a niche over OPGL, so I won't bother too much about this. Long story short EoL have a flawed design that prevent them to fullfill their already small niche correctly. I think LO should consider buffing them a tiny bit (explosives weapons are already pretty cancerous lol) so that they have more reasons to be used. Removing/reducing the windup time would definetely help a lot, but working on fuse delay timers is what actually makes the difference between having a pile of trash in your hands and an actual threat for opponents camping the corner. Please keep discussion civil and avoid useless "explosives are cancer remove them all" comments, while I partially agree they add nothing to the discussion
  22. A copy of all the weapon mods, with their rank restriction removed, was sent to every player on OTW ... you can just test weapons with mods right now if you want Did not know that! I've been away from my PC for a few days. Thank you very much for the info
  23. Yay free max rank! Will you give people access to mods too? Kinda pointless to boost ranks without being able to use mods Btw my character is Lumumba, max rank would be greatly appreciated n__n
  25. The only times I die to an Ogre is when I play Asylum. Other than that Ogre is an incredibly situational weapon that requires the opponent to be in a small area without good covers to retreat, and loses its effectiveness quite quickly over range. It's definetely easy to get kills once you meet these requirements, but good look doing anything else with it. Tl; dr it's a noob weapon that kills noobs.
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