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Everything posted by SacheM

  1. All weapons and mods need unlock but all weapons and mods expensive.Role rewards should be discount.For example rifle man role 14 complete your rewards %35 discount etc.
  2. My favorite Sounding DMR-AV N-SWW N-FAS True Ogre My favorite Looking ATC 44 ATAC 424 Bodyguard(Most cool weapon) SHREDDER EB R2 Harbinger
  3. https://www.google.com/search?q=apb+reloaded+weapon+skin&rlz=1C1SQJL_enTR893TR893&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizi5r3xOTpAhWOtIsKHYK8CZQQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=1920&bih=969#imgrc=BPKqVSD_QYvO0M Oca nano skin
  4. Ahhhhh old csg better so why jg more damage than csg why.Maybe Csg more dmg than jg but jg faster than csg.Now jg more damage more fast.
  5. All legendary weapons have unquie mods but no unquie mod Hazardous
  6. it's finisher shotgun 1 perc 1 shot or 1 shot secondary 1 shot shotgun
  7. Yes example look joker cr5 sound very bad but dmr av sound incredibly @MattScott some weapons sound redesign?
  8. I have 101 account weapon.Some weapons trails
  9. Dragon skın some weapon looks bad 'black desings' will it be fix?
  10. I new see this https://imgur.com/DATJwxq
  11. Come on guys it's new thing.Yes to be honest not good but not boring.
  12. New login menu(not now) and old music would be better now.
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