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  1. Today
  2. As many of you are aware, our covert operations recently formed a groundbreaking alliance with MacksBolan, a noble player dedicated to preserving both the integrity of gameplay and the quality standards of the Double Quarter Pounder. This collaboration, dubbed Operation Big Mac, has proven to be an unstoppable force in the fight for fairness. With SARD no where to be found, we’re not stopping until every hacker in San Paro knows the pain of being outplayed. Whether it’s dropping high K/D games or dunkingon them in district chat, we’ll keep the wins coming.
  3. Hello everyone and Happy New Year, Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Thursday (01/02) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 4 to 8 hours. Thank you for your patience during this period.
  4. Yesterday
  5. Its still doing it, everytime you get matched and put into another district for a mission all the orange mods are 8 hour cooldowns and even afterl eaving game, they still on cooldown for 8 hours, so now i have to wait for 8 hours again to use any orange mods. This the stupidest idea ya guys had yet. CHANGE IT!
  6. im thinking its user error. i think the gun is OP
  7. districts been crashing for good for a while now ... -.-
  8. No this has been happening bout a week or so, specifically the orange mod will show a 6 hour timer, even if you haven't used the mod recently. I have seen on both the orange and yellow mods at times, but mostly its the orange
  9. Finding a match in another district sometimes leads to the objective not showing when you arrive in the new district, and other times the game just creates a loading screen and kicks you from the game.
  10. I used these a while back to extract from the RTW version and Reloaded's. Watto's Game Extractor. Use the free version. http://www.watto.org/game_extractor.html Umodel. It might not work on the compressed/excrypted files. https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel#files
  11. perhaps this limitation is related to the work of the anti-cheat?
  12. Someone crashed fin east and now all my mods like det, and spotter etc, are now 17hr cooldowns. I know im not the only one, figure you should know and please fix. Cant do anything with orange or yellow mods.
  13. Last week
  14. i don't think anyone even visits this side of the forums https://apb.house/ a super simple "scrimmage" organizer for 4v4s. just enter names and it'll randomize the team for you. will eventually add other features later.
  15. Event powered by Wave Lounge ! Hey, Ketog from Wave Lounge here, welcome to yet another Wave Lounge event, this is the second edition of the Hypermetrics contest, the last one was already a year ago ! For this second edition, there will be a few rule changes, and before proceeding, i'd like to say that this is also probably the last event that will be by Wave Lounge, while i will still be making events, the futures ones are gonna be powered in SPPA's name, our clan is now old and inactive, so it's simply better we redirect people where we think they belong, and SPPA perfectly fits the bill =), now, to the event ! The Hypermetrics Contest This event is pretty simple and straight forward, it's how we do it at Wave Lounge, the goal you might ask ? Get the highest possible FPS in APB, that's it, that's the event, yup. All you have to do to win is reach the highest possible FPS in APB with a few rules: 1) You must provide a complete screenshot of your game with performance metrics (any overlay of your choice) 2) You must be in an online district (yes social and fightclubs do count), that means no login screen trickery 3) For your first submission, you must specify whether you're competing for the prize or not, you cannot change your choice afterwards. The rules are subject to change if some player finds a loophole, so we take the right to change the contest's rules to keep it fair, and give the win to the player that actually deserves it. The event will run from the date of which this post is published, up to the 8th January 2025 What can i win and how do i participate ? The rewards are located on Citadel (EU), you can participate if you're on NA, i however, won't be able to provide any rewards. The winner with the highest FPS score will get the following: 1) 1 000 069 APB$ 2) Mystery Theme 3) box of Exfluencis© The prize might increase as we get sponsors from other clans and/or donations from players, If you wish to donate to the cash prize, please message me on this forum or on discord @Liarus If you wish to participate, you will have to either join our discord and submit your screenshot in the submissions channel or DM me said submission (@Liarus), for me to take it into account, your submission will then appear on the leaderboard, the prize will be given to the competing player with the highest score Tips So you might be wondering "how do i achieve such a high FPS that isn't possible! Well here's a few tips so you can stand a chance against other competitors: - One of the most significant settings to get higher FPS is to use No GC configs as well as Double Buffering ON - The second one, is to go somewhere where the map is rendered as little as possible (exemple, back of the social district) - Third one, is to use OTW, yes Open Test world, which is currently publicly open, so you have no players loaded - And last, things that can help is running at a lower resolution, having a debloated system, overclocking for single core performance. As an extra little note, I'm still planning on running this little contest every end of the year as a fun way to gather performance metrics related to APB over time. Have fun tweaking, breaking, experimenting with APB, there is no other rules other than what's currently listed, however stay up to date with this post for the latest news!
  16. You're right. The lack of Facts provided, induces insinuations based on ignorance. It is possible that, with NA pop so low compared to EU, that sard needs more time to analyze than in EU. It is possible that LO is being quiet about it for a reason, possibly to give them enough rope for the analysis to incriminate them.
  17. If I play in financial east, can cross district matchmaking move me to WEST? That would suck, because I have to use VPN especifically for east or west to improve my latency...
  18. I was hoping that inter-district matchmaking didn't involve a loading screen. The loading screen may be removed. They may fix the garbage problem. But I can't believe it - they often sabotage themselves. I think it's worth allowing players to cancel a match in another area, but at the same time the player should receive a message that he will not wait for the mission, and if he does, it will be unbalanced. The quality of the matches has improved, and I enjoy the fact that the opponent is my equal in strength. The matches are exciting and interesting. But it doesn't always happen that way. I believe that gold and bronze players should not meet in the same match. It's just genocide. The matchmaking system should also assign players to districts based on the player's abilities. The number of players in the district should not be a priority, because often the player gets the same opponent from mission to mission. It is important to break down the players by skill level. This will avoid frequent district changes. In general, the new matchmaking is really something new and promising to develop. You should avoid taking long breaks between improvements to this system, otherwise all efforts will come to naught. The anti-cheat is working really well, the game is not as stuffy as before. I'm worried about players with a modified client. Yes, the game works better, but they get the advantage. Such players can be easily identified by their playing style, character movement, and other details. I believe that self-respecting developers should not allow such things. As a compromise, it is necessary to modify the graphics settings menu, and then block any client changes outside the game menu. The game was released 15 years ago, any arguments related to the state of your PC are inappropriate and ridiculous.
  19. Cross District match making.... What a joke!! Who the heck thought of this garbage??? The new fun part of it is your orange mods get a 6-8 hour cooldown now... Nitro: 8HR cooldown Car Det: 8HR cooldown Resupply (ammo): 6 HR cooldown Great Job.... Just make this game completely unplayable... Was alive again with the new contacts back in August.... Now with the delayed anti cheat SARD, and the FORCED DISTRICT MOVE (WTF...) You have signed the death certificate of APB Reloaded.
  20. cross district matchmaking is bugging character modifications, weapon modifications, consumables and guns from contacts. APB need a hotfix asap
  21. So yeah ,.. this is not a great message.. I personally do not know if SARD is up and running on the NA Servers. Above my pay grade... but a lack of messaging only invites "Tin Foil" hats EDIT: I am not a conspiratorial type of a person ..... I have a dog.
  22. SARD doesn't work at all. I face aimboters/rage hackers all the time. In fact, since LO said SARD was enabled, cheaters pop increased.
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