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  1. Past hour
  2. Then they either upgrade, or stop playing. Overall game health is more important than the minority of people who refuse to upgrade their PCs.
  3. Today
  4. I still expect patch notes today for what would have been tomorrows update. Also, is the server provider able to hurry up and plug the ethernet cord back in?
  5. WoW. there are curse words but none of them alone encompass my feelings. This is Jaw-Dropping. Thank You for the update, I think.
  6. Ardita

    Forum Boss Dream #2

    I have a dream, that one day, APB will be great again... Besides that, nope.
  7. LMAO that's what you get for cheap hosting. Understandable, tho. No profit from just a hundred sweats who no-life in 2 districts every day.
  8. Only hardcore supporters left to this game. Name them what you want
  9. anyone still playing needs a mandatory detox anyway
  10. I agree with you in the most of your post, it's a good knowledge around the unreal 3 engine setup for a not-technical person like me. However, I most say that Little Orbit didn't get APB:Reloaded 1 or 2 years ago. They have had this game and work with the game for quite many years now, and I believe they should know better by now and have made the statement very, very clear way before than they're doing right now. This unannounced migration I have hard to believe they're not informed about, if so their "server provider" is such a douchebag that I can't describe it. Their constant thin-air promises haven't build up enough trust for me to say; "ah sure np guys - see you soon"... When you got nothing to share its hard to ask them to share it. But I do agree with you entirely. This management need to get their fingers out of the bottom and start share some information on regular basis. It doesn't need to be much, but when you don't get anything and when it's so critical like yesterday server migration-thingy and there's simply nothing they know, share or can do, I have hard believe in this. I am skeptical based on years of broken promises.
  11. Yeah almost a week without APB. Sounds like a good vacation.
  12. Hi everyone, We know many of you have been waiting for an update, and we want to be as transparent as possible. As you’re aware, the recent downtime was not something we were informed about or given advance warning for, but we are doing everything we can to get the servers back online as soon as possible. We are actively working with our service provider, and preparations are in progress. Based on the current timeline, we expect to have everything back online by Friday. This has been a difficult situation, and we know it’s far from ideal for anyone. If anything changes, we’ll make sure to update you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
  13. Hi everyone, We know many of you have been waiting for an update, and we want to be as transparent as possible. As you’re aware, the recent downtime was not something we were informed about or given advance warning for, but we are doing everything we can to get the servers back online as soon as possible. We are actively working with our service provider, and preparations are in progress. Based on the current timeline, we expect to have everything back online by Friday. This has been a difficult situation, and we know it’s far from ideal for anyone. If anything changes, we’ll make sure to update you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
  14. Hi everyone, We know many of you have been waiting for an update, and we want to be as transparent as possible. As you’re aware, the recent downtime was not something we were informed about or given advance warning for, but we are doing everything we can to get the servers back online as soon as possible. We are actively working with our service provider, and preparations are in progress. Based on the current timeline, we expect to have everything back online by Friday. This has been a difficult situation, and we know it’s far from ideal for anyone. If anything changes, we’ll make sure to update you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
  15. Least we know that they've addressed us. Before we wouldn't hear anything til 2 weeks later. Thank you! The bright side is all those go hards have to go outside.
  16. Taking into account Emily's message about what happened, a migration can take a long time, if we consider the amount of data that this means and possibly APB AND FE are not the only games in which they offer this service.
  17. Honestly, it’s looking like this issue is going to last at least another day, if not a week—and in the worst-case scenario, we might be dealing with it for close to a month. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but this feels like either a hacker threat or the server provider is facing some pretty serious technical problems.
  18. Yesterday
  19. @Emily, Staff. We Deserve an update, and anything You know about whats going on, how long, why?
  20. For those wondering, this will not affect our menu screens.
  21. i had a dream i was at the mall on some job and saw a group of people beating up bilbo baggins from my terminal so i broke it up and gave him a hug "its so warm" he said then i tried to sell him stuff off the apb marketplace not before getting super excited cause i saw a new obeya fbw sd 'nightgold' with a reduced rate of fire it was only available until the 11th and cost 3199 g1c but i bought it with a smile account wide so with the new forum boss update there will be two new guns: Joker SR15 'Bilbo' Carbine - SD Obeya 'Nightgold' FBW - SD get on the mcdouble ill exxpect it done by next patch 2 slots each cause its cool no excuses stfu
  22. its me i am the provider i told matt i am shutting his game down be free.
  23. "you're going to get sick of us communicating" aged like milk.
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