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So, when it comes to FFA R&D3... ain't that a rare gem in game right now? Almost nobody owns it and almost nobody is able to afford one even if they wanted (prices are ridiciolous because whoever has it, can dictate prices pretty much unchallenged...).

But I don't see anyone having problem with that. And when they do, they are silenced for being silver and wanting to take only worth thing away from people blah, blah. So here it is. I'm owner of FFA R&D3. I could afford maybe two more if I really wanted (with such prices...). They are unscoped OBIRs with 3 mods slots, agreed. But question is why they aren't at Anne yet?

I think since we want all legendaries to lose they unavaliability status, that's only way to do it. Put it on Anne. Maybe make it so each lease is 10k JT so people don't whine. I don't care. For me it can be 2,5k JT. Nothing justifes fact that this weapon is somewhere in shadows and only owned by few. I don't even use it. For me it's symbol status.

So make it avaliable.

Edited by Mitne

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Some guns on Armas aren't even leased in the Joker Store yet, pretty sure they're more focused on matchmaking atm. 

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i thought them releasing it last year as a limited time item would tell u the answer

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Releasing it for a limited time is probably the only financially sound decision this company made. If it's rare, idiots will burn dollars to get it.

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I got 2 in past . . . One gave to a  friend of mine and dear battleteamate for several years on his birthday and another one during a contest/event the clan we've arranged.

Still no idea for the hype, I don't know how much is the price nowadays but despite the rarity FFA is pratically just a questionable worse Obir.




Edited by PingOVER9000

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It's just a reskin of Obir. most ppl use it as a status symbol, functionally makes 0 difference. No one should care about it tbh 

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On 6/10/2024 at 12:23 PM, Pedroxin said:

It's just a reskin of Obir. most ppl use it as a status symbol, functionally makes 0 difference. No one should care about it tbh 

Do you realy thinking it is "just" a reskin?

How you can get the details from the weapon, Datamining?


Skins are not just a optical change. If Skin A have a long barrel and skin B have a short barrel, this can make the difference in close combat (around a corner for example).

Its because the bullet spawn can be different.

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7 hours ago, Todesklinge said:

Do you realy thinking it is "just" a reskin?

How you can get the details from the weapon, Datamining?


Skins are not just a optical change. If Skin A have a long barrel and skin B have a short barrel, this can make the difference in close combat (around a corner for example).

Its because the bullet spawn can be different.

It's the same. Give a wall a hug and try it.

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1 hour ago, BlatMan said:
9 hours ago, Todesklinge said:

Do you realy thinking it is "just" a reskin?

How you can get the details from the weapon, Datamining?


Skins are not just a optical change. If Skin A have a long barrel and skin B have a short barrel, this can make the difference in close combat (around a corner for example).

Its because the bullet spawn can be different.

It's the same. Give a wall a hug and try it.

LMAO  . . . anyway for "details from the weapons" you can check by yourself in APBdb as below


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Let it stay that way.

Giving stuff away is just plain communism, we can't allow that.


Seriously, there have to be rare things.

In case of FFA, it's perfectly fine balanced rare thing: acting identical to obir, giving you no special reward other than having it itself. A collector's item in a nutshell.


Put it up to joker store and you'll just break someone's theoretical stimulus to grind, and rather many one's feel of having collector's item. This way you'll ruin it for a few that enjoyed it and won't get much off many who'll buy it of a contact and forget about it, cus, as said, it is nothing special if it's not rare anymore.


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4 hours ago, Todesklinge said:

Who is sending the Datas to the official Database? You?

You may check and see by yourself ( googling or whatever.. Otherwise the link below if you're still too lazy) the contributers are people from the apb community/ forum.




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7 hours ago, Todesklinge said:

Who is sending the Datas to the official Database? You?

the creator of apbdb receives weapon data directly from little orbit 

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ok ~ let`s ))


I have it also ~ so u really ain't all dat lmao 

Edited by ch4ncer

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9 hours ago, vsb said:

the creator of apbdb receives weapon data directly from little orbit 

Which means they can easily add this data in game to the weapon descriptions. Realistically, all they need to do is set the description textbox to use unicode, then they can list all the stats below the description. I'd remove the visual bars, since they don't mean anything.

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On 6/10/2024 at 3:23 AM, Pedroxin said:

It's just a reskin of Obir. most ppl use it as a status symbol, functionally makes 0 difference. No one should care about it tbh 

FFA is a similar case to OCA Whisper. It's based on an existing weapon, but it's not functionally identical. Where the Whisper has 20m increased range, the FFA has reduced zoom angle when ADS. The increased range on Whisper is mostly a meme, but the reduced zoom angle on FFA is actually quite useful. I hesitate to say it's "strong", but it's definitely a noticeable advantage.

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On 6/11/2024 at 1:38 PM, Todesklinge said:

Do you realy thinking it is "just" a reskin?

How you can get the details from the weapon, Datamining?


Skins are not just a optical change. If Skin A have a long barrel and skin B have a short barrel, this can make the difference in close combat (around a corner for example).

Its because the bullet spawn can be different.


It is.


Bullet spawns don't differ, they're the same for every single gun.

The only difference between the OBIR and the FFA is the level of zoom, which is not really a difference.


This is proven by the database, which is based on raw files provided by LO themselves.

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2 hours ago, GhosT said:

 only difference

nope, i bet my left nut that ffa has built in aimbot, to reward the big spenders



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1 hour ago, iRawwwN said:

nope, i bet my left nut that ffa has built in aimbot, to reward the big spenders



Whatever it's locking onto, it's sure ain't the opposition.

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