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Rumor Alert: APB: Reloaded Shutdown on October 27th, 2024?

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Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. Recently, I've been hearing a concerning rumor circulating within the APB: Reloaded community, and I felt it was important to address it here.

There's chatter going around suggesting that APB: Reloaded might be shutting down on October 27th, 2024. This rumor seems to be gaining traction, as I've seen numerous players discussing it in the in-game chat and forums.

As a dedicated player of APB: Reloaded, I understand the impact such news could have on our community. That's why I'm reaching out to the moderators and community managers to confirm whether there's any truth to this rumor.

It's essential for us to have accurate information about the future of the game, especially considering how much time and effort many of us have invested into it. Knowing whether the game will continue or cease operations on October 27th can help us make informed decisions about our gaming experiences and potentially plan for any changes that may come.

So, moderators and community managers, if you could kindly shed some light on this matter and provide us with an official statement regarding the future of APB: Reloaded, it would be greatly appreciated by the entire community.

Let's keep the lines of communication open and ensure that we're all well-informed about the fate of our beloved game.

Thank you all for your attention to this matter, and let's continue to support APB: Reloaded together.


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So what do we think happened? An LO employee with knowledge of when the game is shutting down decided to tell a player?

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October 27th, 2024  . . . Bet the "source" are something accurate such as the bullsh*t posted in reddit and massivelyop like below -_______-


Don't worry, it's very hardly it may happen in short period, at bare least LO has release STFU and see what happen, as publishers APB it's their most played games



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5 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

An LO employee with knowledge

Possibly an employee but more likely a disgruntled player, specifically a former player. 

Who saw the sale earlier in the month, and wanted to stir the pot to dissuade people from spending.

Of course I am speculating but without  any evidence of this Rumor that I've not heard, nor any source, 

We are left to speculation and stirring the pot ourselves to see what comes up. 

 I call BS on this post.

First off if it was true the Mods would have taken it down or buried it in off topic.

Secondly I did listen to the Pod cast by Matt, I don't think he would have said all he said, 

if a shut down was coming. I don't think Staff would be doing MM testing on otw.

If the game was bankrupt to the point of knowing they would shut down on a specific date. 

You wouldn't see Matt he'd be long gone, this site would go down. That would mean the Bank 

owned the company and would be looking to dissolve it.  Armas would be inaccessible.

And it wouldn't be some 5 months into the future, it'd be less than 30 days  

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I bought just about everything in the armas market when LO took over. I would be sad if they shut the game down. Can't be expensive to host servers for 300 players in 2024

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Posted (edited)

I wouldn't be surprised, if I was Matt I'd just close the game down and let everyone have a fun Summer. Some of the players need their Vitamin D tbh.

Edited by iRawwwN
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I expect at least to see some evidence of rumours and not just such "rumours I heard in my head while cooking dinner" stuff.


OP get your stuff together.

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Unlikely for them to give up so soon. The engine was made to function in 64-bit not too long ago. 


Sure, money is money. Life is harsh and misfortunes can happen in a flash but it isn't like hosting APB is expensive. Can literally host it in thy home.


I call BS but I wouldn't be surprised if it shuts down.

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bro saw someone lying for attention in district chat and sold all his apb stock

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Lol dead game can't die.


Psst i heard rumour that on October 28, 2024 will be launch of APB2.

Trust me bro i has insiders

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So Matt literally gave a talk about some of the changes coming to the game in future. The fact that banning cheaters is "whack a moll"  (more fish barrell)  making it more difficult for cheaters to come back, trade bans etc...


But you choose to listen to a cheater in district ....


The fact of the matter is it was already mentioned that they are keeping the game open for the fans, they could have closed it down 2 years ago.


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Keep us updated.

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On 5/24/2024 at 7:48 AM, CookiePuss said:

So what do we think happened? An LO employee with knowledge of when the game is shutting down decided to tell a player?

Rumors are rumors until confirmed true by an Official.  As far as I am aware Little Orbit has no plans to Shut APB Down any time soon.

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1 hour ago, Nanichi said:

Rumors are rumors until confirmed true by an Official.  As far as I am aware Little Orbit has no plans to Shut APB Down any time soon.


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Hope they do shut it down. Its All hackers now and LO doesn't care. 

Rules only apply to the single legit player left. Me. 

Stop rewarding hackers with gold. 

DEVEST and Resegregate golds.

They aren't fixing the MM they are trying to turn it into a gold feeding match. 

They arent trying to fix MM so that golds arent involved in legit players missions,

and or that golds can have match's without legit bronzes mucking up their team. 

Let golds fight golds only.

 Staff should be fixing the car and dealing with the non anticheat than trying to 

rewrite the game into a gold feeding sandbox so they can just sit by the point and

the aimbot just mows the opp down, oh yea sure they gonna want to escalate so they can 

mow down more players just running into the scene. This is not fixing MM this is some woke 

rewrite of the games functions to suit hackers. 

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Hello everyone,


I want to clarify that we have no plans to shut down APB: Reloaded.

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