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Marketplace TAX - Let's Talk

Marketplace Tax  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the 20% Marketplace TAX be removed?

    • Remove the 20% Tax from the Marketplace
    • Keep the 20% Tax on the Marketplace
    • I don't care about the Marketplace Tax (Period)
    • I don't care about the Marketplace Tax (BUT if i ever intend to sell an item such as a legendary weapon, I'd use a tax-free trading system over a marketplace that takes 20% tax on the Final Sale Price of my item)

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Let's talk about Marketplace Tax (aka Sales Tariff)... 

TL;DR at the bottom.


So as you all know when you 'add an item to auction' within the Marketplace there is a 20% tax (sales tariff) which is deducted from the 'Final Sale Price' of the item being auctioned. In my opinion, at this point in time, there is absolutely no benefit nor use to having a marketplace auction sales tax, MORESO now that a Player-to-Player trading system is in the works and will be introduced into APB:Reloaded.


As there won't be any "Trading Tax" of any sort added to the trading system, and rightfully so - the entire concept of taxing on a trade is preposterous - then, it is fair to say, that the introduction of a Player-to-Player trading system will make the current in-game Marketplace, within APB:Reloaded, entirely obsolete. No one, and i mean absolutely no one, who is selling a medium-to-high-valued item, will use the Marketplace and get taxed 20% of WHATEVER it is they are trying to sell, when they can use the new trading system to sell their items for their FULL asking price without having to be taxed 20% of any Final Sale Price. 


Moreover, with the introduction of the Trading System, you will indirectly incite chat spamming within Social districts - players already spam "WTT X for Y", "WTB X for the price of Y", and "WTS X for the price of Y" within Social, so you can imagine the chaos that shall be unleashed on Social District chat with the implementation of a trading system that overrides one of the two key hindrances of the marketplace, a huge 20% tax fee, since everyone who currently uses the marketplace to list and sell their items will now turn to using the trading system in order to bypass the 20% tax fee. However by removing the 20% marketplace tax, there is then the incentive to use the marketplace as an alternative to spamming Social chat endlessly, as there is now a place where you can successfully trade APB$ for high-valued items, without losing 20% of the items value. 


Since Little Orbit is not a government collecting that APB$ tax in order to invest it elsewhere for the benefit of the players, since it's a virtual currency, marketplace taxing carries no logical value. The entire concept of having Marketplace Tax is to help manage the economy of a game by disallowing the Marketplace / Auction House to function at a 1 to 1 gain (1:1), especially on high-value items, therefore slowing down the growth of the economy and the overall wealth of the player-base by heavily taxing huge transactions. This issue is solved in the real world by devaluing a currency with INFLATION - this is the concept of increasing the price of items, thus making your increased amount of wealth (salary) which you earn by working, be equal to your previous value of wealth to suit the economy - this issue is also solved in games such as World of Warcraft by increasing the value of NEW obtainable items, and increasing the currency-cap with every expansion, in order to adjust to the constant growth of the in-game economy.


That, however, becomes irrelevant in APB: Reloaded. The problem with APB is that, being a game that has been populated for over 8 years now, without any economy resets, lacking a consistent increase of NEW obtainable items / content on which players are able to spend their APB$ on has allowed MANY players to amass a considerable amount of wealth without any incentive to spend it, combined with the fact that players are able to purchase items with REAL-WORLD currency and sell them for in-game currency, has all culminated to allow the economy to destabilise to the point where someone is able to obtain an infinite amount of in-game currency on a countless amount of characters based solely on how much REAL-WORLD money they spend - marketplace taxing becomes entirely irrelevant on their in-game wealth. This means the only people being affected by the marketplace tax are the little guys, the people trying to sell themes, symbols, designs, low-value clothing items, at 500$ of APB$ currency per item.


So at this point in time, the economy / Little Orbit gains absolutely nothing from taxing in-game money (APB$).


Nobody benefits from the marketplace tax. It doesn't affect the rich as is intended in concept (to stabilise the economy) as their abundance of APB$ wealth is unaffected by losing out on 20% of a 2.5 million legendary sale whilst they sit on 50 million APB$, the mildly-wealthy will turn to the new trading system in order to bypass heavy taxing on their high-valued items and thus further increase their wealth, and the poor will continue to be taxed 20% of 500 APB$ per symbol/theme/low-value item they sell - since these low-valued items are usually sold in bulk and thus using the trading system to bypass the 20% marketplace tax is not viable, unless they wish to spend 6-12 hours a day spamming Social District chat.


At the end of the day perhaps no-one will care about Marketplace Tax, since they will simply sell their items via the tax-free trading system. And if the trading system has tax implemented into it, similarly to the Marketplace, then the trading system is a useless feature which no one will use as it will simply replicate an already-existing feature (the marketplace), and thus a waste of development time.



Conclusion: it is in everyone's best interest to scrap the Marketplace Tax.


I'd love to hear other peoples opinions on this. Feel free to discuss and vote in the poll. I am going to @MattScott on here as I'm almost certain he makes the executive decisions on these types of changes and implementations, so his opinion on this + his acknowledgement of the communities opinion on this (based on discussion below and poll-results) is vital.



Marketplace Tax will make Marketplace obsolete upon the release of new trading system as trading system will not impose an unwarranted 20% tax on your items!

Would you be so kind as to vote on the POLL with your opinion on Marketplace Tax? Much appreciated!

Discuss if you wish, opinions are welcome! But i suggest reading this post in full if you have a contradicting opinion to mine, so you are able to fully comprehend my point!

Thank you 🙂

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Keep the 20% tax, APB needs a money sink. There will be a trading system for legendary guns in the future.

Walls of text scare me.

Edited by Kiida
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1 minute ago, Kiida said:

Keep the 20% tax, APB needs a money sink. There will be a trading system for legendary guns in the future.

According to the roadmap posted by Matt Scott on the APB Reloaded Blog:


Version 1.19.7 (PC Only)
This version focuses on some quality of life changes for players.
- New Trade System for players to move items and money back and forth without getting scammed


Items and MONEY.



I also see you didn't read my post what so ever. No worries, here's a quickie; The only people who are affected by that APB "money sink" are people selling low-valued items, and when the trading system comes out it will make the marketplace obsolete. Therefore to avoid making the marketplace obsolete, the tax needs to be removed.

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I'd say every item should need refurbishing and 20% tax for trades in the new system as well. Wanting to remove tax is shortsighted and will result in even more inflation than APB is already suffering from. Just consider what happens if you just add more money to the economy without ever detracting anything.

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You mentioned the social flood in chat.If they manage to implement like a trading booth in which you say what you offer and what you are looking for , whether it is money,guns,or clothing ,maybe we will avoid the flood.Or some kind of separated chat?

EDIT: when it comes to the tax i'd say it should get lowered,completely removed who cause a mess in the pricings,but who knows

Edited by Kimotsi

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10 minutes ago, ShadowXS said:

According to the roadmap posted by Matt Scott on the APB Reloaded Blog:


Version 1.19.7 (PC Only)
This version focuses on some quality of life changes for players.
- New Trade System for players to move items and money back and forth without getting scammed


Items and MONEY.



I also see you didn't read my post what so ever. No worries, here's a quickie; The only people who are affected by that APB "money sink" are people selling low-valued items, and when the trading system comes out it will make the marketplace obsolete. Therefore to avoid making the marketplace obsolete, the tax needs to be removed.

I tl;dr'd it because the post looks way too long for a problem that isn't really significant.


I wouldn't say the only ones affected by the money sink are selling items of low value. If anything it's more punishing to those that sell high-valued items, as when I lost $3m selling an FFA before the JMB abuse. /shrug
Either way the game needs its money sink. I have probably $40m just sitting there with nothing to spend it on. Most of the legendary guns don't interest me in the slightest.

Edited by Kiida

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Just now, Dopefish said:

I'd say every item should need refurbishing and 20% tax for trades in the new system as well. Wanting to remove tax is shortsighted and will result in even more inflation than APB is already suffering from. Just consider what happens if you just add more money to the economy without ever detracting anything.

As much as i agree on how inflated the APB economy is, you can't justify taxing someone APB$ for trading one legendary for another - you're asking the player to spend real money in a game to obtain a legendary, and then for in-game currency to trade that legendary.



How do you even determine what set value to tax on weapon trades? There's no set value on legendary weapons, so the % you tax or the exact amount is sketchy at best when trying to determine.


Furthermore, how do you tax trade money? The trade system is also there so people are able to trade money to eachother, for example if i wanted to gift someone 500k APB$, do i now need to pay a 20% tax on gifting APB$?

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2 minutes ago, Kiida said:

I tl;dr'd it because it the post looks way too long for a problem that isn't really significant.


I wouldn't say the only ones affected by the money sink are selling items of low value. If anything it's more punishing to those that sell high-valued items, as when I lost $3m selling an FFA before the JMB abuse. /shrug
Either way the game needs its money sink. I have probably $40m just sitting there with nothing to spend it on. Most of the legendary guns don't interest me in the slightest.

Fair enough on the TL;DR.



But i would really suggest reading my whole post if you have an opposing view as i cover a lot of ground relating to the marketplace tax and it's incorrectly-implemented impact. When the trading system is released, if there's no tax on trades - and i don't think there should be a tax for trading one legendary for another, if you can even determine what % or value of APB$ should even be taxed to begin with since legendary weapons don't have a specific or set value - then the marketplace becomes obsolete and barren, as no one is going to use the marketplace to trade when they get 20% taxed, whilst there's a trading system that doesn't tax you.



The only people who would end up using the marketplace are people who sell in bulk, like 100x themes or symbols, since trying to trade those manually would take ages and lot's of spamming in chat with "WTS X theme" all day long. So the only people who end up using a system where there is a tax are those trying to make 500 APB$ per theme. Whilst the rich who have countless legendaries that they are trying to sell for APB$ use a tax-less trading system.



Therefore the only people who fall into that money sink you're talking about are people selling low-value items.

9 minutes ago, Kimotsi said:

You mentioned the social flood in chat.If they manage to implement like a trading booth in which you say what you offer and what you are looking for , whether it is money,guns,or clothing ,maybe we will avoid the flood.Or some kind of separated chat?

EDIT: when it comes to the tax i'd say it should get lowered,completely removed who cause a mess in the pricings,but who knows

Yeah, that's something else i wanted to mention and suggest but i thought another thread at another point - as i wanted to keep this thread focused on Marketplace Tax. To avoid mass spamming in Social District chat though, which will be inevitable with the new trading system, it to create a new "Trade" channel within the Social District, in my opinion.


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Did I miss Matt saying that the trading system won't include a tax aswell?



Either way, it must stay, if money keeps being generated without any kind of tax then the prices would keep going higher and higher, and it's already hard enough for a freebie to grind for even the cheapest good legendary


Legendaries trading was already done through middlemen, it shouldn't change with trading system, only $$ trading should be taxed

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The trade system will probably not be taxed, because its a trade system mostly for items, and you can not price custom made items.




I think its really dumb how you are fixated on the sales tax on APB. It is mostly there to give some idea of an economy in the game.



The tax only affects sales. When you buy an item you are not paying 20% more. The only person who feels the tax are people who sell in game items. Removing it would flood the marketplace with third rate garbage even more so, and prices will probably fluctuate more often because creators will get the idea that no tax means they can price their items as high as they want and will reap more profit.



Its mostly there to regulate people to not overpricing their garbage.




But sure, remove the sales tax, and then come back to complain that everyone is demanding ridiculous amount of money for items in game afterwards.

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1 minute ago, Obvious Lesbian said:

>The trade system will probably not be taxed, because its a trade system mostly for items, and you can not price custom made items.


>The only person who feels the tax are people who sell in game items.

So let me start off by saying you're a walking contradiction here. You're saying the trade system won't be taxed because it's a trade system mostly for items, specifically legendaries with no set value. Cool, i agree. It shouldn't be taxed because you can't determine the value of a legendary nor how much APB$ to tax it. Then you say the only people who feel the tax are people who sell in-game items. 



Nice one. You just contradicted yourself.


But yeah, ok, let's go with it so we can process that for you - now those people who sell in-game items who "feel the tax" decide to use the trade system all of a sudden instead of the marketplace, the trade system that has NO TAX. Well would you look at that. People who are selling in-game items are now skipping the tax from the marketplace by using the tax-free trading system.


12 minutes ago, Obvious Lesbian said:

Its mostly there to regulate people to not overpricing their garbage.

The tax is actually what makes people overprice EVERYTHING to COMPENSATE for the 20% loss to begin with. Not hard to figure that one out. Watch prices drop when the trading system comes out when people don't need to compensate for the 20% loss they get from marketplace tax on their legendaries.



16 minutes ago, Obvious Lesbian said:

The tax only affects sales. When you buy an item you are not paying 20% more.

Except you are, because people purposely overprice their items already to compensate for the 20% tax that they know they're going to get hit by. Again, a no brainer for most.


17 minutes ago, Obvious Lesbian said:

remove the sales tax, and then come back to complain that everyone is demanding ridiculous amount of money for items in game afterwards.

Good job once again contradicting yourself here, from your 2 previous points above. People demand ridiculous amounts of money for items already because they, once again, COMPENSATE for the 20% tax that they know is going to hit them when someone buys said item.


18 minutes ago, Obvious Lesbian said:

Removing it would flood the marketplace with third rate garbage even more so, and prices will probably fluctuate more often because creators will get the idea that no tax means they can price their items as high as they want and will reap more profit.

People can price their items as high as they want already, and no one will buy them because that's not how an economy works. If an OCA Nano goes for 2.3 million, just because someone sells it for 5 million doesn't mean they are gonna suddenly "reap more profit" because they're selling the item for more money. No one will buy the OCA Nano for 5 million when it's 2.3 million on the marketplace already, and only 1.8 million on the trade system since trade system isn't affected by the 20% tax from marketplace. Do you even know basics of how an economy works? How demand and supply works? And again, people already flood the marketplace with "third rate garbage" but if no one buys it, they don't make any money, and no tax is deducted from anywhere on an item that isn't sold. So what are you even getting at? I'm starting to see a pattern here, that you don't possess critical thinking skills - and yes, i'm being somewhat passive aggressive because of your next point that i'm about to address.


23 minutes ago, Obvious Lesbian said:

I think its really dumb how you are fixated on the sales tax on APB.

You are nothing more than a chronic shit-poster who goes from thread to thread calling everyone stupid, belittling people based on their views and opinions on a topic, so i decided to reply in the same manner. What you think is "really dumb" is IRRELEVANT because your opinion isn't the opinion nor view of everyone, and your views/opinions are in no way superior to anyone else's. I'll fixate on whatever APB-related topic i wish to, that is what the forums are for, to discuss in-game related topics, this one being one of them. So i'll fixate on it all i want and voice my opinion. No one forces you to come to the APB forums, no one forces you to click threads, read them, so don't come here to reply with what people can and can't post/fixate on, or how "dumb" you think those posts are. Next time you shit-post here and insult me, i'll report you. Simple. I could insult you back and get the thread closed, or i could get you a week ban on the forums instead.

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18 minutes ago, ShadowXS said:

u like to type dont u


Considering players are the ones who price their items, including legendaries I don't see how I contradicted myself.



i dont feel like replying in essay format so here we go


i will retract my previous statement if it makes u feel better


20% tax is there to give the game some form of resemblance of an in game economy. If you remove the tax, nothing will really happen other than people wanting to either keep the same prices, or increase their prices for more money


Nothing is stopping them from over pricing everything they own in the first place. Removing the tax will not even convince current creators from reducing their current prices or bother with them. Instead it will give them more breathing room to increase their prices because they can easily get more money than usual.


No one is good in this game, no one is nice in this game. Removing the tax is basically you wanting to make some stupid argument so you can use all of your googled economics classes to use in a dead game.



You throwing a tantrum because I think its stupid how you are fixated on the tax is even more stupid than this thread. I am sorry you are so sensitive that any form of word means its insulting to you specifically. Just because your self esteem is bad, doesn't mean every meanie booboo word I say is towards you. Threatening to report someone because they said your opinion is stupid is even more childish than you trying to argue about a virtual tax on in game currency that doesn't matter.



Like bro. It's a game.




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I don't care about marketplace tax at all, I can see both arguments for it and against it, you guys enjoy your discussion now.

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8 minutes ago, Obvious Lesbian said:


Considering players are the ones who price their items, including legendaries I don't see how I contradicted myself.



i dont feel like replying in essay format so here we go


i will retract my previous statement if it makes u feel better


20% tax is there to give the game some form of resemblance of an in game economy. If you remove the tax, nothing will really happen other than people wanting to either keep the same prices, or increase their prices for more money


Nothing is stopping them from over pricing everything they own in the first place. Removing the tax will not even convince current creators from reducing their current prices or bother with them. Instead it will give them more breathing room to increase their prices because they can easily get more money than usual.


No one is good in this game, no one is nice in this game. Removing the tax is basically you wanting to make some stupid argument so you can use all of your googled economics classes to use in a dead game.



You throwing a tantrum because I think its stupid how you are fixated on the tax is even more stupid than this thread. I am sorry you are so sensitive that any form of word means its insulting to you specifically. Just because your self esteem is bad, doesn't mean every meanie booboo word I say is towards you. Threatening to report someone because they said your opinion is stupid is even more childish than you trying to argue about a virtual tax on in game currency that doesn't matter.



Like bro. It's a game.




You've proven you can't read and I'm done wasting energy on you. I reported your post saying my arguments are stupid and my "fixation" on topics are dumb without provocation. I warned you and you continue. You're harassing me at this point, that simple. Again, i could turn around and insult you back and be whatever you consider to be the opposite of "childish", or threaten to fight you IRL with no avail. Or i can report you for harassing me and insulting me merely for having an opinion contrary to yours. Let's see which one is more effective. Post all you want in this thread, this is my last reply to you.

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5 minutes ago, ShadowXS said:

You've proven you can't read and I'm done wasting energy on you. I reported your post saying my arguments are stupid and my "fixation" on topics are dumb without provocation. I warned you and you continue. You're harassing me at this point, that simple. Again, i could turn around and insult you back and be whatever you consider to be the opposite of "childish", or threaten to fight you IRL with no avail. Or i can report you for harassing me and insulting me merely for having an opinion contrary to yours. Let's see which one is more effective. Post all you want in this thread, this is my last reply to you.


So instead of arguing or anything you're just going to report and act like I insulted you? What a snowflake.



No one is going to take your report seriously just because I don't agree with you and think your need to remove a tax in the game is stupid. lmfao

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If you mean economy where you spend APB$ for items - In my opinion tax should remain. After all you got a lot of ways to earn that money and not so much to lose it. The only one outside marketplace are ammo resupplies and car respawns (i don't count purchasing items from contact because it's obtaining item for fixed value - you lose nothing in economy).


If we would remove market tax from marketplace I guarantee you that in 2 years we would be like economy of Venezuela. Inflation would sky-rocket. Legendary which cost 1 mln $, would cost 100 mln $. Who loses in all of that? YOU! Why? Because you need to grind more money to get the same item you would get for less money back then. You prefer losing 20% of tax and have balanced although chaotic and heavily player-influenced economy... or still the same model with everyone being millionares so prices becomes billions?

I would agree for marketplace tax decrease... at least to test it. But i expect inflation anyway.


We need alternative money sink, otherwise this idea is null and will bring even more chaos into APB.

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1 minute ago, Mitne said:

If you mean economy where you spend APB$ for items - In my opinion tax should remain. After all you got a lot of ways to earn that money and not so much to lose it. The only one outside marketplace are ammo resupplies and car respawns (i don't count purchasing items from contact because it's obtaining item for fixed value - you lose nothing in economy).


If we would remove market tax from marketplace I guarantee you that in 2 years we would be like economy of Venezuela. Inflation would sky-rocket. Legendary which cost 1 mln $, would cost 100 mln $. Who loses in all of that? YOU! Why? Because you need to grind more money to get the same item you would get for less money back then. You prefer losing 20% of tax and have balanced although chaotic and heavily player-influenced economy... or still the same model with everyone being millionares so prices becomes billions?

I would agree for marketplace tax decrease... at least to test it. But i expect inflation anyway.


We need alternative money sink, otherwise this idea is null and will bring even more chaos into APB.

Fair enough. I actually agree with needing an alternative money sink, the lack of NEW obtainable content is the main cause though, in my opinion. There's nothing worth buying with APB$ once you've played this game for at least 6 months - once you obtain level 3 weapon mods, character mods, vehicle mods, a few vehicles - what's left? The only new content that has been introduced in the last 4 years or so is G1C content. Armas weapons, armas vehicles, armas vehicle kits, armas-exclusive clothing items. That's all restricted to G1C and a lot of it isn't tradable and locked behind G1C.



I personally think EVERYTHING in this game should be obtainable, with the most expensive Armas items being available for APB$ at crazy prices. You have the option of grinding APB$ for the weapons, vehicle kits, etc, a bit like with the Joker weapon system but based solely around APB$ and making it valid for everything on the Armas Marketplace except for very few select items such as Brand New Releases (for example a 3 month delay before it's available for APB$ at a crazy price for those who have been grinding for months), and you have the Armas Marketplace as a shortcut, if you don't want to grind hard to afford those exclusive weapons, then buy them with real money and skip the grind, so the Armas Marketplace only becomes a shortcut for everything you can obtain in-game - this makes the whole "P2W" argument disappear since everything is obtainable in-game whilst also giving people a worthwhile money sink.



And completely remove joker tickets. The concept there is to spend a whole week in Fight Club to get top place, to get enough Joker Tickets to get an Armas-type weapon for a week. The catch being you need to spend another week in Fight Club with that Armas-type weapon if you want to be able to afford another Armas-type weapon for the following week. It's a trap cycle. It cancels itself out in the long run. I think the best option there is to remove the Joker Tickets currency, wildly boost the APB$ price of those Armas-type weapons in the Joker section of Social to give people a worthwhile money sink while at the same time disassembling the "P2W Game" argument.



I really don't see the idea of people having to pay APB$ to trade one legendary for another, using the trade system, materialising. There is no set value for any single legendary, their prices vary depending if you're on NA/EU etc, their prices vary depending on how many are currently on the market, so rarer weapons are more expensive, naturally, and to design a system that can take in all that varying information to have a constantly evolving tax price on trading legendaries... it's just not realistic. It won't materialise in my opinion. So if legendary weapons become tradable for free without tax, the marketplace becomes an obsolete place to trade legendaries if you're getting taxed 20% there.

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15 minutes ago, ShadowXS said:

I personally think EVERYTHING in this game should be obtainable, with the most expensive Armas items being available for APB$ at crazy prices. You have the option of grinding APB$ for the weapons, vehicle kits, etc, a bit like with the Joker weapon system but based solely around APB$ and making it valid for everything on the Armas Marketplace except for very few select items such as Brand New Releases (for example a 3 month delay before it's available for APB$ at a crazy price for those who have been grinding for months), and you have the Armas Marketplace as a shortcut, if you don't want to grind hard to afford those exclusive weapons, then buy them with real money and skip the grind, so the Armas Marketplace only becomes a shortcut for everything you can obtain in-game - this makes the whole "P2W" argument disappear since everything is obtainable in-game whilst also giving people a worthwhile money sink.

Well If they are obtainable by lease you mean, i'm fully agreeing with that. If you mean that they should be obtainable permantely, there is major problem with that concept.

The main reason I started spending money on game was because I was forced to if I wanted permantely have weapon I wanted. That is CR-5. I forced myself to buy that but I was looking for way (I was newbie then) to get it otherwise. Nothing found so spent my money on game that way. Then it started.


Now I think other can relate to me there... Why would I spend money if alternative is free? That's main problem of making everything avaliable.

15 minutes ago, ShadowXS said:

And completely remove joker tickets. The concept there is to spend a whole week in Fight Club to get top place, to get enough Joker Tickets to get an Armas-type weapon for a week. The catch being you need to spend another week in Fight Club with that Armas-type weapon if you want to be able to afford another Armas-type weapon for the following week. It's a trap cycle. It cancels itself out in the long run. I think the best option there is to remove the Joker Tickets currency, wildly boost the APB$ price of those Armas-type weapons in the Joker section of Social to give people a worthwhile money sink while at the same time disassembling the "P2W Game" argument.

It's not such trap cycle. You can always choose free alternatives... most of game weapons are reskins. There are few weapons who don't have free alternatives but they are... you guessed it... in JD for sale. Also this Joker Tickets not only serve to buy weapons but items and even weapon skins now. Vegas 4x4 4 slot is most notable.


Joker Tickets was probably only good concept left after G1. And it served well to community I think.


15 minutes ago, ShadowXS said:

I really don't see the idea of people having to pay APB$ to trade one legendary for another, using the trade system, materialising. There is no set value for any single legendary, their prices vary depending if you're on NA/EU etc, their prices vary depending on how many are currently on the market, so rarer weapons are more expensive, naturally, and to design a system that can take in all that varying information to have a constantly evolving tax price on trading legendaries... it's just not realistic. It won't materialise in my opinion. So if legendary weapons become tradable for free without tax, the marketplace becomes an obsolete place to trade legendaries if you're getting taxed 20% there.

That's not entirely true. Also trade system isn't implemented yet but one of many suggestion was to tax it as well when it comes to money. That way money is lost anyway... if you either trade legendary losing value by legendary demand (like lower price of said legendary) or by putting standard 20% money tax on monetary transactions.



Also I wanted to add that symbols, vehicles or mods most likely wouldn't be unaffected by inflation... but legendaries on other hand would get so huge prices... that any newbie coming into that game call it P2W quickly, which is complete opposite to what you want.

Edited by Mitne

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Sorry but I had to vote for the taxes to stay.




What we need are incentives for car selling , I barely see anyone selling cars, since these may cost up to $200k, $400k and $1.000.000, so I think there's something that could be reworked around marketplace, probably segmented taxes for the different categories, idk.


Now what I'd beg for is a revamp on the UI for marketplace and mail, a way to select multiple items is needed.

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47 minutes ago, Salvick said:

What we need are incentives for car selling , I barely see anyone selling cars, since these may cost up to $200k, $400k and $1.000.000, so I think there's something that could be reworked around marketplace, probably segmented taxes for the different categories, idk.

Yeah. Cars are one of the worst selling item on marketplace - nobody who earns money from marketplace even consider them. Good way to earn money although are themes, symbols and clothing. They don't cost anything (in case of clothing almost anything) and can be very easily manipulated a lot of variants. With cars creating something unique is tricky as you are pretty much limited to shape of car provided + kits.

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I would like a smaller tax but have it up front to thin out junk on the market, or a portion of the tax up front.

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9 hours ago, ShadowXS said:

Version 1.19.7 (PC Only)
This version focuses on some quality of life changes for players.
- New Trade System for players to move items and money back and forth without getting scammed

This merely states the changes they wish to make to prevent scams...


There's nothing here stated on tax.


Yes, taxes suck, and yes, Taxes are necessary.

Keep it how it is. If you want to trade, use the implemented trading system.

Imo, APB needs more money sinks, because Statues in any District aren't really that well used.



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