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Remove explosives from fight club

Remove explosives from fight club  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Remove explosives from fight club

    • yes
    • no

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Where’s the option to remove them from mission districts?? 

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4 minutes ago, Nagletz said:

Where’s the option to remove them from mission districts?? 

was thinking about adding it, also was thinking about making voters public. I wish i did since i want to make sure that someone doesn't vote twice from different account and who actually voted

can it be changed

Edited by jmiIos

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Just because you can't counter it doesn't mean it should be removed. Asking to remove weapons just goes downhill. Just my opinion. There's tons of weapons that piss me off but if you want a battle Royale with cookie cutter weapons there's tons of other games that do that.

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the fact the majority is disagreeing is very concerning, kinda tells u what type of players comment on the forums nowadays....

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13 hours ago, jmiIos said:


A very interesting explanation but APB is a 3rd-person game. Remove explosives and corner-campers will simply camp and win every corner-fight till they run out of ammo. I guarantee you that you won't enjoy that either (unless you are the Camper).


You can easily kill a Demolitions-Player if you just push them or bait them to waste their rocket(s)/grenades. Explosives also take considerable time to detonate and with the recent change to grenades, a good-grenade takes 3 seconds to resupply so that's 6 seconds in total plus resupplying other ammunition wasted by a vending machine or a car spawner (you could die in FightClub if you wait that long). They're not spammable in FightClub anymore (not that they were a problem prior).

Gentle reminder that Concussion Grenades used to be able to kill a person at full-health then got nerfed a bit because 'we want to be Supermen who don't die easily, this is too much BabyRage' (I mean if you can't stand dying in a PvP game, perhaps don't play). No surprise this game won't appeal to new players, it is just nerf after nerf to the point where most weapons are now garbage and this entire formula looks absolutely stupid on APB. With how much time it takes to kill a single person in this game, good luck killing them before they get back to their corner. Moreover, because consumables exist... campers can also med spray or epinephrine back to the next wall. Removing Explosives in FightClub at the current state of the game is nothing but drawbacks without merits.

By the way, FightClub is an excellent place to advance weapon roles. It would be outright stupid to prevent New Players an okayish opportunity at getting 150 grenade kills to get the Concussion Grenade, which is essential for almost everything. Re-opening this topic with an empty thread out of nothing but your frustration of dying to an explosive is helpless-feedback. Why don't we instead disable OCA or JG in fightclub so more people actually get to play till weaker-weapons get some buffs, hmm? See how stupid this 'disable something' is getting? Without actual explanation, you'd get nowhere.

I will however support this if you can prove that explosives are overpowered.

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I don't really think this is a good idea. If you remove explosions from Asylum it will just turn into even more of a frag grenade spamfest. OPGL is a great tool to flush out the item hold objectives and that is perfectly fine. The problem is the players, not the weapon. Being bad with explosive weapons (yes, you can be a good at something like explosives) isn't really that punishing. Accumulating team damage doesn't do anything to you as long as you don't get the finishing damage and that is a problem.


I have four characters with chrome explosives (yes I'm a degenerate) and I have been using explosives every now and then in Asylum when I still played. Fun fact, when you score high, have low team damage and no teamkills, people are actually pretty welcoming. Excluding the enemy team of course. If the systems actually punished you for being an airhead and just spamming explosives mindlessly it wouldn't be so frustrating. There are only a few exceptional explosive players and if you had the joy of facing those kind of OPGLs users, you probably wouldn't even be upset. Proper gameplay on an OPGL is actually very difficult but it allows you to exert similar pressure to an HVR or even more at times.


Furthermore I always find it amusing how certain players complain about an OPGL but think nade spam was/is completely normal.



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Haha so many voted no

This poll shows how many degenerates are active in this forum
The same who keep crying about cheaters every day



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nobody talked about removing nades.


Lol you trying to make it sound as if the opgl person is the only person to deal with, sure, other people don't exist in fight club.


Timer starts once it's fired, not when it falls on the ground, again, you trying to make it sound as if most opgl players just shoot opgl up close or in front of themselves. It's totally not the case that all opgl users spam it from far away and by the time it lands the timer is already up and it's literally impossible to dodge it, even if spotted and trying to run away that's not enough.


Osmaws  winding up and then have to check 10 corners to make sure it's not fired towards us, osmaws camping on a corner, literally impossible to dodge, even if spotted and start running away it's not enough. It's fight club, literally almost nobody is never not tagged, even a little damage from someone and then opgl or osmaw landing decently far away from the player is enough to kill.


I didn't even start talking about the other opgl that explodes as soon as it hits something and deals tons of damage, super fast between each shoot, the same with the other one shooting concs.


And don't even get me started on stun opgl. I still remember the time when there were 2 trolls playing stun opgls, it went from 20v19 to 20v8 in under 5 mins, and that was just 2 stun opgls.


AND don't even get me started on when multiple people use opgls shooting it from far away and exploding as soon as it lands, doesn't matter if spotted.


But ofc you will just say oH kEep BEing Mad, not even worth arguing with you


and the problem is not just on the team side, Oh yOu Don't KnOW HoW tO pLAy Opgl Don'T UsE iT Noob, YoU aRe JuSt maD BeCaUsE YouR TEammAte taGGS you WiTH opgl, no, stop trying to turn this around


Literally nobody is praising opgl players when they are "playing good", you are lying.


OCA can't be fired away from 100m away and explode as soon as it lands and kill or tag multiple players 95, again, literally nobody complains about oca except shotgun , flack jacket and medspray user. So no, you are lying too.


NHVR can't be fired away from 100m away and explode as soon as it lands and kill or tag multiple players 95. NHVR is annoying, opgl is not.


nade spamming could easily be fixed by removing joker ammo



I am fine with jg being removed from the game


Literally nothing to do with frustration, stop lying.


And the "MAJORITY"(LOL) it's just people sitting on forums that are voting and those that use explosives, if actual players saw and voted it would be WAY more yes votes. I have seen TONS of people wanting explosives removed from fc, this people just don't use forums, i made this thread expecting them to see it but oh well, it's just people like you that use forums now.

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remove fight club

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1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

nobody talked about removing nades.

We know. All you talked about was "fweqa".


Grenades are considered "explosives" and O-PGL is a grenade launcher. Additionally, grenades are more dangerous than O-PGL. They explode 20% faster and are much more silent in comparison so if anything they deserve to be touched before O-PGL (and they did get a spam-nerf already). You should take a step back and think things through because your poor anger-management is preventing you from putting something concrete.

1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

Timer starts once it's fired, not when it falls on the ground, again, you trying to make it sound as if most opgl players just shoot opgl up close or in front of themselves. It's totally not the case that all opgl users spam it from far away and by the time it lands the timer is already up and it's literally impossible to dodge it, even if spotted and trying to run away that's not enough.


Osmaws  winding up and then have to check 10 corners to make sure it's not fired towards us, osmaws camping on a corner, literally impossible to dodge, even if spotted and start running away it's not enough. It's fight club, literally almost nobody is never not tagged, even a little damage from someone and then opgl or osmaw landing decently far away from the player is enough to kill.

And that is why you use your ears. O-PGL and OSMAW are incredibly loud with distinct sounds. They literally can't be mistaken for any other weapon.


I'd actually rather fight OSMAWs, they are easy targets and generally slow. An OSMAW takes 1.75 seconds to rev up, enough to actually kill them twice.


1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

I didn't even start talking about the other opgl that explodes as soon as it hits something and deals tons of damage, super fast between each shoot, the same with the other one shooting concs.

The EOL series is widely known as a collection of trash launchers and cheap Legendaries. if anything they'll either get buffed or stay the same.


1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

And don't even get me started on stun opgl. I still remember the time when there were 2 trolls playing stun opgls, it went from 20v19 to 20v8 in under 5 mins, and that was just 2 stun opgls.

Unlike the regular O-PGL, O-PGL CD can never 1-shot even if the explosion is dead-center. If you can kill the regular O-PGL (and you should), you can also kill O-PGL CD.


1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

AND don't even get me started on when multiple people use opgls shooting it from far away and exploding as soon as it lands, doesn't matter if spotted.

Doesn't really matter when most people are just OCAing and JGing. Literally two of the best weapons for Asylum.


1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

But ofc you will just say oH kEep BEing Mad, not even worth arguing with you.

Keep being mad. I genuinely gave you a shot but you chose to be stupid.


1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

OCA can't be fired away from 100m away and explode as soon as it lands and kill or tag multiple players 95, again, literally nobody complains about oca except shotgun , flack jacket and medspray user. So no, you are lying too.

"literally nobody complains about oca"

Really? Did you miss the OCA-nerf? Looks like you did but now I am certain about my hunches. Thank you for telling us that you are an OCA-Player who couldn't kill an O-PGLer and OSMAWer.


1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

NHVR can't be fired away from 100m away and explode as soon as it lands and kill or tag multiple players 95. NHVR is annoying, opgl is not.

If O-PGL isn't annoying (and you didn't prove it being overpowered), why remove it? Come on, now.


There you have it, you killed your own thread.


1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

nade spamming could easily be fixed by removing joker ammo

Outright removing joker vending machines is a worse solution than the currently active longer resupply time.


Joker vending machines in Asylum are placed in dangerous locations anyways.


1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

I am fine with jg being removed from the game

*Laughs in CSG/TAS-20*


1 hour ago, jmiIos said:

Literally nothing to do with frustration, stop lying.


And the "MAJORITY"(LOL) it's just people sitting on forums that are voting and those that use explosives, if actual players saw and voted it would be WAY more yes votes. I have seen TONS of people wanting explosives removed from fc, this people just don't use forums, i made this thread expecting them to see it but oh well, it's just people like you that use forums now.

I hope this isn't just pure frustration but you make it seem so. 

I hope your next response is rather more serious and has correct facts. You'll get nowhere like this.

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Holy fuck you are stupid,

i am not gonna call you any names since i already got a warning because of people like you, not that people like you deserve to be talked to any better.

And from what i have seen people on discord don't seem to think much better of you than me, you are quite "something"


VanilleKeks knew i wasn't talking about nades,

"I don't really think this is a good idea. If you remove explosions from Asylum it will just turn into even more of a frag grenade spamfest."


but sure, choose to be a "redditor" and poke the smallest holes to try and "prove your points", keep thinking you did something by making long paragraphs and lying, it will get you somewhere.

Seems like this is your life, lying and poking the smallest holes in things that everyone knows what someone was talking about already, pathethic and miserable, yikes.


I stopped reading after that, it's not even worth it, bye

Edited by jmiIos

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25 minutes ago, jmiIos said:

Holy fuck you are stupid,

i am not gonna call you any names since i already got a warning because of people like you, not that people like you deserve to be talked to any better.

And from what i have seen people on discord don't seem to think much better of you than me, you are quite "something"


VanilleKeks knew i wasn't talking about nades,

"I don't really think this is a good idea. If you remove explosions from Asylum it will just turn into even more of a frag grenade spamfest."


but sure, choose to be a "redditor" and poke the smallest holes to try and "prove your points", keep thinking you did something by making long paragraphs and lying, it will get you somewhere.

Seems like this is your life, lying and poking the smallest holes in things that everyone knows what someone was talking about already, pathethic and miserable, yikes.


I stopped reading after that, it's not even worth it, bye

And you're still making shadow replies without clicking on the quote button, typical.


Perhaps you're getting warnings because you don't even read the forum rules... Why would you ever be listened to when you simply exist to be a rage-copypasta and nothing else? I mean I've already given you the golden statement in big coloured text: "I will however support this if you can prove that explosives are overpowered". You're simply unable to provide any proof or proper reasoning to remove explosives from fightclub, so that's that. Your rage won't make it any better.


Simply disappointing.

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Just whisper “ez” to explosive users every time u kill or win them lmao. Make them ragequit xD

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16 hours ago, Shui said:

Haha so many voted no

This poll shows how many degenerates are active in this forum
The same who keep crying about cheaters every day



lol, I even not playing ABP at least about year, so now you look like crying..




2 hits by 2ry + finishing by flying(jumping) high velocity guns(hvr) - is more lethal, then you cant run out of opgl..

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As a player who played a lot of fight club, I never had an issued being killed by explosive weapons. 


Just use pmg, oca, jg easy frag in asylum.

I understand it may be annoying for others, who plays in asylum regularly even if the voters do agree, it’s not going to happen.


You need to re-consider those who do use explosive weapons and stop being selfish fight club is for everyone, it’s not for a certain type of players on how they play, if they have fun using explosive weapons let it be.

asylum map barely gives you 100+fps when it’s full it’s already a terrible experience to play on, just play call of duty literally the same experience but better.


Edited by Deadliest
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i voted no becous i know that they are not going to change anything to fightclub ... so whats the point of this topic ? 

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On 11/16/2021 at 3:55 AM, DurtyMo said:

Just because you can't counter it doesn't mean it should be removed. Asking to remove weapons just goes downhill. Just my opinion. There's tons of weapons that piss me off but if you want a battle Royale with cookie cutter weapons there's tons of other games that do that.

Imagine telling people their bad for not being able to counter them, then not sharing how to counter them.

Not that I care I stopped playing months ago

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I figured I might drop some ways to "counter" explosives in fightclub since I'm pretty decent with those things:


Don't play around the item hold objective and try to avoid spawns that have chokepoints which are close to the objective. Explosives have limited ammo so shooting places without many people / high chance of hitting enemies isn't really worth doing. Avoid those spots and kill explosive users by getting the jump on them.


This is something that you should do regardless, most of the decent players in FC rarely play the objective spots anyway. Roaming around and flanking enemy spawns is way safer and grants more kills anyway. This way you also avoid getting blown up for the most part unless the dude just happened to spawn close to you.


If you want to avoid getting corner peeked by an OSMAW the same rule also applies. In general, no OSMAW user is gonna hold a corner where not many people come by. As for countering this situation directly, well you can't. If the OSMAW user gets the jump on you you're goofed, same way you are goofed if a dude with a conc is camping a corner. This isn't even an issue with explosives, it's what happens in a third person game.


Similarly to avoiding high player density areas (to clarify, areas where there are lot of YOUR teammates, not enemies), it also helps to know where vending machines are. Explosive users will stay relatively close to those things, now more than ever, especially if its an OSMAW. Two very common spots in Asylum are the main plaza which has many ways to resupply and also one of the most common corner spots (the stairs into door when you come from crim contact to the plaza). Another would be the northern gate right next to the crim contact, where you can camp on either buildings.


The vast majority of explosive users stay or roam around those areas. Move accordingly to avoid them or use a gun that can kill them. Obeya especially is absolutely horrible to fight with explosives if its pressuring you from a far.


I almost never die to explosives and barely take any damage from them in general, because I know the way they HAVE to play. Yea, I get that it can be annoying but if you invest a little bit of time into learning how those weapons play in FC, you can turn them into mostly a non issue.

Edited by VanilleKeks
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2 hours ago, gypexa cynepcmap said:

need to add smth like in FC


I fear no man.

but that thing... it scares me

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