mtz 496 Posted June 13, 2020 (edited) After a whole bunch of brainstorming, creative writing, trying to come up with a design that's not too flashy and not too bland at the same time... eh, it's worth a shot. I wouldn't exactly call myself a visual artist, and it probably shows. Introducing: Sayaka Hayford Biography: (Warning - it's pretty damn long.) Sayaka Hayford is as native a San Parite as they come - if by San Paro nativity we understand living in such a poor financial state that you have to pick up street smarts in order to survive. Hailing from a family whose income only really allowed a frugal existence, some of her earliest memories involve helping in her parents' grocery store on the weekends just to save them some money on hiring help. Things persisted like this well into her university days, turning their store into a family business. Though Sayaka's parents had put money aside towards their daughter's education, she quit university halfway through her Economics major. It's not that she was struggling - on the contrary, she was one of the better students in her year. The problem was that these students started to dwindle in numbers, be it from dropping out in favor of partying, or from disputes with the richer kids with guns getting escalated to the unfortunate conclusion... Sayaka wasn't really interested in becoming the next casualty. Plus, what knowledge she had already acquired, she felt it was enough to get by in life. As time went on, the store's neighborhood started to see trouble with crime. The Hayfords' business itself, however, was mostly ignored by Crims. No one really dared to mess with the shop and attempts to vandalize the store or extort the owners would quickly be stopped by community members - sometimes even by other criminals who had previously made attempts themselves. They NEEDED that store - the only one in the area that wasn't out of business yet - to function. Something about not biting the hand that feeds you. Plus, the Hayfords have always had that kid in the store, hanging around. You've seen that youngster scan your items and help out with a smile, no matter what you looked or dressed like - what kind of a monster would you have to be to hold her at gunpoint? The kid was long gone, replaced years ago with a young adult who had inherited the store and grown increasingly sceptic towards the whole gang trend - and just as Sayaka's optimism dwindled, so did her immunity from those self-appointed street prosecutors. The introduction of the City Security Act only served to embolden the troublemakers. You're either with them or against them - and this applied to both sides. Each one of these people considered themselves a defender of the city in their own special way; the real question was whether they'd try to extort co-operation from you with a badge or without one. Little Miss Hayford had a different idea though. When the first CSA-inspired hotshot showed up in the store with intent to rob it, she sweet-talked him into a special deal between the two of them. "You get me a gun and I'll fill you in on some super secret intel from the neighborhood... and maybe offer some of the really fun stuff if I get my hands on any, at a discount." Only a fool would have rejected her offer. Information on the others goes a long way in this city... and those under-the-counter hunting sights, well, it certainly wouldn't hurt to have one. Only he wasn't the only one who got the offer. Money quickly became a secondary currency in the Hayford family store, as other things became the real reasons to visit the store. Sayaka, having been gifted with a warm smile and enough persuasion to sway even someone pointing a gun at her head, started cutting deals with all of those wannabe kings. "Enrique, feel free to chill at my store as protection and you'll get all the food and drinks you want, on the house." "Tell me where you found these pills, Damien, and I'll get you blueprints for a gun barrel mod." "Ms. Wong, if you want this sight, I'll sell it at 80 percent of the market price, no questions asked." Deals varied in tangible value, but they offered what the client desired. Reliable source of weaponry? You got it. Financial stability? Yes sir. Lowest prices you can get without background checks? Hell yeah. Sense of belonging to an exclusive community? Absolutely. Word of mouth spread very quickly. Everybody in the neighborhood knew that the Hayfords' daughter had become a black market broker. They didn't care much, though. In a weird way, by turning the shop into a hub for gun-wielding lunatics, the surrounding area saw a massive drop in crime. Sayaka Hayford had drawn very simple rules: everyone gets serviced, but if even one person starts shit in the area, we're not doing business. On short notice the local Enforcers and Criminals started keeping peace in the community beyond their allegiance. And if you had a problem with that kind of local hierarchy? Tough shit. Lay a finger on her and all that happens is you lose a source of information and great deals, and as a bonus you get all the guns in the area to aim at you for crossing the dealer that everyone does deals with. Of course, it's all unsustainable in the long run. There's always a bigger fish, and it's only a matter of time before they decide that they want a piece of your little operation - or that they want it gone. And in San Paro, there's a whole bunch of fish you want to stay away from. The first to notice was the Joker Corporation, after a realization that a lot of their stock turns up on the black market with disassembled parts - almost as if people were taking them apart and using the pieces for something else. And to the surprise of their private investigators, a significant chunk of it traced back to a grocery store in an unusually quiet neighborhood a few minutes away from Virginia Gardens. If someone's disrupting your way of making money, the traditional San Paro way of dealing with it is to make the disruption disappear... but Joker Corporation's HR and recruitment specialist Anna Partridge saw an opportunity in Sayaka Hayford. When you find someone with this much natural talent for selling things and getting people to do their bidding, you want them to work for you, not against you. Sayaka had almost everything she needed, and Joker offered more still. Stable employment, security for her and her ailing parents, and a house in Virginia Gardens... all that Joker Corporation asks in return is for Sayaka to basically keep doing what she does best - sell things with a smile. No more black market stuff. Everything would be perfectly legal, with no risk of unsatisfied clients or having to worry about the quality of the merchandise. And, well... she felt that only a fool would have rejected this kind of an offer. Of course, Sayaka knew that accepting the job meant leaving her neighborhood - and that only ever results in power vacuums... not to mention the fact that she didn't want to let her neighbors down and let the area relapse into crime. Nowadays, the Hayfords' old grocery store is run by Enrique Cortez, Sayaka's childhood friend. In a way, he completely took over her role in the local community as the linchpin in keeping Enforcers and Criminals in check, and since the two had always been close friends keeping together, the neighbors don't really mind or notice the change. "Miss Hayford" still swings by the shop to chat with Enrique when she has the time, but these days you'll most likely see her selling merchandise of all kinds - not just guns - for Joker Corporation's distribution division, this time without the need to worry about maintenance of the goods she's offering. It's not aftermarket quality anymore - you're only getting the very best, straight off the factory line. Now, dear customer... are you interested in any of our goods? === Some things that I wanted to share or say "by the way": For the character I'm submitting, I chose a name that's different from the actual name of the character (lshiyama - the I at the start is a lowercase L). The name "Sayaka" is a nod to Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, an anime that I haven't even watched outside of clips that a friend of mine sent me (seriously, I suck at watching shows, animated or not. I don't watch anything :V ), but it also has a character with the same name whose life also largely revolves around money. I initially wanted to wing it with the character — as in, create an outfit and an appearance and maybe then write around that. My plan didn't work out, so I switched the order of operation and I started with the biography — which helped me with making tweaks to my existing character (since hey, she was already pretty much "there" if we're talking about the way I would imagine the character would look like). The biography was written as if the character was an actual contact in the Joker Store. I tried to make the character's description fit into APB stylistically and "organically", imitating the game's existing writing style as best as I could. (If the character doesn't actually score anything in the contest, then oh well, I guess it'll just be a piece of fan fiction :V ) The "original" colour scheme I wanted to go with didn't really include any Joker colours; the shirt was monochrome and the trousers had an olive hue. The kneepads with faction logos copied from Ophelia, however tacky or overused they may be at this point, serve as a visual gag/representation of how the character has sold (and, if chosen to be a Joker Employee, will sell) items to both factions in San Paro. I tried to make the character stand out a bit, but not so much as to draw all the attention. The key idea was that this is a salesperson for a successful company in the city; they need a visually appealing uniform to stand out just enough in a crowd filled with... "eccentric" people ('cause let's face it, there are some "visually loud" characters and outfits out there) ...but not stand out too much. While designing the outfit I also tried to stay away from overusing the Joker logo. Speedball has the excuse of being a sportsman, so naturally he would have a visually popping outfit filled with colours and logos of his sponsors everywhere — Hayford is basically a local community dealer gone corporate. Not exactly a poster girl for advertisements, eh? Best of luck to all the participants! Edited June 13, 2020 by MartinPL oh gee oh gosh there were too many line breaks in the spoiler tag 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aurelius 13 Posted June 14, 2020 Short backstory: Name: Ella Fitzgerald A freckle ridden girl blasts through the door. While still gasping for air, leans on a nearby wall, and then exclaims; - Sorry i'm a little late, you know how traffic is nowadays! She unbuttons one of her combat rig pouches and then takes a sheet of paper off of it, dropping the resume on the table. Not much is known about Ella, other than being new to the force. She recently enlisted herself to support the enforcer cause, but now seems to be desperate enough to do anything other than enforcing. Surely, it can be quite a fun job, but after a sudden moment of realization she actualized that it is preferable to remain in one piece by the end of the week. 7 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrHardwer 24 Posted June 14, 2020 Here we go for round 2 with Zoe: Zoe Age: 26 Born in San Paro in 1994. Zoe grew up with all that San Paro offers: Crime, Enforcement and Corruption. She know's how both sides work because he has been there. With 16 she left her parents home and went into the unknown Urban Unterground of the San Paro City. 5 years later she decided it's time for a change and joined the Fire with Fire fighters. Another 5 years passed and now here she is. Ready to sell some of the best Items that the Joker Market offers. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Redzilla 15 Posted June 14, 2020 Super nervous but here goes nothing. I don't know if I was meant to stick to the theme 'Joker' and tried to be creative with character designing. I'd prefer as much creative freedom with the characters so no story names or anything pre-written and just ideas really. Jungle Outfit design is supposed to be colorful and standout. (Front and Back) Face Design (I tried to keep as much creative freedom with the separation of the front and back to face because the outfit was designed for my character) Raincoat I have no idea if this even fits in with the theme of Joker. Face Design Again wanted a different design for the face. Pastel Wanted a cute design for this character. Face Design 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KnifuWaifu 499 Posted June 14, 2020 ok here's my low-budget attempt - Lil' Derpiter Include a small blurb about your character’s backstory (optional). Lillian "Lil" Derpiter always dreamed of becoming a Little Orbiter (astronaut) but mentally and physically she could never make the grade, and a tendency to endlessly prattle on to herself in the third person didn't help either. Instead Lil delved into the world of explosives and explosive accessories with ambitions of making into space on her own steam (or C4). Lil ended up as a dockworker in San Paro's Waterfront district under the careful gaze of the Praetorians. Making sure the various crates and pallets of explosives line up with Venus' orbit and endlessly discussing her rocket plans it is not hard to see why Lil would be one of the many reasons Ernst 'Mule' Templeton would prefer to be knee-deep in some sweaty jungle than spend another day in the warehouse with Lil's constant self-chatter. How do they fit onto the city of San Paro? With the expansion of the Joker Corporation and Joker Store, Lil saw her final chance to achieve her greatest creation - so she's given the Praetorians' ears a rest and helps distribute Joker Merchandise, saving up enough JTs to blast her way out of San Paro. Please don't use any copyrighted material other than APB or our lore Whoops. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KeyboardCommando 81 Posted June 14, 2020 Today, little is known about him, there are a huge number of rumors about him and his origin, seemingly an ordinary Caucasian. He was seen in different parts of the world, from Southeast Asia to the Middle East and South America. There are even rumors that Interpol is looking for him, His fortune is estimated at billions of dollars, they even say that Nekrov’s arms company belongs to him, the US Government, in particular the CIA and FBI, are actively watching him, and the conflict in San Paro has given him many opportunities, including the ability to sink to the bottom. All that is known about him is that he is called the Lord. So who is he really? (Sorry, i am not speak english) Quote Quote 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SunnyMonroe 180 Posted June 14, 2020 On 6/11/2020 at 10:48 PM, Sakebee said: .............. Sakebee Since i dont wanna mess up my characters and also dont wanna see a copy of them in the jokerstore Is it needed to keep any of that designs on the account? And the winners can choose where the rewards goes to? Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zolerox 564 Posted June 14, 2020 (edited) 4 hours ago, KeyboardCommando said: Today, little is known about him, there are a huge number of rumors about him and his origin, seemingly an ordinary Caucasian. He was seen in different parts of the world, from Southeast Asia to the Middle East and South America. There are even rumors that Interpol is looking for him, His fortune is estimated at billions of dollars, they even say that Nekrov’s arms company belongs to him, the US Government, in particular the CIA and FBI, are actively watching him, and the conflict in San Paro has given him many opportunities, including the ability to sink to the bottom. All that is known about him is that he is called the Lord. So who is he really? (Sorry, i am not speak english) So far you are the only submission i could see going in the jokerstore, And this 23 hours ago, KeyboardCommando said: Comes from a military family, mother is Vietnamese father is a military officer. Since childhood, fond of everything that is associated with weapons. I decided to follow in the footsteps of my ancestors. Having entered the military academy at the age of 25, she began to build a career, but fate decreed otherwise. Because of the nibble of the two brothers, as a result of the g-kings terrorist attack in San Paro, she took up arms and left the title and her position in high society, while serving in the ranks of the tigers the prentissa and Praetorians saw a lot of different shit, after which it was decided to leave from the ranks of the CSA, however, very soon, her passion for weapons brought her to Joker industries, she knows where to get any weapons in San Paro. (i am not speaking english) nice work What's her name? These 2 are "approachable" in the "believable contact" sort of way Edited June 14, 2020 by Zolerox 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
X235 4 Posted June 14, 2020 (edited) X235-Citadel(EU) Edited June 14, 2020 by EmreYusuf235 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gro 108 Posted June 14, 2020 4 hours ago, KeyboardCommando said: Today, little is known about him, there are a huge number of rumors about him and his origin, seemingly an ordinary Caucasian. He was seen in different parts of the world, from Southeast Asia to the Middle East and South America. There are even rumors that Interpol is looking for him, His fortune is estimated at billions of dollars, they even say that Nekrov’s arms company belongs to him, the US Government, in particular the CIA and FBI, are actively watching him, and the conflict in San Paro has given him many opportunities, including the ability to sink to the bottom. All that is known about him is that he is called the Lord. So who is he really? (Sorry, i am not speak english) This one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Optimus_Crime 81 Posted June 14, 2020 11 hours ago, aurelius said: Short backstory: Reveal hidden contents Name: Ella Fitzgerald A freckle ridden girl blasts through the door. While still gasping for air, leans on a nearby wall, and then exclaims; - Sorry i'm a little late, you know how traffic is nowadays! She unbuttons one of her combat rig pouches and then takes a sheet of paper off of it, dropping the resume on the table. Not much is known about Ella, other than being new to the force. She recently enlisted herself to support the enforcer cause, but now seems to be desperate enough to do anything other than enforcing. Surely, it can be quite a fun job, but after a sudden moment of realization she actualized that it is preferable to remain in one piece by the end of the week. I can easily see this character being a baylan fight club vendor or perhaps a rankable contact like Trick & Treat during halloween for action district maps, if they ever plan to make a joker themed event that is. She could be the one giving out daily activities or something, you get the idea. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thirteenth Hunter 4 Posted June 14, 2020 Hello all! I want to introduce my character to you. Raymond Fallowfield "RayFall" Story: Raymond was born to a poor family. Father worked as a car mechanic, and mother was unemployed. As a child, this guy constantly fight, probably there was not a day him coming home without bruises, for which he also received at home... At age 12, he became interested in cars: he collected models and helped his father in the workshop. Already at this age, he understood that living a family is not easy. By the age of 18, he graduated from college and got a job as a car mechanic to help his family somehow. But in his life there was a hobby that sparked a spark in his eyes, and also gave good earnings. Street racing. He became a famous racer in the district, usually took first places and received good money from this business. He gave part of the money to his family, and for the rest he tuned his "swallow" and had fun as he could. One "fine" day, a squad of cops intervene on one of the races, the usual race turned into a wild pursuit. All this turned out to be the setup of one villain who envied Raymond's success. In Raymond's car, an explosive was thrown that exploded during a chase. During a search of the accident site, Raymond's body was not found. And no one heard anything about him ... the next few years. After a long time, he returned to commit revenge. His disfigured face was tattooed with an awesome smile. And in the eyes burned with a flame of anger. He definitely went to his goal. Soon in the newspapers there was news of the massacre of corrupt cops, and a guy "who was crushed by his own car". After revenge, Raymond decided to live more calmly, and settled in "Joker industries" P.S. I used google translator, I apologize for my English Quote Quote 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hanmir 5 Posted June 14, 2020 Hello everyone. I present to you the candidate for work in the Joker network. Name: Estel Araújo Alternative name: Gesara (comes from G - G - Kings affiliation + primary name abbreviation). Facts from the biography: She graduated from the Institute of Oceanology abroad. Arriving in San Paro to start working in her specialty, she liked the large port city. She wanted to build an ideal career in dreams, but in reality she was faced with a real hell that made her embark on the path of crime. Finding herself in poverty, she joined the G-Kings gang, with whom she still maintains a warm relationship, rose from the bottom thanks to G-Kings. Supporters of both gangs became interested in her knowledge in the field of oceanology. For a long time she was engaged in the smuggling of weapons in the port, the organization of raids on merchant ships, the extraction of treasures and marine resources. At the moment, she occupies a significant place in the gang as a confidant of Arlon, a good friend of Bonita. She maintains a tense relationship with a bloody rose; she is annoyed by the spoiled and reckless gang members. She hates Jong. Adheres to the views of Arlon Benjamin and wants to help implement plans to change San Paro. She is obsessed with protecting marine animals, attacking fishing vessels and the San Paro Aquarium to free marine animals (there should be an Oceanarium / Dolphinarium in a large port city :-)). Features: During the next task - an attack on the transport of a Technological Institute(Red Hill) carrying experimental gas, an accident occurred, it was exposed to gas. As a result, her skin lost the ability to produce melanin, which caused albinism (discolored skin / white skin). Also, under the influence of gas, metabolism is accelerated and aggressiveness increases. It has no bad habits, leads a healthy lifestyle. She is obsessed with fitness and bodybuilding, visits the gym with Zombie 4 times a week. Tired of the endless war with the security forces, wants to do business and find work in the Joker network. She wants to allocate funds received to support Arlon and G-Kings in the implementation of the revolution, and also to allocate funds to the Fund for the Protection of the Ocean and Marine Animals. P.S.: Sorry for my English Quote Quote 4 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SunnyMonroe 180 Posted June 14, 2020 1 hour ago, Kyra20 said: Ahh great dress 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikixx 12 Posted June 14, 2020 Actually get to know this-Mikixx! - One of the dangerous bandits of the city of San paro, which holds control of many areas and has its own night clubs. - But he wasn't always like this, he came to this city for new opportunities. It so happened that the streets of this city met him very severely and our hero the Mix was left without a penny in his pocket. - Then he decided to take revenge on all his abusers, returning not only everything belonging to him, but also with interest. In the end, he found the same people who had been treated the same way on the streets of this city, and they joined him. - So Meeks organized his gang with like-minded people and the night club business, settling in San Paro very firmly! 9 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ReaperTheButcher 177 Posted June 14, 2020 (edited) My second entry for the challange: this is The Yes Men, a men of few words, this mysterious figure was last spotted in asylum back in 1976, since then he loomed the shadows of san-paro untill he re-emerged following the news of the Joker renovation programme, for once in his lifetime he found his fate as a Joker Associate doing what he does best, being mysteriously convincing. Edited June 17, 2020 by ReaperTheButcher 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TzickyT 213 Posted June 14, 2020 My entry - Viviane Colbert Background: Viviane Colbert is a 28-year-old local activist whose life was dominated by solving the murder of her brother, Simone Colbert. Simone was stabbed at Tiko's Service Center and the killer was never brought to justice. Recently with the riots that happened over san paro she tried to do again a call for her brother's murderer. But everything she did was no use. She grew up in a middle class neighbourhood. Her father left when she was young, leaving her with her mother, who was an alcohol addict. becous of this she had to take over the wool shop. not so long ago she had to close the shop becous of all the buglary's happening in the neighbourhood. but she found a new job pretty fast. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bloo 43 Posted June 14, 2020 (edited) Just an idea I came up with; Joker security gear. She could sell Criminals and Enforcers tactical swat gear in exchange for Joker Tickets (and possibly money). Alternate colors and non-security versions can be made as well Edited June 15, 2020 by PancakePower Added alternate versions :) 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
proxie 271 Posted June 14, 2020 (edited) Hello, meet David. :- ) And there is also a version if LO thinks the exposed belly is a bit much... Name: David S. Muzzle Age: 46 About: David has been a part of Joker industries as far as anyone can remember. Nobody is quite sure how long he's been exployed by Joker or what he actually does for them as he has not been seen doing actual work by anyone. Despite working for the company for many years he has yet to move up in the ranks. There are several rumors to why is still employed by Joker industries. Some say he is in fact a highly skilled marksman, some say he's an remote explosives expert but some say that he is friends with the owners of the company. But what is most likely it could be that he is one of the leaders of the workers union, some workers rights legislation has made it almost impossible to end his employment without significant cost to Joker. What ever the reason it does not seem like he is going anywhere any time soon and he as such has been re-assigned to the Joker Store. David is known for constantly eating burgers while on company time. He even has repurposed a tactical leg pouch to keep extra burgers warm. He keeps mostly to himself and does not say much more than is needed. This can make interacting with him quite awkward as it often turns into a one sided conversation. He has a strange yet friendly welcoming aura around him that often can lead to the mistake of trying to start a conversation with David. Im not attached to either the name or lore of the character, open to changing all that if picked. Edited June 15, 2020 by proxie 43 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Noob_Guardian 418 Posted June 14, 2020 (edited) Lt. Borin Wright Lieutenant of one of San Paro's fire fighter departments. He worked directly under the Praetorians for a time on the front lines for money to get by with his family in San Paro. Feeling as if doing so was the right thing to protect the innocent. After almost two years he decided that he'd rather be putting out the fires and saving people from burning buildings than being on the front lines and dealing with the massive paperwork from their latest mission. Protecting the innocent is still important, but dying in the process would be a waste, he still has a family to care for. He still gets calls for the Praetorians to go out on call, though now it is for putting out arson and fires from the fighting than to go deal with the crims. He figured he'd rather be alive for his kids and family; cleaning up the mess that the enforcers, police, and criminals leave behind, and saving people from the numerous arson caused fires, than being murdered for trying to keep innocent people safe. He moved his family to the outskirts of the city, and continues to do what he feels is right in San Paro. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to protect his fire crew when they get shot at, after all, he believes there's a bullet out there with the name of every criminal in San Paro, though the resulting paperwork is certainly a drag. Edited June 14, 2020 by Noob_Guardian 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goabea 196 Posted June 14, 2020 (edited) 36 minutes ago, proxie said: Hello, meet David. :- ) And there is also a version if LO thinks the exposed belly is a bit much... Name: David S. Muzzle Age: 46 About: David has been a part of Joker industries as far as anyone can remember. Nobody is quite sure how long or what he actually does for the company as he has not been seen doing actual work by anyone. Despite working for the company for many years he has yet to move up in the ranks. There are several rumors to why is still employed by Joker industries. Some say he is in fact a highly skilled marksman and some that he is friends with the owners of the company. Or it could be that he is one of the leader of the workers union. What ever the reason it does not seem like he is going anywhere any time soon. David is known for constantly eating burgers while on company time. He even has repurposed a tactical leg pouch to keep extra burgers warm. He keeps mostly to himself and does not say much more than is needed. This can make interacting with him quite awkward as it often turns into a one sided conversation. He is still has a warm friendly aura around him that often can lead to the mistake of trying to start a conversation with David. Im not attached to either the name or lore of the character, open to changing all that if picked. look at this face. I want to buy illegal guns from this man. Please Matt, this is too good. Edited June 15, 2020 by Goabea 8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meirleach 13 Posted June 15, 2020 Hey! This is my first post on the forums! saw this and thought i'd give it a go! Anika D'Cruz Quote Calling Anika D'Cruz a leech is something of a compliment. An equal opportunist social butterfly, San Paro hearsay has seen her behind the bar at Club Gaijin's best events, moonlighting at Mist, and even handling money within Progress National Bank. Factions are an illusive construct to Anika. Hiding behind the most valuable thing that an enforcer couldn't ram raid to obtain or a criminal to steal; secrets. Her charming smile as Bloodrose goons blabbed about their happenings would start to earn her an easy penny. Until, that is, Anika realised she could have it both ways. It started trickling down into her lap and back up to the higher end of each food chain, and when petty threats against her life, or worse, incarceration were made, she'd chuckle. "I'm just a number in this city," After which, she'd find another job closer to intel, closer to the valuable things that brought her income from 'getting by' to 'sitting pretty'. The facts of life. She was just a number in this city. Something drummed into her from her alcoholic mother when she was growing up. But it was a developing fact for her not to lie, causing Anika's mother to become a target in a scandalous confession that her 14 year old daughter had been subdued and forced to traffic drugs by the hand of her own mother. Anika looks back and cradles facts. Facts are what gave her confidence, financial gain and clarity on her character. Lying only brought her misery when she needed a parent the most, but her frustration and fury barrelled over. Her next job application was the kind where you'd need a resume taller than your person. Joker Industries needed employees in Breakwater, and Anika was determined to assure a position. The amount of times she'd experience members of opposing factions begging Ophelia and Elizabeth for merchandise, the money AND the secrets? You know, it could just be a conversation starter. Good luck to everyone submitting!!!! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites