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  1. Hello and welcome to the Overseer's ordinance! Today I am introducing new Balance Changes with Forum Boss patch 1.0: Get your barrier cream ready! Colby .45 AP: We're gonna be really transparent with this one! We've decided to grant invisibility when the .45 is equipped. You may also now purchase the primary variant and utilize the newly added green, akimbo character mod to use the weapons in tandem. With this change, we believe that other aspects of the game, i.e., creativity and customization, will really shine through and into your gameplay. DMR-AV: When equipped with the Colby .45 AP, Thanos becomes available as a summonable ally. This maintains the natural balance of forces, ensuring that the akimbo playstyle does not overly dominate the streets of San Paro. Twerk Emote: We heard your concerns about getting killed while trying to type /twerk on your enemies (and glazing like an old man standing frozen at a credit card terminal when that infernal beeping noise, wearing the namesake of 'nothing', persists), especially when your teammate crashed and the stars aligned against you, with the moon casting an ominous summer shade at the supremely worst possible cosmic moment. So, we've added this emote to the game! You'll also get 5 seconds of invulnerability to show off your moves and have fun. This emote costs 576 G1C and will be available in the Armas Marketplace. Decision-making update: With the recent implementation of Brightcycle's logic 2.0 algorithm, the code malfunctioned and caused 1.000 player(s) to disconnect precisely when their teammate made the decision in their mind to ready up (default: K). This crowd has recently become very vocal about the distress an impromptu solo mission caused, so we've added 10.0 seconds of delay to this function (decision-making) for everyone! — in order to capture that special moment like a dream where you really have the time to think about thinking. We hope to see this improve the flow of the mission districts and reduce the frustration of... A note on fun and other emetic doo-higgies: Our team noticed that APB had videos from the dark ages dating back to 2013, watched by millions, where players ramped cars, explored areas designated as 'out-of-bounds', and used other gimmicks that defiled the charm and playability of APB: Reloaded for others! We've decided in the tradition of heroes past to also remove instant teleportation into vehicles, Vegas-4x4 backflips, ramping in the skate park, and also added a barrier for vehicles preventing them from traveling above heights that exceed 50 meters (barrier cream anyone?). Vehicles shall be used only for driving, as intended, and not for flying or other hooliganism. Silly criminal, you aren't Superman y'know! Any players found to be expressing themselves in violation of fun-clause (ordinance #1397), whereby the game is hitherto reduced to shooting at the Invisible Man with akimbo .45s will immediately be subjected to a violently twerking, 680 x 480 wide .mov of Thanos irremeably covering their field of view. We take these changes seriously and expect the player base to act respectfully; as you would towards the funerary rites for any dying thing. Anyways, my room has now reached the melting point of chocolate and I cannot pretend I care. We hope these changes serve you, the community, well!
  2. Oh look. I want to buy the nano butcher... but wait. my account is perm banned for being out of bounds right.
  3. I got banned for being out of bounds permanently. Lmao, just take it with a grain of salt, the game will die either way if they keep banning 2000$+ accounts for simple things.
  4. This type of thing, I might have considered helping but I had only a few hours notice. I didn't see the Notice Posted until that morning, leaving me but a few hour to set up an otw account. These things need to be set up in advance, as in you already have a group of players who have set up otw and are sorta in a club to be ready for otw tests. If it it still available i will go set one up for the next time. Meaning I'll have to pick an Email, make a password, go thru email verification, then come back n make a name and character set up. Then I'll have to write it all down n hope i don't lose it. Last time I tried to help I got almost banned for bringing the character into the regular game so I could have some cloths. Anyone even looks at me funny n I'll quit otw Ah cant find the DL on the browser, i tried, so screw it.
  5. Funnily enough, the game already has shades of that, where some contacts' will have their unlocks be more focused on a specific item category (customizable clothes, preset weapons, preset vehicles, vehicle parts etc.). However, for whatever reason the actual non-preset weapon unlocks are tied to role progression instead of contact progression, which is good on paper because you're not tied to a specific district to unlock new guns, but the numbers themselves have never received any kind of fine-tuning. This is especially bad with the current playercounts; expecting people to get 10,000 kills per category to unlock 3-slot variants is insane. Even considering that this game is a free-to-play title and thus needs to incentivize people to spend money by letting them skip the grind, and even with a "normal" playercount, getting 10 thousand kills 5 times over to unlock the 3-slots for the main 5 primary weapon categories is a truly deranged number that I think I would only be somewhat willing to accept as an account-bound grind, not a per-character grind - and even then I'd be for lowering the requirements. Chrome skins can stay at 20k as a cosmetic reward for those truly dedicated, but let's not gate gameplay improvements behind such steep numbers. Back when Secrets was part of the dev team, they stated in the LO Discord that optimally the Permanent Weapon Selector from the tutorials shouldn't be a selector of one 0-slot gun, but a care package of all the basic guns in 0 slot versions, just so progress is always possible in each weapon type without having to spend APB$ first — a sentiment I entirely agree with. Whether this will be realized remains to be seen. If I remember correctly, that's what Little Orbit want to do: move matchmaking from district level to world level so you can be moved wherever a good mission would be feasible, so that's neat if/when we get that. Other than that, yeah, your ideas sound neat. The car flipping part is one I'm kinda iffy about (can't think of a good rationalization for that one, even taking into account that this is a game where you can have kevlar implanted under your skin and take pills that numb you so much you don't feel a car slamming into you), the rest is neato.
  6. You're right. I was banned. But that didn't stop me from creating a new account. And that's the big problem with this game. For cheaters, it doesn't matter if they are banned or not. Yesterday, our team was spoiled by two rank 40 cheaters. They're having fun, we're not. There is no way to refuse recurring matches with them. It's upsetting.
  7. My account has been blocked And they don't respond with support Does anyone know why they don't answer with support
  8. I would love to take part in your delightful celebration. Yes, that's the problem... I was banned by your wretched anti-cheat! Today I was very disappointed to see some dudes playing. Judging by their rank, they created accounts yesterday, a nickname of unrelated letters, a gun firing a burst... The score in the mission is 18 to 2... these dudes will probably be banned tomorrow and they will create accounts again. Tell me why the hell I shouldn't hate your work on this game? The holiday in this game will come when you guys start solving problems QUICKLY!
  9. I remember back then when people were shitting on me for cheating when I never did cheated. It was like that back then with FairFight. I did glitch on other account (which was mysteriously not banned unlike my main) into one spot during Halloween but without context it's idiotic (entire team tried to get to glitcher to kill him - And suprisingly glitcher DIDN'T get banned for that) and then I was banned for cheating on my main few days later (I assume that was reason? Although it's shady.). So yeah, I just decided to shut it after unban, complete what I had... now I'm just here more like shadow. Lurking between, soaking misery of others and hoping maybe there's gonna be wind of change. Noooooope.
  10. This kind of stuff is "normal" for many anticheats but doesn't go beyond just shutting down the game. Account ban usually means a lot more things have gone wrong.
  11. I pulled up your account info here. Ban Reason: Too much whining, holy shit. Grow up!
  12. Lets get into what I got out of listening to the video. The long and short of it is, We know about all the issues and plan to fix them but we are short staffed, we haven't figured out how to fix most issues, and there is no time table for the issues we can fix. For instance' We know the police lights and rendering of the new car is not finished, the finished work is just sitting there, we just havent gotten to it yet. We asked for an anti cheat that caught aim botters, teleporters, we din't give a hoot about people using layering programs to make symbols, people going out of bounds was never a biggie, kick em from the server then, So they give us a patootie named anti cheat, that was completely ineffective towards aim bots and teleports, but banned a few honest players who never used combat cheats. So now we gonna have an Unbanning with some exceptions. Gonna throw out the patootie named EAC, put a new one. When,, soon. This is what I got out of it was that We'll get to it when we get to it. Which riled me a bit because if the police lights and kits are just sitting there, Then Please put them in IMMEDIATLY. Additionally I told you people EAC wasn't working, and instead of throwing good money after bad, why not just Resegregate so all the hax will turn gold n can bot n corner pop themselves, while the legit players can play in peace like before. But NOOOOO We can't because pop is too low. Why is this? Because even the hackers are leaving because of lack of interest, like game development. They are leaving because less and less legits play, and between that and MM everyone is waiting forever for a mission. So if I have to wait to get hacked for a miniscule amount of tickets and chump change for game cash, I'm probly gonna go play another game or take a nap ect. I did however like his idea of small worlds. Otherwise my mindset is that the hackers have taken over and nothing can be done, and so if I'm bored enough to come in and do joker job dailys, I may find some fun in trolling said hackers. I have very little confidence that anything significant will happen 'soon. It is Sad.
  13. Would you like me to tell you a joke? One small company spent money to implement an anti-cheat that blocks players for no reason. Do you think this is the end? No. This small company knows about the problem, but does nothing to solve it. Yes, I am aware that this will be fixed soon. But when? When? This problem has been present in the game for more than a year. Has the game been losing its audience for more than a year? Explain why the hell you are doing further development of the game? Who are you trying for? An idiotic anti-cheat is emptying your pockets right now, and nullifying the results of your work. This is absurd. I was banned permanently. I've been playing since its launch, I remember when it was paid. My account is over 10 years old. Of those 10 years, I spent about a year in the game. Short-sighted developers and cheaters will soon destroy the game. The direction of the vector is set definitively. A little explanation. I call cheaters people with Flavs configs, macros, bug unions and other scum. Scum who use the vulnerabilities of the game for superiority, and hiding behind excuses about poor optimization and other nonsense.
  14. Appreciate you posting in the forum. What would be helpful to player moral would be estimated time to fix these 'Issues'. When can we expect a better anti cheat? Right now its open season. EAC deterred hacking for about 12 hours when it was installed, hasn't banned anyone for combat hacks, and now with the knowledge that they are pulling eac every hack in the world is coming in. EAC was bad but now its worse, because of this and the notion that, at least for now hacking is not punished, detected, just swept under the rug, really not much reason to play. Unless its to kill time and harrass hackers which is gonna be 90% of the pop, reporting never worked and as matt said they'll just make a new account n be back in 10 minutes. So in effect you have a Hacks only game.
  15. legalize420

    Error 10008

    same problem here. 3k hours without using any background programs and/ or other kind of cheating software but my account has been permanently suspended for cheating by EAC when i was offline. explainend my problem to the support, they told me to open up a ticket and apply for a reason to get my acc back. did it atleast 20 times it was taken down every time.. what sort of evil joke is this? are you even listening to your community LO or working on a solution for this? im very keen on an honest answer.
  16. Your account will be unlocked, don't worry. Anti-cheat has long undermined trust and will soon be removed from the game. But the funny thing about this is that the company spent money on integrating an anti-cheat that bans honest players, while cheaters will continue to do their dirty deeds.
  17. So I used to play APB Reloaded starting from March 27th 2015 but quit on March 17th of 2017. Recently I started getting interested in the game again but I am having a login problem. I am unable to use my old account because my password from Steam account 7 years ago is not acceptable to the login server. Every time I open the launcher it says Password Expired. I attempted to manually update my password using an old account registration link I found, and after doing that it at least lets me manually login but that only enters me into what seems like a brand new account. I had to make new characters and all my levels and gear was gone. (Which was bad enough, but at least I can still play and slowly try to erase years of rusted instincts. Funny enough I know exactly what to do and where places are as if I had never left, but I just don't have the reaction speed or aim to keep up.) But my problem with expired password persists as every single time I run the APB launcher it errors on startup saying that the Steam password is expired. I can still manually login using the newly redone password but the expired password error message won't go away. Furthermore, if at all possible I really want to get back my old account data. Losing all those high leveled unlocks and perma stuff kind of stinks by itself, plus it is quite hard to compete with people when they are running around with advanced gear and you're stuck with a star and obeya pistol with no mods. I am incredibly rusty after being gone so long, and I know that will be hard to overcome, but having equipment deficiencies on top of that is just making a hard climb back to my old level of play even harder.
  18. Questions: Merge accounts and roles and achievements account wide when those gonna gonna happen ? Reasons: Tired buying stuff on 2 different accounts and last meeting you guys said gonna account wide roles because takes too much time start over on new character.
  19. At the time of the last stream the EAC appeals were broken and would just disappear after some time and you said you guys are working on getting it to work. At this time they are still broken and just disappear. Can we please get an update on that? A lot of innocent people, some that literally just play for car meets, lost their accounts and all the money they spent on them unfairly so it would be grat if this was of a higher priority at LO...
  20. Hello, i can't trade anybody i cant buy anything from the auction, i cant bid,buy or sell. I have sent an email to G1 support, made 2 tickets but with 0 answer please tell me how to fix this
  21. Hello, my account is not allowed to trade anybody, i can not buy, bid or sell anything on the auction
  22. How long do I need to wait for someone to help me change the password for my linked Steam account? I made a ticket, wrote an email, unsubscribed on the forum, I really want to play
  23. Please check your game account again
  24. nah, if we are doing ban lists I want to see EVERYTHING. i want all their characters/accounts that have been linked to it. makes me feel good about myself
  25. Honestly, I think it's going to come down to someone who loves this game to spend some of their free time as an in-game admin without pay but maybe some account benefits. This would have to be a VERYYY transparent player who even streams so that other players can offer their opinions. People would either be ousted if need-be or rightfully defended if the right scenario arises... I'm sure EAC gathers the data it needs but between the game having a low player-base and the game being a free-2-play game, they would lose money if this combination of things didn't happen. The transparency would potentially increase the player-count while some of these players inevitably start buying some real-cash items which would need to happen for the small dev team to continue down a better path where they can act on the data that EAC gathers and then out-right ban the players that need it, and those harassment claims that get players mass reported and falsely banned could be defended if need-be by the admin that's streaming and the viewers acting as a type of jury. I know there's plenty of people that love this game and would potentially do this but it has happened in the past and when it did it was a very horrible time due to the lack of transparency.
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