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Found 234 results

  1. And not be in any discord channel, not associate with any "known" or "pro" or even "gold" players... In fact, should join the game entirely ANONYMOUSLY. That way they can see first hand why "new" "nobody" players get hardcore wrecked by those same players they think are their friends... and have a more intimate understanding of why this game is so filled with hatred towards some of the truly abusive prks who kill off the game's playerbase. Play the game as a new person would play it... only then could LO staff have ANY CLUE what's going on, and what desperately needs to be fixed. And if you streamed it would be even funnier... cos you'd be receiving sooooo many toxic, rude, and insulting msgs just for being... "not a good player." It would be a real eye opener into the actual population that needs special "protection" and is hoping to get it from people with the connections, such as actual LO staff... You should be the champions of the weakest players... and that means playing like one and getting that full experience. The worst people, and I mean that sincerely have long had a habit of "kissing up" to the game's staff in hopes of getting a "get out of jail free" card. We need LO staff who are brave enough to play as the unwanted, detested, tk's and kicked nobodies to save them so we have new players in game. We need you. The game desperately needs you. But we need you to know what the problems really are so you can help and not become, as the previous staff, subverted into being an enabler and denier of the problems.
  2. Would be a nice thing to have for those who were banned 3years ago and was unbanned by LO, if there is a way to merge their old account with the new one. Even if they have to put a fee on it some of us are willing to pay EDIT: Would be nice to have a change server options for characters
  3. Hello, I made one Mistake and I did order the wrong Weapon. Is it possible to change it to the Weapon I want via Ticket? Is here anyone who had the same Problem?
  4. Hello, I did spend over 9000 G1C While the 50% was going on and almost everything went OK, but I made one Mistake and I did order the wrong Weapon. Now i have 2x the almost same Weapon! Is it possible to change it to the Weapon I want? It's Account Lifetime and the Price is the same! Will I get Help if I open a Ticket? @MattScott
  5. Hey Little Orbit, When Gamersfirst still had the game I asked the support why I can not upgrade this weapon "Agrotech ACES Rifle R&D III" to account, they said that it's a promotion [Guerra Libero LE Bundle], so you can not update it. But now is GamersFirst no longer the owner, do you think you can do something there? that means I have to buy the weapon I already own ?
  6. Hello, I'm sorry if I have posted in the wrong section, I just needed someone to help me, I have forgotten my main account email but I still remember the password of the forgotten email and I,still remember - the in-game name I have sent the support ticket from 2 days they haven't respond any solutions Please.
  7. While I am glad to hear of some of the new changes already soon to be added and looking forward to future updates, I do have some things I absolutely would like to see changed if it has not already been considered. First of all on this subject I wanted to bring up the R&D weapons. Now, I know they are currently on armas, but the current prices of things for account lifetime unlocks are still somewhat on the extreme (more on that in a bit). My request about them is that for those of us who invest time and effort into building the weapon role ranks, could you take the 10-day leases off of the R&D's? It would certainly feel far more rewarding and worth the effort if we can unlock those for permanent use on that character after all the efforts rather than leasing. I feel like the roles should be made to mean something more than mere titles and mod unlocks. Now onto the other matter, account unlocks. I understand there is still plenty to be worked on, I get that, but my request here would be if you would make things such as vehicle kits and gear account-bound by default rather than only to the character we logged as when getting them. And although the time when I got them was long before the start of when you guys took over, a good example of this would be the waragi vehicle kit used on nulander pioneers and the tactical gear bundle. If such items are made account-bound in the future, I'd hope the same could be retroactively applied to the ones I claimed back then. The aspect of nearly everything being on a per character basis is what would cause players like myself to avoid any purchases other than perhaps a single time and nothing more. And finally I just want to say once again that I am glad to hear of the new changes coming along, and that I look forward to what is in store later down the road. I understand there is plenty to be done for possible improvements to the game, but I hope that you will also take the time to look through this discussion and take the requests here into consideration.
  8. I was trying to make a female character on the Citadel server and I got this error. What's going on here?
  9. Can't find a suggestion thread on this even though it has been discussed numerous times on threads. Seems obvious. Reasoning: All cosmetics should have account bound purchase options. Mostly affects untradable Clothing and Vehicles Yes, Vehicle Kits potentially can be used on cars available in game, thus tradable in the in-game marketplace (or sent via mail)...but not all Vehicle Kits can be used that way. All ARMAs clothing cannot be traded in the in-game Marketplace, even those which used to be in-game (ex. Double Gun Holster Back) All ARMAs exclusive vehicles cannot be traded in the in-game Marketplace (many customizable ones have in-game purchase options anyway). There is an option to Account Bound upgrade Weapons...but not clothing or vehicles. You can get Account Bound Weapon skins (packs and individually)...but not clothing or vehicles. There are already a few big bundles that clearly make this possible...but there are so many bundles that don't have this option. Pros: More reason to buy character slots. Justified prices for those individual items that are not 99G1C. Easier than debundling everything. Cons: Only a con if you don't have multiple character slots and just don't understand how bad people want virtual, pixelated, legwarmers without spending a fortune. Only a con if you hate people are wasting money buying virtual goods to support a game with tones of customization.
  10. Would be cool to have an account merge option, specially when most of us who have our old account back doesnt have to switch, and can have everything on one account again. Maybe even charge some G1C for accountmerge and some of us might still do it
  11. I wanted to know if it is possible to merge 2 or more accounts into one account, (via request from support). Thought I ask on the forums since they have a faster response time than the support (since there are so many tickets). -Wolf
  12. I have chars both on Citadel and Jericho but I only ever received like 2 or 3 codes when they were being given out one of which eventually expired but that was quite a while ago, can we get them sent in your mail right after you make a new char? I'm not sure but I think this is the case with OBT/CBT Vet titles.
  13. I bought some g1 credits recently and my account got suspended. Is there a logical reason behind this? Some purchase protection? **EDIT Everything is fine, I am not blocked. I guess wrong password...not really... fml
  14. For about 2 - 3 years now ive had my account banned unfairly by LadyTiggs because my car lagged and crashed into a hare hare yukai clan car show and they all thought i was greifing. (most people can vouch that she unfairly banned alot of people). ive invested so much money and hours into that account. ive sent in 2 support tickets now and yet i get no reply. its been 2 weeks now and its becoming a joke. if i can get my account unbanned that would just be perfect, if i could kindly get a ETA on when the next unban wave would be then that would be great aswell. ive been very patient but im beginning to lose it. i understand its a big task because so many were banned like me. thank you. - Daevas
  15. alcholism

    Account Moving

    Getting accounts moved from Pc to Ps4 has been a debatable topic andni just want to know everyones thoughts on it.
  16. sorry if this was already asked but i didnt maybe catch it.. is it possible to merge ingame accs? i have 2 accounts now and if there is possibility of merging them into one... would love to see an answer directly from @Lixil thanks...
  17. Hello I'd like to change my ingame name as but when i add as friend the name i want (just to check if it's available or not) on Citadel it says the character doesn't exist but when i try to create a new character and name with said name it said it's already used. This is kinda frustrating honestly so i want to ask at LO Staff if they are thinking of a name purge in the future because also having lots of names unused could restrict also in new players joining while unable to find their name. Thank you.
  18. @Lixil- Care to explain the thought process on this (especially if this is forced)? In game, multiple accounts are not against the ToS (with the caution: if you break rules on one, all your accounts can get the hammer)--since coming to G1, this was told to us. Is this wild idea just to make sure the upcoming "Volunteer GMs" can't evade the rules they will have to agree to? You even said earlier that GMs have separate accounts themselves... On the forum rules, it states: Having multiple game accounts pretty much equals to, nearly by default, multiple forum accounts. Merging different accounts sounds ridiculous especially with those who share internet, VPN, or visit forums on free wifi/cell-service. I'm not saying there are not people who have multiple forum accounts with the sole purpose of violating those rules (which justice should be served)...but I rather not have random accounts merged with mine, lose this one, or some other stupid thing that usually happens with half-arsed merges. I have never heard of any forum-like service that merged accounts. Some people purposely separate their game account from their forum account...much like they should do on the internet. For example: If you are dumb enough to share one email to all services you use, you pretty much leave a single-point of entry to your internet life. tl;dr - What is the point of merging accounts? What does it solve? Who thought of this?
  19. heard a rumor lixil thinks she's gonna enforce single acc rule and do a big merge of every1s accs, haHa... ur jOkin Rite im Rollin deep in multiple vpns lul , lixil=tiggs
  20. So I want to change my name to janga but the name has been taken and whoever it is hasnt come online for years (i added them to see if they would ever come online around a year or two ago) so is there anything I can do ?
  21. When we buy a gun character wide, we have the option to buy an upgrade to account wide and I was thinking that it would be amazing to have the same option for weapon skins. What do you think?
  22. Hi everybody! A week ago I asked a question on the social district ingame about the weapon account bound upgrade. Let me clear up the situation. I have 2 chars on my account, one is a crim, the other one is an enfo. I have a char bound weapon on the crim, and if i know it right, i should have the opportunity to upgrade this weapon from char bound to account bound. But i don't have this opportunity. On the social ingame they said that i know it right, and it should work. I tried everything, but i can't see the discounted price for the update on the Armas Marketplace. They told me that i should write a ticket to the support, and i did it. It was a week ago. I got no answer at all... Im so disappointed right now. I don't know its a bug or something on my account, or why i can't see the discount price to upgrade? Please help me to get a proper answer for this, cuz i don't know that its a bug or what. Thanks!
  23. I forgot my original account’s password and the password of the email linked to it, and there’s no way to retrieve the email. What do I do?
  24. Hello Little Orbit, I am aware that you and your staff have been working hard to help make APB Reloaded a great game again by constantly updating the game and listening to the feedback of the people. I gladly appreciate that you have been busy maintaining this game and keeping it enjoyable for everyone by using a new anti-hacking security system known as BattlEye. However, my account was falsely banned before the implement of FairFight, may I seek your request on how to get unbanned? And may I know the estimate date that I will be able to check my account unbanned? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much. Radical
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