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  1. The key requirement is that your PC account has to have logged into the game at least once. Other than that, you can migrate your Xbox progress over to an existing PC account (it doesn't have to be made specifically for the migration).
  2. If dev's got a personal account to play the game without us knowing about it, that's the way it should be. Otherwise their gaming experience would be ruined with such as whispers, nerf requests, cheating reports etc. I don't care if he's playing the game as a CEO, as long the development team makes the game better.
  3. I do all this page say about migration. But when login with ps account i never get any question about migrate player only support and forum. What is this?
  4. Randomly logged in to see other stuff, I'll also answer this while I'm at it. I gotta say you guys really love making up stories in which I'm a 10 year old kid looking to get free legendaries lol The hacker broke into an old email of mine. I was not using this email at all, but it was connected to my current one and, also, another one I am no longer using, that happens to be the one tied to my APB account. As soon as they break into the account, they change my password so I no longer have access to that account. I don't notice at first, but my friend start telling me my Insta and Facebook accounts are posting crypto/porn stuff so I understand something weird is going on. My Telegram also starts joining random russian promo groups, my Reddit account comments on some random patootie ads, and so on. Something weird is defo going on. I even find payments tied to my Nintendo account (50 bucks), done with my Paypal, and I also discover my Nintendo account was also stolen (password changed). At some point, I realize all this stuff is still happening despite me changing passwords for my current email halfway through the events, so something else has to be the cause. Eventually, I understand it's that old email, toghether with the one tied to my APB account. I send my documents and shit to the provider, they give me my account back and there I see they did all sorts of shit. They were smart enough to delete the emails, but dumb enough to leave them in the "deleted" folder. What can I say, I'm not those assholes' parent. If you doubt my story, I still have the mail logs. That being said, I decide to delete that email account altogether, to avoid further issues. Flashback to some weeks after that entire, incredibly stressful, situation I had found myself in (while unemployed and stranded abroad, lol), one day I just randomly decide to log into APB (I forgot the reason but I think I mention it in the OP). There, I find that everything that could be traded was indeed traded to who knows who, and like 10 seconds after my initial shock I link this to this past experience. I open a ticket, explaining the situation just like I did now, and I literally asked them "can you see a log of my past trades? I am 99% sure someone broke into my account, sold all my stuff and got away with it". The answer: "yeah we suspect you might not be you so fuck off." Like, dude? I can literally prove I'm me lmao, I can send documents, I know what's up on my fucking account since I made it almost 10 years ago, I answered all your question and all you say is "nah still not sure" and close the ticket off? Not even sending me a log of my past trades? What should I do with it? rofl. If you still like to think I'm the bad guy here though, have a look at it yourself and then, please, tell me what I have to gain from a message like this one. Cause I really can't figure it out myself and I could use some help. And please stop bootlicking bad customer service, you can like a game and admit there's some dumb people working for it.
  5. Hello Matt, I have a few questions regarding about all this. I've been a member of the console community since 2017 and I have been waiting for an update for over 5 years ever since you guys took control of APB, but kinda disappointed that it came down to this ending. Here are my following Questions: 1. Since I do have multiple accounts, is it possible for me to actually merge all of them into 1 GamersFirst account? I have around 5-6 Characters spread across my accounts and I wouldn't want to have 1 GamersFirst account for each Console account I've had. 2. Will we get some sort of compensation for this happening? I mean we are losing the platform we've been playing on. It was fair for you guys to not do something about this since we technically were 1 Engine Upgrade ahead of PC, while PC had the new content like newly released Weapons, the new car, clothing etc. But now that Console is being shut down what would we get once we first tune in on PC? 3. Personally I've spent more than 400$ on my account, buying account bound weapons and packs such as Juggernaut Pack, Revelations Pack, Key To The City Pack and even some Jokerboxes since they are still around there. I've read that there is some loyalty rewards thing going on, and would my spending count towards it? 4. I am also a symbol designer and sometimes make clothes too, if I switch to PC, would all of it go to PC without any issues or will there be a level of distortion and make me have to rework on the designs on my Avatar, Symbols and Vehicles. 5. Will we get the opportunity for us to get past event items/titles? Like I've pointed out before, we didn't get around 5-6 years worth of updates, so I'd like to know if we will be given the opportunity to get those. 6. Would there be a day where you guys would revive the game back on consoles, but with the new Generation Hardware? I mean it's obvious that I will get slandered on by whatever diehard PC player around here with them saying console is a mistake or whatever. But at the same time console is just more accessible to the community, while also giving the chance that others from there may spend a lot more compared to PC players, since you also said that "Console users spends as much if not more than PC players". I guess it'll take a lot of effort to do rerelease APB on Consoles, but at least there wouldn't be the same drawbacks you guys had with working on 2 different codebases, and would ultimately make the game available for everyone. That is all, I hope that ultimately everything would turn alright, only thing that we may appreciate is for you guys to turn on Voice Chat for one last time before it's all gone, I guess we deserve at least that while it lasts. Have a nice day
  6. Appreciate you posting in the forum. What would be helpful to player moral would be estimated time to fix these 'Issues'. When can we expect a better anti cheat? Right now its open season. EAC deterred hacking for about 12 hours when it was installed, hasn't banned anyone for combat hacks, and now with the knowledge that they are pulling eac every hack in the world is coming in. EAC was bad but now its worse, because of this and the notion that, at least for now hacking is not punished, detected, just swept under the rug, really not much reason to play. Unless its to kill time and harrass hackers which is gonna be 90% of the pop, reporting never worked and as matt said they'll just make a new account n be back in 10 minutes. So in effect you have a Hacks only game.
  7. LO its time to stop hiding this and its time to start showing us your actually trying to make an effort in removing cheaters and hackers from APB. One of the biggest gripes from the community is the lack of transparency as to LOs efforts to clean up the game and make it legit. GMs have no ban power nor do they honestly show any caring for cleaning up the game. They are glofified babysitters and even with them online ppl continue to cheat cause they know they can get away with it. If LO wants to show us they are trying its time to show it. One of the biggest games today PUBG shows weekly ban stats and breaks down the reasons for the bans. Not only that but they release a weekly list of account names that were banned. There are other games out there that also release ban stats so it is very possible LO can do that as well. Nobody here says you have to release account names but you can most certainly release stats like how many were banned in total and break that down as to how many for what reason. This shows us your actually trying to make an effort into cleaning up the game and it would bring some people back who arent playing cause of the hacker problem. It also encourages players to submit player reports as they see you are taking action.
  8. Trade locks are caused when you log in from a new IP, after a windows update or when you changed out parts in your PC since the last time you logged in. This usually only lasts for 3 days and aims to protect you from any sort of account theft.
  9. So error code 10004 account in use by other device. i try to switch characters n get booted to log in. relog in twice n get the same. smh You people have really botched this game
  10. It's because everyone in Little Orbit is incompetent. The trade lock is suppose to temporarily prevent trading on your account when it thinks you are logged in from a different location. Often it gets triggered for stupid reasons. For example, I get trade locked when Windows updates, and when connecting an external hard drive.
  11. This type of thing, I might have considered helping but I had only a few hours notice. I didn't see the Notice Posted until that morning, leaving me but a few hour to set up an otw account. These things need to be set up in advance, as in you already have a group of players who have set up otw and are sorta in a club to be ready for otw tests. If it it still available i will go set one up for the next time. Meaning I'll have to pick an Email, make a password, go thru email verification, then come back n make a name and character set up. Then I'll have to write it all down n hope i don't lose it. Last time I tried to help I got almost banned for bringing the character into the regular game so I could have some cloths. Anyone even looks at me funny n I'll quit otw Ah cant find the DL on the browser, i tried, so screw it.
  12. Would the stuff we purchase on Console would count for the loyalty rewards on PC once we merge accounts?
  13. BubbaJ

    Steam account link

    Umm... I've got a steam version of the game and when I start it there is a steam login button but when I press it, it gives me an error "PASSWORD EXPIRED." (error code 11002). It says to change my password for gamersfirst account, but after I changed it it didn't do anything, the error is still there.
  14. Would you like me to tell you a joke? One small company spent money to implement an anti-cheat that blocks players for no reason. Do you think this is the end? No. This small company knows about the problem, but does nothing to solve it. Yes, I am aware that this will be fixed soon. But when? When? This problem has been present in the game for more than a year. Has the game been losing its audience for more than a year? Explain why the hell you are doing further development of the game? Who are you trying for? An idiotic anti-cheat is emptying your pockets right now, and nullifying the results of your work. This is absurd. I was banned permanently. I've been playing since its launch, I remember when it was paid. My account is over 10 years old. Of those 10 years, I spent about a year in the game. Short-sighted developers and cheaters will soon destroy the game. The direction of the vector is set definitively. A little explanation. I call cheaters people with Flavs configs, macros, bug unions and other scum. Scum who use the vulnerabilities of the game for superiority, and hiding behind excuses about poor optimization and other nonsense.
  15. Mitne

    Steam account link

    I changed my password twice for Gamersfirst account and never had error, only prompt to type new password when I tried to login through Steam. This is bizzare. If you have time to kill, I would recommend clean reinstall of APB first. Doesn't hurt to try.
  16. Мой аккаунт был заблокирован, как я понял навсегда, поскольку нет информации об окончании trade блокировки, прошу помочь мне с этим! Translate: My account has been blocked, as I understand it forever, since there is no information about the end of the trade lock, please help me with this I'm telling about Trade-lock (trade-ban) nickname: thoughts
  17. FitForReverse

    PS4 Migration

    Has anyone been able to migrate their PS4 account to PC? The migration button does not show up when signing in to the Gamersfirst website. it worked fine for Xbox for me, and we are a week past February 1st. So I'm just wondering if it was delayed due to an issue or if it just doesn't recognize I have characters since I created the characters a few days before Feb. 1st. I went on twitter to the official APB:R page and Matt Scotts page, and in the comments of their latest posts there were 2 or 3 people stating they couldn't migrate PS4 either. But in the replies to one guys comment he said he got it working. So now I'm a little worried it might be that my characters/account is too new.
  18. This is a great question. We tested a variation of this scenario and it worked. We will make sure that players can select the same PC account to merge their PS4 characters to.
  19. Yea. Twice aint worth anything. We both know to understand the game you need at least 500hrs of playtime. Maby he does have a personal account and we dont know it? But going off the decisions hes been making and the shift away from what APB is. I would have to say no he doesnt play nor does he understand what makes APB APB.
  20. Old APB had a wanted system that wasn't neutered and the aggressive out of bounds system didn't exist. Those 2 things alone are pretty substantial changes from the current game.
  21. We already have PS4 Founder titles on consoles, I assume the same with Xbox, maybe made them Account wise not character wise after a merge, and there's still question about duplicate nicknames after merge
  22. so i did all the steps according to the instructions and it said that my characters are migrated and when i logged into my gamersfirst account none of my characters were there
  23. 90% are blatant cheats, and there is no AC or Report. So it is War it is not about the obj or mission. Its about killing as many hackers as you can before the time runs out. The sooner LO provides aim assist or LO version of smooth aim, available to all veterans the better. Until then I do things my own way. So I risk my account, only legits are gonna get banned cuz LO favors the hackers, So Ban me then. Im gonna DO what I have to Do. Tired of LO catering to criminals. They have nerfed kevlar so it takes the same number of bullets to kill with kev 3 as it takes to kill me on fragile, n ya need fragile cuz the servers run so patoottie that you run slow all the time, whilst the golds speed hack and get away with it. Then sit in chat n call names of people who arent hackers or buying into their preteen retoric. The Back up option is good but they dint fix the basis of mm. its still a bunch of golds on one side starting out vs a bunch of bronze cuz LO let them into bronze district n then lets them hack with no consequences. From the looks of it, they let all the actual hackers back in but not the legits they banned. U people get not a Dime until I am granted the same hax as u let them have, for free.
  24. What about those of us that have both Xbox and PS characters? Would we have to make separate accounts for each console to migrate them into? Or will it be a mash up of all consoles characters?
  25. What about people who plays both, console and PC? Looks like we could "add" merged characters to our existing PC account but what with those with maximum character slots?
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