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  1. Hello, I want to give attention to a an issue where a number of APB accounts have been breached in the past day or so. As some of you may know some accounts in EU have been reported to have been hacked in the today and yesterday. Mostly targeting well known "theme maker" accounts so far. One of my alternate APB accounts have also been hacked as my friend in Dischord pointed out that one of my chars in that account were seen "speed hacking" in mission districts while I was not home and at work. I'm not going to name any names or victims but I will give a hint of the suspected culprits as some of you in the APB community already know them, Snipped Name and Shame ~@mayii Just take some precaution and change your passwords and set up a 2 step verification process with your APB Gamer first accounts! As for how our accounts got hacked we don't know, I never did anything stupid to have my information stolen like that. I think this is a real issue that Little Orbit should take a look at. I will now take this up with Support.
  2. I don't play much APB anymore but, i just tried it again. The first thing i see in fightclub is three low ranks using aimbot, minimal ttk and walling. It's crazy how this is allowed that people can just go blatant even if lidl orbit is focused on developing. It just ruined my mood to even touch it again. Only fast solution i see is to close game registration and ban all recent made accounts. Let's be honest how many new people does APB get none. Most of the new accounts are the parasites that play blatant and get banned a month or years later depending on the mood of the support. These people have no life. How can you beat something that has no life? You do that by destroying the thing that keeps them alive the game. Or you remove there access to the game by closing registration. I don't think APB has much to lose by closing registration see it more as quarantine because Matt can't afford a free anti cheat called EAC. This is my last suggestion to make the Live game playable without putting too much effort into it. As a Beta veteran i would rather see the game close since, it's in the final stage of cancer and rather want to see it die in peace then the player base going slowly to 0. I hope you read this Matt.
  3. Implementing mobile only accounts as a layer of extra protection can significantly prevent a big percentage of cheaters. This is a life saver for F2P games like Warzone. It will prevent a lot of cheaters without much effort. Smurfs who use alt accounts for either cheating or not can also be prevented.
  4. I wanted to know if it is possible to merge 2 or more accounts into one account, (via request from support). Thought I ask on the forums since they have a faster response time than the support (since there are so many tickets). -Wolf
  5. Hallo everyone, I came back after 1 year pause and started the game (in Steam) and it shows me an error and says I have to change my password the problem is, I dont remember my EMAIL for this GamersFirst account I tried all EMAILS I remember but useless I wrote to Gamersfirst support but they dont answer Soo, what can I do? Should I just wait for the Support answer? (waiting 3 days already)
  6. So my account can't trade or post anything to the auction because it is too new? and I have to wait 44+ hours until I'm finally allowed to trade with someone or post something. Is there any way this autistic restriction can be lifted? I am already a seasoned player but my steam can no longer link to it so I had to start over, yet now I can't trade or post auctions. It's not protecting anything it's just pissing me off.
  7. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/profile/1141-michi/

    Moved over to a new account due to an email change.

  8. I recently got unbanned and I made roughly 100k today from missions and selling things... I log out and log back in: All gone I cannot do missions and try to make money back because you are still taking it Edit: I'm assuming it's only unbanned accounts but I've heard it's possibly affecting everyone
  9. The e-mail that I use is so slow, I have asked for a change of password, but unfortunately what he sent me to this email by the time the code came down, I would like to transfer my old character to a new e-mail address, can anyone help me?
  10. i am an old player i recently logged in APB RELOADED with steam. and a pop up comes and its says your password has expired, i hoped it would never happen but it did cause i no longer have access to my old e-mail :***********@live.fr so i can't login in that adress to retreive a new password to see the pssword mail sent please help and contact me on my email : **********@gmail.com please mr.scott i need your help
  11. hello, i've recently started playing this game again, however since the last log in was a few years ago a password reset is now appearing. but i have no idea what email or password i was using as i believed that i used to log in through steam every time i played. is there anyway i can get my account recovered maybe?
  12. hvshma1

    Account banned

    Hello ! Why banned my account? I have not played for a long time and now when I enter the game I write "Account is blocked!"
  13. Im trying to log in but i cant i know my password its correct , i dont find nothing about this till now so i wanted to know what is happening
  14. This area above the church in the Financial district is out of bounds. The out of bounds area extends too far over the stairs. Here's an example of a player getting teleported back to spawn.
  15. For a little over 2 month's i been trying to log in to APB on my ps4 and i had no luck. Iv restarted the router, re download the game and i am still unable to log in. I miss san paro and what to go back to my home but all i seem to be getting is a error code 10044. I spend over 300 hours on the game , spent over 200 dollars on this game , and i dont want it to all go to waste, please if you guys could help me with this situation i would be most grateful. (I also made a complaint to little orbit gamers first and directly to matt scott and i had no help in any way what so ever)
  16. Hello everyone, When you from the Netherlands the legendary you brought would be locked on one character. I know its not possible to trade the item because of the government but i think its not fair to punish us and lock it on one character and all others can send it to any character they want so i would really love to see a change who is thinking the same ?. Let the legendary atleast be account wide or its not worth the money.
  17. My question/suggestion is Little Orbit gonna do something about the Marketplace horribily high prices? I mean the cheapest character lifetime weapons is "1,499" G1C Wich is 20$ and that weapons is buyable/unlockable originally. And the better ones is 2,600 3,200 What is 35$ And there is more if you buying an account life time stuffs 3,900 or even 4,900 what is 54$ That is an "A" category game price, or a single weapon in a free to play game? I hate temporary items, this is why i've only buyed cloths and packs. I wanna buy some better stuffs, but that is too much for a game item
  18. Simply put, I'm positing that legendary weapons become accessible no matter what character on. If you've got it on your r255 enforcer, you can use it on your r9 criminal. Mods may make this difficult, but you can either have it unmodded account wide and each character can mod it. Or the character that first got it can use a "share" button or similar and then whatever form it is in, is then shared across characters. Naturally this can be updated whenever. I haven't fully thought through implications and options, thoughts?
  19. Hi, I guess these problems are no secrets, but... if possible, it'd be nice to have them fixed (in the new engine probably?). I am writing about the tendency some NPCs have to walk inside walls, floors, rocks, etc. More annoying is when, unbeknownst to us, NPCs literally spawn out there and swarm at us. These problems are especially irritating in the Underworks near New Flagstaff (sewers area). These rats keep popping-up from the ground, making it difficult to accomplish any quest down there. Also, I don't know if it is just with me but the respawn time of the rats seems to be very short too. Or was it made like so 'by design'?
  20. Am i the only one, who think that weapons purchased through the joker store, should be account bound and not character?
  21. Any chance we see a JT store upgrade where all current weapons will be offered account bound? JT shop price increase is acceptable ofcourse. It's a bit bs in its current state imho. In my case: My main with 5 characters x 6.500 JT = approximately 70 USD Average account bound weapon on Armas: 2000 G1C = approximately 24 USD I think the difference is way to big and offering account bound weapons in the JT store could be a nice solution to this problem. Is this something you can do @MattScott @Sakebee in the near future?
  22. Happy birthday to this account of mine. It was not my first account but I cant find the original from November 2010 for some reason! 7 years old today!
  23. while maintenance is it possbile to us to log in to our banned accounts on OTW server?
  24. Hello Little Orbit, I am aware that you and your staff have been working hard to help make APB Reloaded a great game again by constantly updating the game and listening to the feedback of the people. I gladly appreciate that you have been busy maintaining this game and keeping it enjoyable for everyone by using a new anti-hacking security system known as BattlEye. However, my account was falsely banned before the implement of FairFight, may I seek your request on how to get unbanned? And may I know the estimate date that I will be able to check my account unbanned? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much. Radical
  25. Hello I still have a blocked account code 10008. Is it because my account is too old?
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