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  1. Matt Scott passed away 27th of November 2020. Admins have been using his account to keep the spirit of APB alive for a little longer. No more engine updates. No more posts showing no progress over multiple months of work. RIP sweet prince.
  2. Guy has worked hard entire 2021 with a 4 month vacation and got nothing to show for it? You guys need to understand that Matt Scott passed away at the end of 2020 and admins have just been posting under his account this entire time. RIP big guy, the engine upgrade won't trouble you no more.
  3. I would pay a 5$ subscription to have Todesklinge permanently muted on all accounts. infinite $ = infinite contenD out
  4. With the amount of duping still going on, re-enabling the Marketplace would be a big concern as many items would be duped and those "first come, first serve" items would be prime pickings for duping to make massive profit. However, with this in mind, there could be some safeguards in place to nullify or drastically reduce the amount of duping of these items, such as the Two Chupacabras Perfume, Inventory Expansions and much more. Making all items purchased on the Marketplace untradeable or only tradeable within your own account would reduce the risk or entirely removing the chances of these items being duped. Many times I see players wanting the Marketplace re-enabled to bring some QoL items back into the game, such as Inventory Expansions, Faction resets, cosmetics and much more. I, for one, never managed to purchase anything before the shut down but would love to be able to support the game and the studio to be able to give back and help support the development of the remaster or to get some much needed updates for Classic. Therefore, I recommend having all Marketplace items be tradeable within your own account (mail to other toons within your account) or flat out untradeable with the item being purchased locked to that toon. This would enable players to purchase items they want without the chance of them being duped as they aren't tradeable and can't flood the auction house.
  5. Monithly cost will reduced the ammount of cheaters by creating unlimited new accounts for free. Free to play games are the most expensive games for us players (you pay with muuuuuch time for very slow progress). Or F2P Games need to build in pay to win game mechanics.
  6. Simple, I can do it for a small fee. All Ledgendary's Account Wide. Just give me a Big Red Ban Button as a Secondary weapon, so I could hold it with one hand n using only one finger of the other hand I Press the button, n Poof they disappear just like that 'Junk Removal' ad on TV with the Little Tiny truck.
  7. The rule of thumb is, if you a face a cheater, its better to keep it to yourself and not let them know, you know the player is cheating, so you have a bit of advantage to play cautiously, but shamed them when they lose. Also good practice to try to out aim an aim-botter, there is a chance they can screw up with the toggle key which I have seen previous cheaters I've encounter. Though Its rare to see players that have integrity these days. Like on Colby NA west server, if you were cheating or pretending to be legit facing a certain known clan or a certain player they shamed you to the point everyone would dislike you in-game and everyone would know you are cheating. These players cannot be fooled by closet cheaters and can distinguished someone who's legitimate good or a fraud cheater by game-play without falsely accusations. Whereas these days for example I once saw players being fooled in believing this Australian player 300ms+ streaming on EU talking about how his going to play in the next tournament for APB? with his 300 ping which is already sus, boost he has beaten everyone on NA like is this a joke? the tournament for apb is already cringe but F*K he was serious, smooth aim everyone on asylum even with poor bit rate setting it was clear as day, so what a joke either the current apb players don't care or easily being persuaded and fooled by lies from cunning cheaters. Truth be told even on Han server there were a bit of cheaters, hell one time some German cheater played on Han whispered me he was going to hunt me down but I was well aware he was a cheater and from Germany without him knowing or faced me before. See when the cheater whispered me the things he wants to do to me, but when it comes right down in doing it, he failed miserably, because I assessed the situation the german 350ms bad aim-bot was already in a disadvantage against my 120ms and I take out an OCA to favour me and when I executed that planned I nailed it every-time and that cheater had the audacity to called me a cheater and to video post it, which I did, never heard from him ever again and he was later banned So it proves even if APB has low population people still cheat, It doesn't surprise me if cheaters are currently cheating today, past month I saw a few playing in fight club and guess what I already know who they are from first sight previous known closet cheaters that were banned constantly, guess they keep buying new accounts. hell I've just open a twitch stream and there is already a guy cheating with smooth aim Name and Shame removed ~@mayii LOL lost while using cheats too. See either the game is so dead that no one cares or EU has a trend of cheaters or EU cheaters are similar to Chinese cheaters who are encouraging to cheat on video games. Whoever says report a cheater with video evidence to customer support works? because it's bull dust and good luck with that because they don't even bother to investigate and I can prove that, out of my curiosity several months ago I reported a known closet cheater on NA with video highlighting multiple clips of blatant cheating which should 100% lead to a manual banned for cheating *no investigation needed. But guess what months later I log on play fight club saw the same player but without cheats? (cheat sub ran out obviously) So either my ticket wasn't investigated yet? or they were relying on their Battle Eye to detect these private cheats which already undetected in order to warrant a banned? So it means customer support is poorly incompetent when dealing with cheaters and by me saying this, I predict there may be a increase of cheaters or legitimate players willing to cheat due to being confident on these private cheat subs. My advice for active players who find facing cheaters a nuisance there's no point even playing let the cringy 2-bit trash cheaters play this game, either they get banned or their cheat sub will run out eventually.
  8. Heres how it could work. Option A: Have a option to disable it, at own risk, if you're scammed or hacked, purely your fault. Option B: Require 2FA enabled on the account to disable it automatically, that way your account is also safer! Its getting annoying to have windows updates , pc compontent changes, windows reinstalls , adobe creative cloud install , initiate a trade cooldown. yes i dont know why, but AC Creative cloud makes you have a trade cooldown.
  9. First things first, I obviously don't mean this as a suggestion for Right Now™. This is largely just slapping ideas together so that hopefully they can be used at some point down the line when APB is in a better spot and new content for the game can be developed and added properly. Just because it can't be done right away, doesn't mean we shouldn't think about it at all. --- Let's address the elephant in the room: the clan functionality in APB in its current form kinda sucks. In most cases, there's no reason to join up with other people in an in-game clan. The only tangible perk out of having a clan is the ability to set its name as a title under your character's name... which people often utilize by creating their own 1-person clans and getting themselves custom titles this way. Clans really only exist on the sidelines of APB as something that's available to the players, but has no real incentive to build it up. I've read a few other threads regarding the subject of clans and people have been suggesting various things. Some of those suggestions are more grounded in reality, while some of them are... slightly less so. While thinking about how I would handle the subject, I've tried to consider what issues the other community members have tried to tackle in those threads and what issues were brought up in the replies there. My idea/suggestion for the clan system boils down to a few key components, which I will try to outline to the best of my ability. The placeholder clan in this thread will be the Dead Diamonds clan. It's a made-up clan whose logo came before the name (so don't tear into me too much about the name being bad; I am spectacularly bad with names) and which doesn't actually exist to my knowledge. Whenever Dead Diamonds are referred to, just imagine your dream clan in that spot. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1) Establishing the Brand Making a name not just for yourself, but for those you run with. Being in an APB clan in current day isn't really noticeable to other players unless you specifically get your clanmates to dress up in identical clothes or do other stuff like that. I believe one way of changing that is for the game itself to let other players know about the clans existing. APB should promote clans through providing them in-game visibility. One player acting alone isn't really noticeable, but a group of players flying under the same colours will cause some waves. When Dead Diamonds roll out in a group, their opponents should *know* who they're up against. This particular piece of my idea borrows from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which already does the same thing. If all players in the team are in the same Steam group and set it as their in-game clan, the scoreboard and HUD will display their team name instead of the standard "[COUNTER-]TERRORISTS" text. Similar adjustments could be made to the ticker in the map screen. Regular matches in random alliances would remain in the old system: "[Team Leader A]'s team has won against [Team Leader B]'s team." Premade groups of people from the same clan would, however, have their ticker text changed adequately: "The Dead Diamonds clan has won against [Team Leader B]'s team." -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 2) Building the Clan Identity Let other people know you're not just any random group of friends. The name and the logo are just two aspects of a clan. There's more to them that meets the eye, and when facing off against one, you should be able to grasp who that other clan is. The clan management interface could have an additional panel allowing the clan's officers to customize some aspects of how their crew shows up to other players. Depending on the size of the clan (upon which I'll elaborate in the next section), its "brand" or "type" (or simply designation) can be changed from a set of options offered by the game. Basic words such as "Clan", "Crew", or "Alliance" could be available to everyone regardless of whether they're Enforcers or Criminals, but faction-specific names could also be available (for example, a small Enfo clan could call itself a "Patrol", while a massive Crim clan would have the term "Syndicate" available for itself). This could be further expanded by offering additional customization options in the Armas Marketplace, either as standalone purchases or as bonuses included with certain items. As a hypothetical, a clan whose leader owns all the Yakuza-themed items on Armas would also gain the ability to label itself as a yakuza. The showcase in the mockup below is supposed to be the panel underneath the player's character card on the scoreboard. In current day APB it always shows the gray flag icon and the name of the clan, if the player belongs to any. "Accolades" would display a statistic related to the clan, selected by the leader or officers. Possible accolades include: clan age, total sum of money deposited into the clan's bank account, missions won in a full group, missions won against other clans who were also rolling in full groups, etc... Showing nothing there would obviously also be an option. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 3) Assembling the Arsenal (or Sorting Things Out) Because you're all in it together - and so is your gear. Clans, by their nature, should offer players some benefits for deciding to work together. One way of promoting that is to allow players to share some select equipment - if you're sharing the metaphorical locker room with the other Dead Diamond schmucks, why wouldn't you also share the tools of the trade? Each clan would have a shared "locker" available to all members. Said lockers would accept tradeable items, but wouldn't allow anything to be taken out - only destroyed. Instead of occupying a slot in each individual player's locker, they can be equipped for as long as the player is a member of the clan. All members can contribute items to the locker, but only the leader and officers can put something in the shared slots. Items stored in the clan locker cannot be equipped by anyone, not even the Officers and Clan Leader, unless they are specifically placed in a shared slot. Think of regular slots as disabled/inactive items, and shared slots as enabled/active items! Each clan would also have its own Bank Account. It would be completely separate from individual characters' banked money and funds could be deposited by everyone in any amount they want, but they couldn't be withdrawn directly into anyone's wallet. A clan's level could be determined by its member count and the amount of money deposited into its account, incentivizing putting the clan before one's own character - at least in terms of funding, that is. The higher the clan's level, the more slots it receives for the purpose of sharing items, along with further clan customization options to built its reputation further. Imagine having your clan reach a level at which your clan's symbol replaces the typical APB logo splash your opposition sees when starting an opposed mission... Alternative requirements could also be utilized. Instead of measuring for money accumulated by the members in the shared bank account, one of the level up checks could be, for example, the amount of standing (without the Premium bonus) gained by the members during missions completed as a clan. Officers and the leader of a given clan would have the option to "Buy for the Clan" at any given vendor, which would use funds from the clan's account instead of that character's funds and instantly put the item in the clan locker. Items bought with clan funds would be able to be customized in all the corresponding places (so, for example, clan cars could be edited in the Garage Kiosk, just like any other car). Item editing permissions would apply to all Officers and the Leader of a clan. Deployment would not be limited to just one person at a time; multiple clan members would be able to equip and use the same item at the same time. If a clan were to get disbanded or deleted, all of the items in its locker would be deleted and become inaccessible. I think that APB's built-in clan hierarchy system could probably work just fine. To illustrate: * Leader - Rank automatically assigned to the founder of the clan; can be reassigned to other players. Has basically all permissions and can choose whether regular members (as in, besides them and officers) can also invite new members. * Officer - Rank second to the leader. Can't kick the leader & other officers, change invite permissions, or disband the clan, but has editing permissions for clan info and clan items. * Member - Rank indicating regular membership in the clan. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 4) Talking the Talk & Walking the Walk Showing the naysayers that you're not just bark - you're also a whole lot of bite. Let's face it - Breakwater Galleria is painfully empty (aside from our new RedHill buddy occupying the topmost room). A section of it could probably be dedicated to clan affairs. As monitors/display points would showcase the highest-ranking clans and dedicated contacts would open menus that allow to see more in-depth statistics and leaderboards, those who grow their clans would have their reputation precede their actions. Each player could visit the Clan Aisle (placeholder name; I'm not good with names) in the Breakwater Galleria and check the clan leaderboards to see who's at the top, what's their clan biography, what category they're at the top in, and compare them to the others... ...not much else to say here, I think. (Or at least I can't think of how to expand this section properly.) In my opinion clan leaderboards are a bit of a given when there's clan functionality. It only makes sense to incentivize players to grow their clans through competition with other clans. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- There's probably a whole bunch of things that could work well in combination with the clan system. Ultimately, this is just a concept with a few images to go with it, written with passion for the game and none of the knowledge about the technical feasibility of such systems. Still, it's something I wanted to share for the sake of discussion, so yeah, there's that! Hope you enjoyed the thread! I'm looking forward to your feedback!
  10. no one is going to hack you, unless there’s some database leaked. Just don’t share account info or download anything suspicious and you be fine. I haven’t change my password over the years or email. Never been hacked, that includes every game account own.
  11. It's just me trying to connect and giving error and more error ? I already tried to connect +20 times and keeps the samer ..... using Steam Account or either GameFirst account ... both not working .... can someone pls tell me how to fix it ?? is really servers down ??
  12. When authenticating, no matter which account I try (3 currently), I get a "invalid Account or Password" error. As a test, I tried to create a new account, and received an error. Logging into Gamersfirst to check my accounts, had "Error occurred" message. Is there a wider issue, or is it just me?
  13. Yea about half the current pop of Daily players, not including the vast number of registered accounts in NA, and its just as U say, about 25% are blatants, n a few closets. Now Im gonna admit here the closets are those I suspect of aimbots, I don't Know. Thats how I get to 50%, but I'll meet U in the middle n we'll say 1/3 of current daily players. I take into consideration that most peps have multiple chars in NA. I do understand latency, i have almost 0 in West, be 1-15. I go East its 60-80, n I realize that little meter is only client side. I recently acquired a low end Steel series wired mouse, n ditched the 1000 dpi wireless logtech, removed the 60fps filter in settings, n now I can see allot more, can move n aim better. Now this doesn't make me some super edge lord, but I learned some things. Prior to the new mouse I would consider any gold a hacker, thinking it was just so impossible without hacks. After the mouse and the fps filter, and research into mouse specs, what macros are,(we know macros don't matter as they would over clock the guns designed fire rate), what edge may be due to a hotter processor, and or a low-budget server. I determined that I was Wrong about allot of people, and I said here in forum, that I do now think that Gold is attainable in a Legit fashion. So I'm not hacusating just anyone who beats me, n I stopped sending reports for aimbots and or macros once I got the mouse. Not so much that I don't suspect aimbot with some, just that have no way of knowing. The player might have a spec edge on me, he might have such an edge for a long time n had allot of practice. I won't make a report unless it's beyond a reasonable doubt. What they say they want is Proof, well if your not a streamer or a twitch kid then what, I'm not running some other program n taping my game just incase I see backwards runner, nor I'm i gonna take the time to screenshot every toxic throwing racial terms around. We don't even think they read the reports, possibly because there's nobody to read them. I'll do all I can to protect the innocent's, the bronze, the greenie, the low rank, and the Noob. I will drop the hammer on as many toxic's, bully bottom feeders I can till they shut it down
  14. How often are new players losing because they are not using the best weapons and vehicles in the game? I say not that often, At most they have the wrong weapon for the situation. Again, New or bad players can always profit during missions because the default guns are free and use the cheapest ammo while the default car is free to spawn. Old players having mounds of cash is a problem all MMORPG games face and the only way to solve it without resetting the economy is adding a money sink. If I was asking for an increase to weapon rental cost you would have a point as players would be forced to "get their money's worth" out of a rented weapon to not throw money away. Making the ammo more expensive means players don't lose much money from having a wide arsenal, But over reliance on weapons which are best-in-class requires compromises. Ammo type and thus cost does not have to be the same for every weapon within a class, It's a trivial and small change that adds another characteristic to balance weapons. Armas weapons don't have free ammo and the cost of weapon rental isn't high enough to create a big difference in profitability. What permanent Armas weapons save is a players time as they won't have to grind weapon ranks to have a 3 slot weapon, Filling up those 3 slots then becomes a money sink itself. Honestly a bigger issue for P2W is the money and symbol complexity bonus from premium accounts.
  15. Love to be able to use my G1C credits still on my old accounts in-game
  16. My issues were resolved by Lil Orbit and I now have my account back. Thanks so much for the fix, much appreciated.
  17. Been wanting to rip my character but don't want to risk losing my account i would give credit is Ninjaripper a ban? I seen threads on this in the past with mix results so i wanted to make sure before i do anything.
  18. yeah, pretty much just what the title says. i was having real bad latency issues, and then the whole game kinda just gave up. exit to character select wasn't working, exit to desktop wasn't working and my character could move around and could interact with objects and npc's but couldn't loot/buy/sell/ etc. so i went into task manager and hard crashed the client. ...now i can't get past character select. the game boot's up just fine, but literally refuses to load my character. it also lets me enter character creation, but refuses to confirm and load the new character. it's stuck in character select and won't let me connect to the game worlds. i figured i'd wait a few hours and see what happened (it happened around 1am CST) but after 2 hours i just called it and went to bed. woke up this morning, and got as far as it giving me a loading message while sitting there for over 5 minutes. got frustrated, hit exit on the character select menu. ...don't know if it changed anything. i'm not getting a loading message anymore, but it didn't seem like it was working regardless. i'm not bitter because there's a problem, i'm upset because i want to play but can't. Merged. Update: was running game through leftover account information on steam, which no longer has a store page. was thinking that might be an issue, so i uninstalled and reinstalled through GamersFirst. about 15m, and now i'm back to getting "your area is currently loading, please wait..." i'm just going to sit on this, and let you guys know what happens. Merged. yeah, it failed. the "your area is currently loading, please wait..." message is still there. but the options delete, create and play have re-lit and when hitting play a sound effect plays. the options grey out for about 15s and then re-light again. going to try deleting the character, see what happens. prolly shoulda explored all this before posting, but at least it'll make a decent record i guess? Merged. Final Update: deleting the character seemed to work. it was only level 4, so that's not a very big deal for me. still, prolly something to look into in case someone else has a similar issue after significant game progression. i'm back in though, and that's all i care about. rock n roll baby, peace out.
  19. to explain it in a simple term, classic (which is up right now) is on a new sever you do not have any of your old stuff, however your old data is still in place right now matt is working out cash shop items like keys jackets etc. they did not bring back old data due to the high amount of bloat lag and other shit created due to the mass amount of dupers. as it stands it is unclear what will happen with this data but matt would like to save it and reuse it for when FE gets rereleased with unity (or what ever engine they use) with some sort of penalty like lost mats or reduced chips for players. but as of standing right now you will need to make a new toon and play if you wish. and await like the rest of us on info for account based items and earned rewards
  20. OK I posted this earlier but it seems to be missing. I just noticed Fallen Earth was back online and downloaded the game on my new computer. I have 4 account and my son and daughter each have an account. None of our accounts have our characters. They all just have create character and exit. My main account has a lot of stuff I paid for from the cash shop and the subscription. Did they do character wipes and is all my paid for stuff gone? I hope not!
  21. xHenryman90x

    Daily Login Rewards

    Joker Boxes with legendaries that are account bound. I remember when we used to have Joker Boxes as rewards, but because the legendaries were tradeable, players abused this by creating multiple accounts.
  22. There certainly were, there was just a barrier to entry that forced them to make a new account anytime they wanted to hop in there. Ultimately resulted in them only being an issue once in a long while, and then only lasting for however long they stayed online that session.
  23. Same here. no premium status. No fix from support regarding my ticket. This is an existing account from before the restart of Fallen Earth classic.
  24. hey, my clan mates contacted support since they are (all) unable to log in since the last reboot too... sadly there is no answer from support since some days now and there is also noone reacting on twitter (which didnt even post about the reboot) about the issue and the fact that currently a load of players are logged out of the game (a certain discord has daily discussions about tricks to get back in since days now, with a lot of people)... i get that its thanksgiving and all that but a fast statement telling people that you are aware of the problem and what they can and cant do about it would go a long way... for now it was me trying to help them by getting info about it and all i found was your answer here on a post... just a thought and my 2 cents, feels yucky to think noone listens to you and brings back BAD gamersfirst memories... we are not even mad, those bugs happen, we knew it when we signed back in but seriously- you gotta communicate that stuff guys... its just a tweet or post to not have players in the dark about their accounts...
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