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  1. They ask me for steam. I didn't play through it. They say some kind of sentence. Which may be condemned, I have already given. They say it's inaccurate. And I don't want this. How do I find out which Steam I linked to my account? Merged. Hello. Can you help me with the unban? There is no way I can provide my Steam support. I didn't play through Steam, but they claim that I played through Steam. On Steam, where I have a game history, they do not accept APB. And other accounts that might have this game are also not accepted. And they don’t tell you the profile to which the account is linked. I gave them a lot of evidence that this is my account. But they need steam.
  2. BlatMan

    The grenade smoke is suppose to disrupt your view. They need to tweak it so it has less impact on performance. Same with vehicle explosions. You shouldn't need a current day flagship GPU on a 10+ year old game just to get normal fps. Ignoring a player needs to remove all their symbols. Only the base colors should be rendered for clothing and cars. Since you're talking about settings. They need to remove the administrator account requirement to launch the game. Move all the temporary game data, like the asset cache and logs, to the Windows %temp% folder. Move "Config" folders to the user's %appdata% folder. Doing so will mean Windows will automatically clear out old APB logs, and players who share a PC can have separate graphics options. Players won't have to put their system at risk by running discord or other apps as an admin when they want push to talk to work in game.
  3. I wont go into full detail on this but. I know of a clan that was cheating for well over a year. Reported multiple times and nothing was done. It wasnt until another player joined the clan got the chat logs and reported them directly. Finally something was done. In 2023 there are about 5 active clans that have been cheating for over a year, nothing has been done. About 20 - 30 players (possible alts included). Everybody knows who they are, so much so that there is an other clan that is called "Clan A and Clan B are cheating clans" They have been around since early 2022. I have teamed with them and have seen them cheating whilst on my team. Because its so prevelent players now seem to think its ok to cheat because nothing is being done, they see the same players getting away with it day in and day out. Then they are being scammed by these cheaters who are selling them the bogus cheats that alert on EAC. Here is a chat below with a player that happened to. Needless to say, he got scammed for money, and lost his account in the process. Yes its his fault. Inaction of properly policing the game is causing more and more people to fall victim to situations like this, simply because cheating is being normalized. Its another customer gone. Whilst i understand EAC can be bypassed and is not 100%, dare i say its not 50% effective.
  4. I grabbed it account bound. Got a Huntress out of a gold box as well so money wise it all worked out.
  5. You might get your account banned for a charge back. If you record the process on twitch you probably stand a better chance of not getting banned, going by the current lineup of EULA violators on that platform.
  6. After not logging into my account for a long time, my account was blocked automatically, please unblock your account. Awful funny I seen him in district last night, or someone with the same name as above. Just my two cents. Seen him at Troll Gas in WF, and I remember him being a Silver in a Vegas. n I wont say anything more of what I saw because it would fall under the name shaming rules.
  7. What in the nomenclature is this?? A re-roll isn't necessarily a cheater it's someone who max out the levels and start all over again so eg. You max out pick up a star556 and trashing everyone who you can and automatically you being called a cheater who low rank. I do it when I use to play this game often now I just mostly lurk on forum back when bloom was present because you learn something new everytime and you need to learn the game one account or character isn't going to cut it you need more than that. With that said hope it's more clear.
  8. Make it a 3 slot for 2,999 G1C (account bound) and I'll actually buy it.
  9. It's a one slot csg for close to 25$ for an account bound version and 20$ for a character version. Why would anyone want to buy this, most people are just going to put IR3 on it anyways? Seriously 1 open slot for 20$ when you can buy a version of the CSG that has the mods people will put on that gun for half that price. If it were a 3 slot csg for 20$ then maybe to someone it would be worth it. But for 90% of your player base 1 open slot does not justify 20$
  10. Do you remember the experience of trying a video game for the first time: A wave of excitement and happiness as you traversed a pixelated world brought to you by unsung hero developers of your childhood? Go with us down memory lane as we celebrate this September week in honor of all game developers and their creations. From the 11th of September, 9 AM UTC, to the 20th of September, 9 AM UTC, we are hosting a special sale with discounts on select Account Lifetime weapons and Joker Tickets. The sale will also introduce a new variant of a beloved weapon. Musings from the waterfront… The CSA has repossessed a weapons storage garage - rumored to belong to the leader of the Blood Roses… The weapons were held for auction, and the ARMAS Marketplace was the highest bidder. One of the weapons found was that of a Colby CSG-20, which seemed to be altered in a way that allowed for a single modification. Through reverse engineering in coordination with Redhill, the ARMAS Marketplace was able to make a replica of the weapon - though the weapon is expensive to make, and their partnership with Redhill has stipulations on the contract’s length. For a limited time, you can reap the rewards of their efforts, and the “Colby CSG-20 Mk2” is now available for the duration of the sale! Additionally, the ARMAS Marketplace has also discounted select Account Lifetime weapons and purchases of Joker Tickets, so don't miss this amazing limited-time offer.
  11. I felt silly so I tried to log in to FE using my old account from back before the original shutdown... it brings me to a different login screen, with an "offline" thing just below the password field. Trying to log in again results in a crash. No surprise that my old account won't work, but is there any way to reset/delete it so I can use that email account to create an account I can use today?
  12. Well, because the GM's have 'Impeached the Credibility of their Honor' I too have seen people that are blatantly teleporting, while talking smack in chat about everything from LO to Bronze players, and nobody said nothing to him. I have also witnessed GM's talking 'smack' in chat or what you would call 'light banter or chiding Legit players like me, while joking around with the same people that spend their Day in chat insulting players, and or standing in a group with people with names like 'EACbyPass' or they will have the clan name cheater or hacker. But they come in as a GM group and all chase Mack around. So Mack likes to hacusate, I understand the rule and why. What I don't understand is how my hacusating is worse to general moral than the hacker or the guy with hacker written into his name, nor can i see justification in employing so many gms just to stop a couple hacusators, instead of using those resources toward catching toxics and hackers. And due to their demeanor towards Legit players and things they do to Legits with flare guns, and their conversing with known hackers and general chat toxics as if they were Buddy's; I pretty much consider them either the cheaters Alt's or Friends of the cheaters at worst, at best I consider it an effort to 'Cover-Up' the hacking problem by Cancel Culture, for reasons of New Player Retention, off-site reviews, ect. No it has become a personal vendetta to ban mack by the gm's, and it has become My personal agenda to bring them to Justice, knowing Matt is either missing and not controlling the gm's and or he is behind ordering them to find a way to ban me, I know No Justice will come of this. So I Don't report because I will get trolled by every hack in the city that lost his account not for hacking but for 'mouth running'. and if I do report the gm's all come out n follow you around and nitpick at every word said. So You see I see them as all the same evil entity, the hackers, Matt, GMs, Trolls ect. All the same people to me. So Whats Mack gonna do about it? Well Mack is going to Silence all of APB by chat filter, I'm not chasing tickets anymore and when I do come I'll do for the 'In-Game Kills of those I consider Evil' ( ya I have to say IN-Game now cuz the gm's said talking about kills could be used to ban me for making real life threats) Oh Its Like That Eh? OK its On then. You leave me no choice, I won't back down now, I'm in a corner n I'll Bite
  13. From my interpretation, you can make a new account if you haven't been suspended. Many creators have multiple accounts for extra space to store music and symbols. You can also purchase character slots. G1 isn't stopping you. During the "overkill" server era, G1 gave out character slots when regional worlds were down. I got 7 or so character slots from that.
  14. They don't enforce it. I know people who've traded accounts, then immediately had said account banned. Their mains were unaffected. There's lots of name trading too but people don't get banned for it.
  15. I can only find that bit on suspended access. I don't see anything saying you can't have more than 1 account. However, I can see LO twisting their words to ban you for having multiple accounts, since they only say "account" and not "accounts" when referring to the end user's account.
  16. I want to disagree with the nomenclature. A 'Re-Roll' is when someone pays for an extra character slot, or destroys the character they have, and starts over with a new name. Hence the term Re-roll, cuz they are Rolling up the levels again. Some of you may call this an 'ALT'. An Alt to me is an Alternate Account, which was legal at one time, as long as you didn't exploit or trade with yourself. I had an Alt account used to help with a beta test or something. Ive long forgotten the passwords. However back then I was temp banned by Matt like 3 days. and I used that extra account to mess around cuz i was bored, and someone who knew i was banned said they could then ban the second account if they knew. Again I forgot that account n only run one account with several slots. but this brings out a whole new can of worms. In the old days games would IP ban people, now with nordstrom or wtf ever ip roaming, this would be hard to do to a determined banned player. Then there is the concept that, well what if my brother, son, friend who lives in the same place wants to play, What if a whole family wants to play at once. So one breaks the rules n gets banned, now whats to stop that person from playing on say his Wife, or Son's account? p.s. thats if you believe anyone is getting banned anymore, my 2 cent's
  17. It’s when a player gets banned and makes a new account in order to keep playing.
  18. I say He's Hiding. Hasn't come to work since putting in the Super Excellent anticheat, that was bypassed by golds 12 hours later. They if there is a 'They' refuse to, can't or won't fix the joker voice. 'They won't fix MM or update about it. They won't upgrade the amount of joker tickets for jobs after letting Golds invade. You want me to 'Feed your 'Smooth Aim friends, You need to Pay. That said, I know full well They won't do a thing and have 0 expectations. Staff/GMs have Lost my respect. n I don't care if you ban me for hacusating, account don't matter cuz game don't matter, cuz full of hackers n foul mouthed punks.
  19. sometimes it's just your bad luck, i have been banned before for a specific time at the Easter Bunny event, the reason was because i was blocking some people to reach roof to kill the cracker, which all done that xD and iam the only one who banned so try to request more tickets maybe your account will back
  20. That's not true at all, cheats often use xbox gamebar, OBS, steam overlay, discord overlay, etc. for drawing on screen or if designed really poorly they can exploit there drivers for reading/writing to game memory. using any overlay will cause your account to receive a flag(EAC for instance flags ALL top-most overlays) and with enough flags the anti-cheat will ban you. Modern anti-cheats are a lot like anti-virus software using heuristic analysis which results in a lot of false positives.
  21. BANNED

    reason: macro.

    context: it was activated during a cqc combat against 4 golds tryhards who was spanking our team 3 missions earlier, in our 4th match killed 2 of them before being reported.

    weapon used: 

    Stac 10 (3 slots)

     -Reflex Sight 3-



    Colby .45

    Concussion Nades

    Account Loss/value items:

    6 Bishadas 4 slots all of them w Mako Racing kit

    Charge Cisco 4 Slots

    2 Nulander Pioneer

    2 Vegas full kit

  22. Overlays aren't inherently banable, I've been using HudSight as a crosshair overlay as the devs of the program specifically stated that its whitelisted by EAC, Matt has also stated in the past that THEY THEMSELVES as in Little Orbit will not stop you from using crosshair overlays aslong as you aren't editing gamefiles to get them as they know its a common feature request for the game and there's also nothing they can do to stop you from using monitor based crosshair overlays or even taping something on your screen. There's a russian overlay to design symbols that has been causing players to be banned by EAC and while those players are crying foul, the program itself lights up as malicious on like 40+ different antivirus scans on virustotal which would imply that the program does a lot more in the background than just draw an overlay on your screen which makes it shady as hell. Players are in charge of their own accounts, this also includes not running malicious software on your pc that hooks into the game and should therefore never run anything that isn't specifically stated to not cause conflicts with the Anti-cheat, also I am pretty sure the thing Matt said was not about overlays whatsoever and was also related to the reintroduction of BattlEye so it has NOTHING to do with EAC.
  23. any sort of over lay is bannable with eac This seems to be the only thing it does is harass the designers. In a effort to stop crosshair overlays, but it still doesn't detect teleports, aimbots, or smooth aim. Which is why we wanted an anticheat, for combat hackers. Matt did tell us here on the forum to turn off our over lays, but not everyone reads the Forum. GIVE HIM HIS ACCOUNT BACK, THATS WRONG
  24. I really don't get this delete account thing. Like, just don't play if you don't want to.
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