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Everything posted by Thial

  1. That's the point. There's something for everyone. Everyone had a different reason for leaving APB. That's why LO has to go big with the upgrade to cater to as many people as possible. This engine release will be their best chance to announce something big along with it to restore the community. You have to agree with that at least.
  2. Thanks. I have assumed from the start that a lot of people would be hating but I still believe that with enough persistence things can change. It might not happen due to this post and instead maybe the 20th post after this one but we shouldn't just give up because of that. The game will close down and then we will regret not speaking up after the fact. I would say that this really depends on their implementation. With a good implementation where the game is a single project and you have if statements where something is done differently depending on the platform they would only need to release things once because it would work the same on all platforms. If they have 3 different projects though then yeah it might take longer but I don't think it will be THAT bad. It will be surely easier to release content than it was so far. The engine is the main turning point which will make people look towards APB once again. The 5 points that I have mentioned were also the main reason why people have left the game. Some left because of the performance, some left because of the cheaters, some left because of the matchmaking etc etc. Tackling all of those issues would ultimately make all of those people happy and is required for the whole "engine upgrade" undertaking to be successful. That's specifically why I was unhappy with a dev team being put to work on RIOT instead of possibly working on the drafts of system reworks if they would have to wait for the engine to implement them. Imagine seeing the engine upgrade patch notes like: New engine: -Updated graphics -Multithreading -Reworked spawn system -Reworked matchmaking system -Cross district matchmaking -Balancing fixes -Reworked threat system I don't know about you but if I saw something like that I would immediately go back to playing APB as someone who has left the game. They also don't need many players to implement those features.
  3. Let's not talk about him. There's no point really. About the contacts. That would go into the content category which I'm assuming would happen most likely after the new engine goes live and some of the game systems would get reworked. I have focused purely on the engine and the game mechanics in the main post since that's what would impact the game the most and that's also what people have been asking for years.
  4. I have mentioned a lot of common sense features (which btw were announced by G1 too). I don't think that any of my points wasn't requested hundreds of times by people on the forum and in the game. I hear people constantly complain about things like matchmaking, performance and the spawn system in the game. I don't claim that I'm right in every way but I think that what I wrote is at least reasonable.
  5. Thanks. I'm glad that someone sees the big picture.
  6. I totally agree that we have tried long enough. But until APB completely closes down there is still hope. That's exactly why I have written a new thread. A big thread about an issue is much better than a lot of comments scattered among many different threads about completely different things. So far though instead of joining the conversation people are just making fun of me for trying. We will never change anything that way.
  7. You are understanding it wrong. I'm not writing this post because I think that ME specifically writing it will make a difference. I'm writing it because I hope that reminding LO about those things over and over might make them reconsider their choices and priorities if we will be persistent enough. This post might be enough or we might need 20 more of posts like that. Time will tell. PS: If people will be only making fun of those who are speaking up like me then we will never achieve anything. If people will instead join the conversation and voice their concerns we might actually achieve something.
  8. There are two problems with this though. 1. Either there was one big team which was divided into two smaller teams which means the engine is being worked on with half the speed now. 2. Even if there were two teams from the beginning they could have made both teams work on the new engine since RIOT wasn't a priority and the engine was and still is because even if they will add new things to the game it will still be running on the old and broken engine.
  9. Have you even read my post ? Literally the 3rd line: Also I have no clue where do you see some "ego" in my post or me being the "chosen one". Speaking up doesn't mean me being above anyone else. I'm just a concerned player. At this point I'm assuming that you are just trolling.
  10. Might be but it doesn't mean that we shouldn't at least try. Took me 5 minutes to write this post. That's a small price to pay for possibly creating some change.
  11. Unlike you who can only make edgy comments I'm actually trying to make a change so you can leave if you don't like it.
  12. Would be quite nice to receive some response from LO but a lack of response is also a response. My intent wasn't to enforce a response from LO or Matt Scott in the first place. I just hope that they will read this post and rethink their current strategy. That's all that we can really do. Hope.
  13. There is no need to promote how many different cheaters were banned. It's like taking out the garbage. You don't show your neighbor what's in the bag. Releasing the amounts of cheaters will only contribute to people being like "look look how many cheaters there are still in APB" which will ultimately result in people hacuksating each other.
  14. Hello @MattScott So I'm writing this message due to the fact that I'm concerned with where LO is heading. A lot in this message is common sense to many people but I thought that it would be nice to wrap it up in a direct message instead of having people write those things in many different threads. Please don't take this as me hating or anything. I'm writing this out of concern for the game I really enjoy and have spent years playing. I don't want LO to end up like G1 did with employees who had given up on life because APB has sucked all of the energy out of them. When you took over G1 everyone was super hyped because everyone saw a little ray of hope (myself included). You had some ups and downs at the beginning but you continued to share a lot of info with us. I'm sure that you have also realized what kind of a mess APB was in terms of both management and development. Anyway. You have added Battleye and now EAC which is very good. You have done some really positive stuff for the game and you did more in just few months than G1 did in few years. But to us the most important thing was the engine upgrade all along. If I remember right it was first announced in 2013 so you can probably understand our frustration. So there were already a couple of engine upgrade announcements after LO took over and things seemed to be going in the right direction. But then something happened... We started receiving less news. The engine upgrade has faded away and RIOT took over. I understand that you have felt like APB needs something refreshing and you wanted to bring new players in but this is not the way to do this. Imagine coming to a church as a muslim and trying to convince christians that islam is better. That's kind of how it feels when a community which has stayed in the game for so many years due to the unique APB gameplay gets a BR. Not to mention that while yes APB might gain some new players it's a very temporary community. In a copy paste genre like BR, as soon as a new BR game comes out the community shifts over to the new one. It's a very unstable community and on top of it the BR genre is slowly dying anyway same as it was with the MMORPG genre before it. Additionally there are many other great BR games which specialize in BR so I don't understand why people would come to play BR in APB. Instead what people desperately want and what should be the #1 priority is the engine. We have waited about 6 years already but we want it as soon as possible even if it means putting all devs onto it and not having any other content until then. The new engine is the key to everything + it's a HUUUGE hope boost for so many people: PERFORMANCE - Many people have left APB because they either couldn't even start the game or it was running so bad that they couldn't even achieve stable 60 fps. Not to mention outdated graphics and limits that the current engine has. For example I can't play with my high end PC because the current engine freaks out and throws random out of memory errors at me. SPAWN SYSTEM - The current spawn system is attrocious. People spawning in the middle of the street and are instantly getting sniped or driven over. Sometimes the system is so broken that it doesn't even allow you to spawn even remotely close to the objectives while the enemy team is spawning directly on top of them (I had situations where my closest spawn was 400m away from the objective and more). Not to mention the attrocious mobile spawners which were added because G1 was too lazy to fix the actual system so they were like "here you go now you can spawn everywhere". The mobile spawner has really damaged the game and is heavily abused in many ways which makes some of the missions really stupid. MATCHMAKING - The promised cross district matchmaking and a proper one at that. I think that even you have confirmed that the new engine is required to achieve this. A big reason as to why the game is slowly dying is that we can join specific instances of the districts which results in a bunch of people trying to join a single full district instead of filling the second one. That has really limited how many people are actually playing the game because some of them are simply giving up after clicking "Join District" for 30 minutes. Then other people are also under the impression that nobody is playing because only one district is up. Then of course we have the amazingly unbalanced teams where 4 max rank golds can get a mission against 4 low rank silvers or even bronzies and trainees. THREAT SYSTEM - This should be one of the top priorities as well after the new engine comes out. Some people can be really toxic as golds and they constantly trash talk bronzies and silvers so those people simply leave the game because they don't feel welcome. Then comes the dethreating problem and new players being absolutely destroyed by veterans who want to feel good about themselves. The current elitism is a big factor which has damaged the community that's why it would be a good idea to remove the threat completely or at least make it invisible. CHEATING - This also connects to the engine because a good engine with a good networking code can remove a lot of invulnerabilities that cheats are using to achieve their goal. A good engine would also allow you to implement some systems which would further make the life of cheat developers harder. I think this is what has damaged the game the most over the years. Additionally it would be nice to have the entire ARMAS changed in some way to remove the P2W stigma. This is only my stupid idea but what about changing the actual weapons into skins of the base guns and creating base guns for those ARMAS weapons which lack one and changing the current skins into "Spray" or "Paint". Some of the ARMAS guns were already available through the Joker Store so I don't think this would damage anything. The veteran players know that most of the time the ARMAS guns are just reskins but maybe it would be a good idea to make it more obvious. Then come other balancing issues like some weapons or the car system where currently it's not worth using anything else than a pioneer since it just beats any other car in every way. Then on the old forum we had a lot of suggestions on how to improve upon the already existing systems. One of the big ones was for example clan progression. Currently clans serve no other purpose than having an edgy tag under your name. We could have a nice progression system with rewards. Clan wars with a competitive ranking and more. But that's something for the future. As you can see and I'm sure that you know it already there is so much to be done and releasing a BR mode at this point was not the best choice. But it's not the end of the world. Everyone knows that it would most likely take many months before RIOT would be good. That means delays in the development of the engine once again since the RIOT team could be put up to work on the engine too. It's not a bad idea to postpone RIOT and focus on the 5 points I have mentioned above. They are the main reason why people left APB. Fix those and the community will be back with a little bit of PR. Then and only then people will be happy with adding new gamemodes and what not. Otherwise any new content will make us feel like the engine is being postponed once again. To not make this post sound too salty I would like to thank you for all that you have done for APB so far. Without you we wouldn't even be here today.
  15. The biggest crime LO has committed is having wrong priorities and stopping to listen to the community because they believed that they are doing something good. Hopefully RIOT being a big flop will open their eyes to the fact that all they have to do is listen to the community and work on things which community wants even if it means not releasing anything for a while. People much rather would wait for the actual engine than have it delayed by small broken additions to the game. All we need right now is the new engine and a rework of the threat system, spawn system, matchmaking system and some balancing issues. Then we want improvements over the base game and fixes to some of the issues like mobile spawners for example which were added due to G1's laziness. After all of that is done THEN we can think about adding new gamemodes and what not. Most people left the game because of the issues I mentioned + cheaters. Fix those things and the community will come back.
  16. You can talk about whatever you want as long as it's not harassment or you are not overly toxic. Otherwise it would be infringing on the freedom of speech. Simple as that.
  17. LO is slowly transforming into G1: That's all it takes.
  18. I love LO for the fact that they have bought APB and are trying to revive it but I hate the fact that after they got accustomed to the community and they are starting to do things their own way just as G1. How many months have people been screaming at them that the engine is the most important etc etc. Yet here we are with a BR mode which nobody wanted and a lot of wasted time on their end not to mention that most likely RIOT will go down due to how broken and disliked it is (it will take many months to make it balanced and playable). I have purchased a couple of things to support LO but I won't anymore if this will continue. Not to mention that they are trying to revive the community by luring in BR fans. Those BR fans will leave as soon as some next big BR game will surface (that's how it works in a copy paste genre of games). Or they just won't come in the first place since there are planty of good BR games which specialize in BR. Why would people play some obscrue APB BR. I'm really hoping that they are reading the posts and are realizing that what people really want is the new engine which btw will also bring a ton of the real APB community back. They should focus on the original idea that APB was supposed to be and improve upon it. People want original games. Not copy pasted ones.
  19. That's exactly why I keep saying that the new engine is the priority here. Not RIOT. Not EAC. The Engine. A well implemented engine with a good networking code can remove a lot of invulnerabilities which can reduce cheating by quite a lot already. Then it also gives LO the possibility to properly implement EAC instead of slapping it on the current mess of an engine.
  20. Fang is good if the enemy team is running around the street like headless chickens. If the enemy team has some oil in their head then usually you won't even get the chance to use it properly. Of course the exception is the corner popping gameplay like with the shotgun. Is it op ? Not really but it could use a range nerf. It's more of a noob gun which gives you a high reward for low effort same as atac.
  21. The entire car system should be overhauled. As it stands right now there is no reason to use anything else other than a pioneer. It's big so you can easily hide behind it. It has 4 seats. Tanky AF with steel plating 3 and goes fast AF anyway if you have nitro. Also have fun destroying the mobile spawners when the enemy team is using 4x pioneer with steel plating 3.
  22. Well here's my little rant. What I was expecting: JUNE 2019 - NEXT STEPS WITH THE ENGINE UPGRADE What I got: JUNE 2019 - NEXT STEPS WITH RIOT First the plans were to finish the engine until the end of 2018. Then the new engine was supposed to be tested by the SPCT in February and then available to the public for testing. Now June is almost over and god knows when we will get it. Maybe not even until 2020. I would put all people to work on the engine instead of a BR mode since it's the core component to evolving the game and getting the players back. There are so many people who can't even play the game because of how badly it runs. There are so many people who stopped playing because of broken spawns, broken threat and broken matchmaking. There are so many people who stopped playing because of stupid balancing issues like for example mobile spawner. (mobile spawner was added by G1 because they were too lazy to fix the spawn system so they just slapped on a band aid) There are so many people who hate BR in general or they hate games which are adding BR out of nowhere where it doesn't even fit the base game (look at the backlash that CS:GO got for it). There are so many people who are just sick and tired of BR games. We have been playing them for the last few years. I really don't understand why the BR mode is being the focus here while the engine upgrade is the key to everything. As soon as the engine will be released so fucking many people will come back and there will be no need to taint APB with BR. Instead the base game should be upgraded. By adding BR the main APB's direction is being watered down. Now you will need to be balancing and upgrading the base game AND the BR mode which will consume even more time. A lot of amazing games are coming out in few months as well so you should be aware of the fact that even more people will leave APB. People are playing APB for APB, not for BR. As soon as some actual BR game will come out all of those temporary "BR fans" players will transition to the new BR game. Wanting to revive the community by luring in BR players is very unwise because it's a very temporary community.
  23. Yes they are being worked on separately because the team has been divided. That still means a big delay because some of the skilled people who are needed for the engine upgrade might be working on riot instead. I don't believe that they have such a big dev team to have two different divisions. It's most likely one small dev team which was divided. Then comes the part that some of the leftover engine people might have to finish the work of the people who moved onto the riot which will slow things down even more because now they have to analyze the code of another person. I work as a software engineer so I speak from experience. Dividing a team never ends good and introduces big delays.
  24. 1. The main problem is that the devs were told to work on riot instead of the engine so it got delayed even more now. 2. Instead of working on riot they could have worked on other things like matchmaking or threat or simply on updating outdated assets or fixing some balance issues like for example car gameplay or few guns. 3. a "BR" mode might actually hurt APB's already shitty reputation as it will be looked at as "another one of those". 4. The community will get even more divided than it is now and the actual mission districts will be half empty resulting in more people leaving as they will have nobody to play against. There are many reasons why releasing a BR mode was a big flop.
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