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Everything posted by Nite

  1. And that's even before the isssue of most of those being per-character purchasable only which is just cruel. If you're gonna price-gouge for your 'micro'-transactions at least just leave the gouging to account-wide purchases or something.
  2. Having actual employed GMs honestly just makes this role redundant, there's not much an SPCM person could do that a GM couldn't also do. Would rather we reach the point that there are enough GMs around consistently that SPCM never has to return.
  3. Mobile Spawn Point is in a pretty balanced place now compared to back then, after you know, the reworks. Remote Det, I have reservations about, but I still believe a few reworks could make it less contentious without being totally worthless. Yeah but that's major stuff like say, loot boxes, or character-bound-only MTX packs, not individual weapons in a laundry list of such.
  4. Why would removing gameplay components ever be a better solution to reworking gameplay components?
  5. Wait, as in they get banned from the game they're streaming and not just the platform they're streaming on? That's new, never heard of that before.
  6. Top Understatement of All Time when it comes to this community
  7. I'd assume if anyone gets caught creating unsanctioned content during a live stream the studio is allowed to point to the rules and say "this player created content outside the allowed terms so this isn't something we approve of" or something to that effect.
  8. Maybe the new studio has decided that between ratings issues and media exposure risks, it would simply rather disallow nudity?
  9. You know, I could swear the Kurai had enough max hp to only just barely survive taking a concussion to the windshield when fully repaired. That should at least count for something right? (unless I'm mis-remembering) More seriously, I don't see how the Bishada is supposed to be all that good when it has no weight to it any at all, most other regularly used vehicles could push it around and woe be unto you if its rear quarter catches on another car. Plus the Growl actually has better handling than it if you know how to keep APB's weird car handling under control. EDIT: Checked APBDB and yes, a conc does 1108.8 vehicle damage while the Kurai has 1150 max hp, so indeed, only just barely survives.
  10. Maybe when the game performance starts improving we can have Beacon back permanently. Something would still need to be done about its lack of spawn points though. B-b-but, I like Baylan.....
  11. You were the first person I thought of when he made that announcement. Meanwhile, all those people defending how Tiggs handled that whole situation, I wonder how they feel knowing Matt Scott disagreed with the chosen solution.
  12. Figures I'd have gotten the cooldown times wrong given how this game loves to round up ability cooldowns for some strange reason. You actually can see tags on your own character though, flare/spotter/tagger marks all work the same way in the code (though if your camera is zoomed in you may well miss it).
  13. The tag only lasts a few seconds and the mod itself has a 1-2min cooldown, I don't think it's all that good even in the right hands.
  14. It has that 'new software' feeling to it, I love it. Also it loads so much faster than the old system, its like putting an SSD into an old laptop.
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