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  1. Well the behavior from that time when Matt and Secrets were saying the system is broken, and right now, hasn't changed in any way. So there is no indication that it got fixed and works now, thus no way for us to know what's happening with that, especially without any kind of official public update from Matt for all this time
  2. At the time of the last stream the EAC appeals were broken and would just disappear after some time and you said you guys are working on getting it to work. At this time they are still broken and just disappear. Can we please get an update on that? A lot of innocent people, some that literally just play for car meets, lost their accounts and all the money they spent on them unfairly so it would be grat if this was of a higher priority at LO...
  3. Please whatever you do don't bring aim assist to controller on pc. Controller players having humanly impossible perfect reactive tracking aim is already completely ruining games on pc like cod and apex, forcing serious competitive players to switch to controller...
  4. Yeah there is definitely something wrong going on right now. People that just completely not hyper comitative, genuinely casual, and would never cheat cuz "everyone else does" or anything like that are getting banned by EAC. And the worse par is LO is so ignorant that even tho they have been on EAC for so long don't seem to care enough to put pressure on them to list the game on their support page for ban appeals, yet LO still in support tickets tells those banned players to go to EAC support, when it's not possible cuz the game is not listed and there is no "other games" option, so the players are stuck in limbo. Like it's actually embarrassing for LO honestly. I really hope they are looking into this and will give us some proper statement on it soon...
  5. Genuinely amazing news! Also like every change here, especially the jumpshot buff! The more movement we get back into the game the better, especially since jumpshooting was never an overperforming tactic that shouldn't have ever been nerfed. GJ! =D
  6. -"If two players from different regions are on the same district server, then they will temporarily display their region suffix appended to their name (@NA-West, @EU-East, @SA-North, @AU-East, etc) and players can use those to distinguish between the players." Honestly, not that happy about this as it will just look bad e.g. "Senodus@EU-West" or whatever. Wish you could come up with a way that's less intrusive on the name. Maybe only have a different color of the name for out of region characters? Or something else, just that it's not intrusive on the name itself. -"Premium will also be able to queue in ‘Premium Only’ matches that we hope will free of reroll cheaters." This is imo a REALLY BAD idea. For example I don't think I ever bought premium in this game and I doubt I ever will, but vast majority of players that take this game seriously would most likely do that to avoid cheaters, so people like me would be stuck with those cheaters AND not be able to play with/against other serious players to have nice close matches. It also unnecessarily splits our already small player base even more. Even if it was not a separate matchmaking but a variable in it that places a bias on matching premium players with themselves, it would still be just as bad as I still would be matched with them only as the last resort. Just overall a REALLY BAD idea imo as negatives for the community just outweigh the positives. Overall tho the roadmap looks promising and I'm looking forward to the future of apb. =D
  7. "it's just that you don't like dying to them?" No at all that. The game is not only supposed to be balanced, it's also supposed to be fun. If the game has something that makes it not fun it should be adjusted. And people playing in bronze or silver district thinking that it's fun does not matter. The game should only be adjusted around the top 1% skill gameplay and should not have any tools to allow players of lesser skill to kill/win against a better player ever. Skill should decide that cuz otherwise it will make the game not fun for anyone but the person ruining the fun for others. It's like a group is playing a basketball match using the official ruleset on some public basketball field, and then some casual joins in but has shoes that allow him to jump 30cm higher than he would otherwise and he gets a few scores because of that, he still got less scores any anyone else but he still got some cuz of the shoes instead of his skill. So it's not cuz I don't like to die to them or cuz it ruins the fun for me specifically. It's cuz it does that to anyone that's playing at a high skill level and pvp games should only be based around the top skill level. You don't see basketball being based around casuals playing at their local public basketball field. Balance is not only about if a weapon owns and gets may kills, it's about if the kills that weapon does get are earned. With explosive weapons they are not.
  8. It's not about explosive being annoying, it's about them ruining any fun the game can ever provide. I get annoyed when I get owned by players better than me, but I still have fun cuz I have a challenge I can try and over come by focusing on my aim, pushing differently etc. With explosive weapons, they are not OP, you pretty much always would be better of with some other AV gun, you won't get many kills at all in a match with them, but every time you die to an explosives weapon it's taking all the fun out of the game. You didn't die because your aim was worse, you pushed badly, are a worse player in general, you died cuz the player had a weapon that allows them to get at least some kills on their enemy no matter how much better the enemy is than them. You don't feel like you died fair and square.
  9. In todays day and age NO multiplayers game has even the tiniest chance of surviving without being free 2 play. The only multiplayer games that can still allow themselves to be buy 2 play are COD, Battlefield and GTA. Every other newer multiplayer game that tries to be buy 2 play dies, so I don't see APB breaking that pattern.
  10. Explosives on asylum ruin the game more than any hacker ever has for me before. I can still have fun when playing vs a hacker cuz I can take a weapon with faster ttk than his and challenge my aim by trying to min ttk them. Against explosives tho there is no gunfights, you just die with nothing you could have done about it and with 0 skill from the user to actually get that kill on me. Completely ruins any kind of fun the game can provide. Overall explosive weapons should be removed from the game entirely imo.
  11. Damn I actually love this idea. The current base regen is horribly slow so this would make the new player experience much better.
  12. Can't wait to see what the submissions for Halloween Mayhem will be. Also huge thanks for uploading the tournament and giving exposure to CET and Blank's event. We greatly appreciate it!
  13. Amazing patch overall. Only thing I don't really like is all the mobility nerfing recently (jumpshooting and accuracy when moving in marksman). This is a fast, arcade shooter so IMO mobility in gunfights shouldn't be punished much. IMO Jumpshooting was not op or problematic in any way since you lock yourself in a hyper easy to track and predict path against melty cqc guns so you didn't really gain any adventage in cqc fights using this move, just makes them more fun and less boring. For me being able to be very mobile in gunfights is what makes shooters fun (so for example IMO cs:go and valorant are extremely unfun shooters and quake or cod's with jetpacks are extremely fun) that's why for me decreasing mobility decreases the fun. But excluding the mobility nerfs the changes seem really good and can't wait to try them myself. If LO kept all the changes and just reverted all the mobility nerfs they did over the years, after this patch the game would probably be at it's most fun meta to date. But I'm just a filthy no brain pmg main so hold my opinion for whatever you want
  14. Senodus

    CET - Tournament

    Everyone is welcome, no matter the skill level! It's worth to at least give it a try since you always have a chance to win the participation award
  15. Horrible idea imo. Basically makes the themes feature existing in the game pointless. Why would we need this if you can already /ignore people with grief themes
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