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Everything posted by ezmegaz68

  1. so is that weird light coming from the earth itself that made all leather/plastic clothes look like patootie gone now? thats all I care about and this
  2. sad in russian ((((((((((((((((
  3. please stop with your broken as hell ramblings that nobody understands or cares about other than you already seriously
  4. I'd keep riot running as there are some people who genuinely enjoy playing it I think and taking it down would be even further dissapointment for those few people afterall there's no harm in keeping it running, if you don't want to play it then just don't play it
  5. one thing I can think of is that it's really difficult to see how much health you have when you're in a contaminated zone it's already difficult to tell how much health you have in this game but it's extremely difficult with that green vomit all over your screen
  6. alt+f4 XDDDDDDDDD i bet it doesnt even work in apb
  7. should have put my cringeproof hazmat suit on before watching
  8. if you could win the auction for some of the billboards in social you could put them on there but you can never outbid those hentai people sadly
  9. I mean you don't have to do it forever, a week or maybe 2 should be enough to see if it works for you
  10. try to put your phone as close to you as you can when u sleep and turn wifi and bluetooth and all that good shit on to make sure its as radiactive as possible pretty sure putting my phone right next to me when I sleep is the reason I have these weird dreams all the time and I love it
  11. it could be worse tonight I had a dream where I was led through my old school by a fairy but everything was upside down and when she was killed by some hooligans or whatever I kissed her and she turned into an evo 7 what the fuck
  12. honestly the only reason I got upset about losing missions is because you get less xp at the end if u lose I wanted to get to r255 as soon as possible, not wasting more braincells on missions than I really have to
  13. imagine thinking people are triggered by the cyrillic alphabet and not by not understanding what half of the district chat is saying
  14. or give english speakers the option to hide cyrillic messages in chat then russian can talk to each other fine without annoying english speakers, win win for everyone
  15. this kinda reminds me of that site where gta 3 beta hunters discovered some never seen before renders of beta cars by replacing taxi in this url with whatever they could think of like beamer, panto, rocket, ariant https://www.rockstargames.com/grandtheftauto3/flash/capitalAutos/large/taxi.jpg
  16. something like 120$ worst purchase was probably the street rx clothing pack, I only use the shoes and only in 1 outfit best purchases were the enforcer high roller clothing pack, the enforcer mikro and the vegas mega pack oh yeah and the cat ears
  17. I found a mikro without a hood if thats your fetish
  18. anybody wanna make a thread about bikes too? it's been a long time since I've seen one of those
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