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Everything posted by Jilleroo

  1. no, it's not been playing this game for a long time, it's not an exploit
  2. yes, they're exploiting your weakness/inability to counter that strategy, but the way you're using the word is they're exploiting the game itself... see the difference? it's not an exploit, you just couldn't beat it
  3. couldn't say myself, never been to the bronze district, but it's not an exploit!
  4. Sort of behavior you see in dethreaters and certain clans... not an exploit tho high level opp don't do this and play much more honorably
  5. “Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it.” — Publilius Syrus
  6. No, you can't. Having a 3-slot version of a gun that can only be obtained via real currency is the definition of P2W. In other words, obtaining something other players cannot obtain within the confine of the game through regular play. Disclaimer: I don't think this game is P2W, but a lot of people do and grey areas with some of the weapons with slots was a factor in this. This is a smart move by LO. Someone exclaiming P2W now has a way to earn that weapon in-game and can experience first hand how the weapon and its slots don't make up for them being bad. @Tigrix you were faster than me, haha. +1
  7. Yes, please. I also love the "Patch Notes" posts to Steam and inside there's absolutely no information at all about exactly what is getting patched.
  8. Which is why I meant it needs to wait until there's proper server phasing and instancing implemented with 3.5. The skill ceiling on the game is so massive that solid matchmaking is crucial, but you won't reach that ideal with a pool of 40 players to choose from.
  9. The whole threat system is so stupid anyway. The difference between a Gold 10 and a Gold 1 is literally the difference between a legend and someone just barely above silver, but there's no prestige to it. There's no REASON to aim for that pinnacle. This is purely my opinion, so take it as purely an opinion piece, but I have to agree with OP about something very specific; the feeling of unhappiness after an APB session and the reasoning to endure it. When I started playing this game ages ago, I went from Trainee to Gold and have never been silver. Ever since those days, I was put up against the most brutal of adversaries and I have never attempted to dethreat. I always strive to be at least above average in games I play, but in APB... There is no reason to really care. If I could change a few things, they would be namely the first 2: Reveal people's actual ranks and standing and use a better system than 4 colors to display their prowess. Incentivize actually wanting to become "great" in this game, make it feel rewarding to actually give a crap about how good you do and never give up in sometimes brutal missions. Increase district population caps and remove the segregation entirely; with the use of phasing you can keep that "living world feel", but the server won't die from the strain. It's so hard to balance a match (and give decent queue times) if the viable opposition pool is a measly 40 people. Also a problem how Enforcers are almost always on offense unless there's at least 10% more Enforcers to Criminals as Enforcers are typically the ones waiting for opp. Leaderboards; we need 'em. I'm not saying right away, but I would love some actual leaderboards for personal standing as well as clan statistics. This is kind of a 3b, but make clans actually matter. Clans should get rewarded if they win scrims against other clans in structured matches with half-points. #'s 2, 3, and 4 can come later as they would be more tedious to code and would require proper phasing and instancing. I'm more of a lurker on this forum and play the game fairly leisurely, but that doesn't stop me from kicking patootie in-game and I fancy myself a fairly strong player who gets matched up against some very, VERY strong opposition DAILY. Some recognition for holding ourselves to this ideal is entirely justified and my opponents deserve it, they're seriously amazing. I know there's mission balancing issues (among other things), but this is something that seriously needs to be addressed. Now I want to emphasize that this is purely just my opinion and I'm not coming at this from an angle to "connive" for some goodies, but rewarding players for superb sportsmanship and excellence as a concept goes beyond just video games. If you want to succeed, you have to apply yourself to be better and never give up. There's people in this community who deserve this recognition more than me and it's not right to not broadcast these achievements so others can attempt to wrest that mantle for themselves.
  10. Called the RFP nerfs despite the downvotes from the community. Probably people who bought the Fang and trying to claim it's totally fine. The thing is busted; when was the last time any of you even heard the ACT 44 go off or any magnum? Good riddance. Thank you, Matt & LO.
  11. Better option would be adding in a customization addition in the vehicle maker. We can customize horn sounds, light pattern, and even the sound of the wailer. Might as well include an option for hydraulics; if that's your thing, of course.
  12. Baiting how? If it's incredibly "on the nose" then yes, it's griefing and therefore worthy of a report. If it's too subtle, it might be hard to prove that it was intentional. Just don't kill your team and try to ignore them, that's the best you can do. The people doing this would rather take most of the kills than spend the whole time trying to stop you. Just gotta ignore them and if they TK you or box in your vehicle, etc. then report them with the griefing option.
  13. Speaking of obliterating a weapon from the game Thanos style, how about the RFP-9? Just kidding, but seriously tho, that gun needs adjustment. It's so good in so many situations and its a side arm.
  14. No remote detonator on the list, so I suppose Heavy Barrel.
  15. AKA you were banned/squelched for mouthing off like an ingrate with no remorse and got punished for it. Got it.
  16. Ya, I'm locked to Waterfront if I want to level atm... Which is fine, I don't mind WF, but there's no one there and I can't ram raid. I'm literally stuck at r170.
  17. Sitting in Waterfront with no opp trying to level. Waterfront Wednesday, anyone?
  18. If a moderator was behaving inappropriately it reflects badly on the entire staff. That's why companies get sued if an employee does something despicable. If someone is representing an organization, their actions reflect back to the group as a whole. My point being, was that I don't remember SPCT members acting this way in the past. I wasn't complaining about the hackusating, I simply said it was really prevalent in APB for some reason; more so than other games I've played.
  19. I came back after a long break and the first match I played I was being called a cheater. The mentality in this game is very extreme when it concerns fair play. How often people get defensive and start to feel inadequate about their own skill level that they jump to accusations is so much higher than in other similar games I've played. On a side note, as I've said before it's been a while since I've been around, but since when were SPCT members allowed to be so edgy? At first I thought people like Cookie and their edge was so sharp that I was just out of the loop, but now it just seems like genuine dribble. Is there no level of standards for the SPCT anymore?
  20. Pretty important issue atm, LO. People trying to connect to play your game are sitting in an essentially infinite loading screen. A friend of mine wants to play with us after a 2 year break can't connect and the district is slowly dying off.
  21. I like what LO has done because all the money I invested into this great game wasn't sucked into the void along with G1 and their incompetence; they're actually rebuilding this game and its community. This game has so much potential, I'm glad it's being rescued by LO.
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