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Everything posted by heelruby

  1. Totally agree with you, I don't feel like the Strife needs a nerf either. If you exclude outside interference, apples to apples the Strife is almost 2x slower to kill than all the other shotguns. Now I know that in practice it tends to one-shot quite a bit when playing with a team (it is a support weapon like the HVR afterall), but I feel it doesn't need to be touched. Maybe a slight range nerf if people really see that weapon as such a threat. But IMO, it should remain that slow, fun, high risk, hard hitting shotgun it's supposed to be (it also has really strong AV abilities). I'm one of the few people to actually main it, and to be honest I'd be really sad if it just became a worse JG-ish shotgun.
  2. heelruby

    An Error

    Like the others said, we can't help you if you don't give us your specs (OS, GPU and such)
  3. Nowhere is it stated that districts are now English only Try this yourself and you'll see why people are complaining
  4. heelruby

    out of memory ....

    No that's just an Nvidia thing
  5. heelruby

    APB Ran out of memory

    Unfortunately that is due to how the Nvidia drivers handle memory for Turing GPUs (RTX 2000 and GTX 1600 series) on 32 bit applications/games. Until Nvidia addresses this issue, the only fix would be to make APB a 64 bit application, which will happen with the Engine Upgrade.
  6. Not necessarily, it depends on the routing
  7. Are you even aware that staff people are humans and that there are laws that "force" them to take breaks sometimes ? Why do you sound so entitled just because you worked on friday ? It's just ridiculous at this point.
  8. Don't start it from steam and start it from the APB. e x e instead, it should work that way edit: just noticed the issue got fixed lol
  9. Once you did that, did you try to start the game using the launcher or the APB. e x e ?
  10. heelruby

    framerate issue

    You could try using 19.9.1 with Navi since I found it to perform a bit better than the other ones. But yea, Dx9 is still meh on Navi :c
  11. Doesn't look like the Praetorian logo to me. Also that's the Prentiss color scheme
  12. heelruby

    framerate issue

    Yikes that's indeed pretty bad :c May I know what Adrenalin version you're running ?
  13. heelruby

    framerate issue

    Hmmm now you got me curious as I'm using AB as well
  14. heelruby

    framerate issue

    Kinda hurts me to say that but yes you'd be better off using your 580 until AMD fixes DX9 performance (that's regarding the stutters and the alt tabbing issues). Though I'm not experiencing low fps myself, just massive stutters, ever since I got my 5700.
  15. heelruby

    framerate issue

    There are still some massive performance issues with DX9 on the RX 5700 series. Are you getting a lot of stutters or just low fps ?
  16. heelruby

    framerate issue

    Just by looking at your specs, I'd suggest you to upgrade your CPU as it even bottlenecks your 750 Ti
  17. Weird I upgraded from one of these a few months ago and didn't have such an issue.. I was even getting more consistant performance than after the upgrade lol
  18. That feature is no more now that they applied the 50% cooldown to F2P
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